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As expected Jeongin was currently standing jn the middle of glassglow, by a pretty lake that had quite some swans chilling in it. People around was either sunbathing, or just simply enjoying the nice weather outside. It still amazed Jeongin how different everyone seemed to be, uet they all got along and accepted each other. He honestly wished his own society was like that, calm and well together..but he reality his society was always on the newest or modern trends, it was always on the high level of judgement, and how people acted or looked.

Toxic..it indeed was. But he couldn't really change that fact, bit he was really happy he found somewhere where judgemental comments wasn't spat around nor abused. He was happy that he got the option to actually enjoy life for once..and he thanked Hyunjin for all those opportunities even though he did try to escape reality for a second.

"No" Jeongin shook his head, looking at the way Hyunjin was now desperately forcing different types of clothing down the cart he was holding, tired of Jeongin's impatient mind that kept denying shirts and pants like it was a personal thing.

"Well, it shouldn't hurt to atleast say yes to just some stuff" Hyunjin spoke calmly, placing a basic black t-shirt in the cart not even looking at Jeongjn for approval anymore.

Jeongin just shook his head, hating everything about this. He never liked shopping, always something to be oh so indecisive about, or just genuinely getting tired of people swarming around him.

Though he did like the calming senery, how pretty the clothing and food stalls stood beside the lake facing it, it was beyond beautiful. It was like everyone just simply got along, with the least of concern, Jeongin wished to be so careless.

"Aren't we done..I can survive on that for a while" Jeongin spoke, wanting to atleast leave this place and go to sit down and chill.

He didn't want to admit, but the main issue was indeed his injuries. He just didn't want Hyunjin to know..or well exactly complain about it. It was something he felt kind of ashamed of? Like it was something oh so embarrassing to admit, like he was seen as weak and pathetic, he wanted to be called neither of those things.

And he was so tired and exhausted to put up a facade for so long, that it had become a part of him. But lucky for him, even though he had behavior problems, Hyunjin handled it well with patience. Showing Jeongin the true world of acceptance and loving..not the other version he knew from before.

"Hm..alright, I'll pay and we'll head back" Hyunjin spoke, disappearing between the long races of closing for people to look through if they felt like it.

Jeongin took the time to look around the place again, finding it sort of amazing how well and pretty each structure and corner of this stupid town was. How the lake accepted the sun shining onto it, the swans ducking their heads for food..while people simply enjoyed life around the lake. It was indeed beautiful to a society where no judgement could be seen or experience, everyone being equally nice.

It was so surreal to the the point he felt as if it was a fever dream, and maybe it was? Perhaps this wasn't the reality of thus place after all. Jeongin didn't know, he started to doubt, but either way he knew that there was no way around the stupid mess he created with fear of judgement.

Quite tired today, but I felt like updating.

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