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"How did you sleep?" Felix asked after waking up the younger. The younger of course got barely any sleep, and never got to lay comfortable on the bench, that was still indeed hard.

"Horrible" He replied shortly, not in the mood to be speaking or discussing anything with the older.

"Well, Hyunjin would expect you home at 11 am. It's 7 am right now, so you've got plenty of time..but don't spend it on sleeping, that's just wasting everything. We'll be heading towards Hyunjin at 10 am, it should take approximately an hour before we'll get there" Felix spoke, already packing the blankets and the two pillows away, the teddy bear stayed on the bench, seated.

Jeongin sighed. He wanted to go back to bed, but of course he couldn't do that when he didn't have a bed to sleep on, and that Felix packed away all the stuff that he could somehow lay on, or atleast keep him warm and comforted.

"I've went to Hyunjin this morning, I left around 4 am..I asked how the talked went, and all Hyunjin responded with that he wants you to come home as soon as possible. To not spend to much time outside your only safe zone" Felix spoke as he stood up, looking at Jeongin with a grin.

"I thought this was a safe zone for me, why else should I sleep here?" Jeongin chuckled as he shook his head, watching as the latter's grin quickly disappeared.

Shivers ran down Jeongin's spine, his head started to spin a bit. He haven't eaten since yesterday, that was probably why he wasn't feeling so well, especially on too of the lack of sleep.

"You're only safe with Hyunjin..yes you've stayed here one night..but no one other than fairies are safe in our bubble, your far from protected here..especially now that Chan and possibly his team knows about you" Felix muttered, looking at the younger with a strange look. "Don't be too optimistic, Hyunjin is your only shelter boy, remember that" He warned as he left the shed, Jeongin following with a deep frown on his face.

"Why didn't you guys warn me before hand? Are you that stupid?" Jeongin exclaimed the only thought he held, he didn't think much, he let Felix words come and go..treating them as if it was nothing but trash, he wouldn't listen to the taller, but had questions..questions he wanted answered.

Felix sat a cup down on the table after entering the house, easily avoiding the frog that sat quietly on the kitchen island. His house was big, bigger than Hyunjin's and he held a lot of animals..to many for his liking, he hated the awful smell the house held. The rotten smell of animals, as if he was stuck in a straight up zoo.

"Do you even think any of us pays attention to a fucking vampire? We don't, they never used to belong around here. They came and took others territories, showing them away..Hyunjin is brave enough to make deals with Chan himself, which is stupid. There's to much history around this place, that you need to catch up on..if you don't..you simply can't stay, and neither did you ever belong here neither" Felix spat, his attitude completely different than other times he had interacted with the older.

It kind of hurt to hear that. He knew damn well he didn't belong there, and he clearly showed how much he despised it to begin with..maybe he should actually leave this place, maybe he really didn't belong here. He slowly started to doubt, he just wanted to feel secure and happy..and he knew that with Felix, he wouldn't be able to feel that..he needed Hyunjin..now.

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