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The next morning was calm, and particularly quiet. The sun was shining, with a few white clouds hanging above them, it was warm and a tiny bit humid which made it a perfect weather to be out in.

Jeongin didn't sleep much last night though, he spend most of the time thinking. He wouldn't say it was something bad, cause he definitely came to some conclusions with himself  that not only solved some of his main issues, but also calmed him quite a lot down and helped rest nicely through the last bit of the morning.

Most of the thoughts was mainly about how it had been to live with Hyunjin for the past few months, and even after the incident. He also thought about how he was going to spend the time there, and how he had spend it so far. He was used to technology being used to cure pretty much all sorts of boredom, but it was plugging berries or flowers in the garden to go do something productive instead. A lot has changed, and if he should be honest he didn't really mind.

He figured it actually wasn't bad at all, that he saw it as a new beginning in life. Somewhere new and quiet where no one knew about him, the never knew about his family, his reputation back in the city, neither how well his mental health in reality was. They knew nothing, and he like that. He liked being given the opportunity to prove himself, shoeing that he was an unproductive, rebellious little kid who didn't know how to behave properly. And that in reality he had a sensitive heart, which deserved a bunch of love.

"Are you feeling better?" Hyunjin approached from behind, looking over the younger's shoulder to see what he was doing.

Jeongin was simply making a small toast with some avocado spread on top along with nice fine salt and black pepper. Classic and basic yet delicious at the same time.

"I'm hungry, so I'm making something I can showe in my mouth" Jeongin spoke, finishing up the small meal before showing the piece of toast in his mouth, munching on it like it was made by a 5 star chef.

"You know, you got quite some fun humor" Hyunjin laughed as he shook his head softly, peeling a mandarin before slowly eating it. "I was about to ask if you wanted to tag along to the market today, to buy some clothes that'll fit you better" He continued, looking at Jeongin with a soft smile.

Jeongin though, froze for a second having to take in whatever he was just asked.

"Repeat that again please".

"Wanna tag along to the market today, I'll buy you clothes" Hyunjin repeated a bit more clear, watching Jeongin's confused expression turn slightly softer.

"You really don't need to spend money on me..you've already offered me your home which can barely fit both of us" Jeongin commented, shaking his head a tiny bit.

He really didn't understand why Hyunjin was so kind. Sure Jeongin had nothing, no phone, barely even clothes, and had nothing he really owned near him, but he definitely didn't need Hyunjin to buy him all sorts of things..especially when he had already offered his house.

"Well, I only asked if you would tag along, I'm gonna buy you new clothes either way, so I asked just to be sure you wanted to pick and choose yourself" Hyunjin spoke, knowing Jeongin had no way around it.

"You know how annoyingly good you can be to make me tag along for the sake of it?" Jeongin complained with a groan, hitting his head against the wall with a slight hiss.

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