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Nothing but emptiness drooled inside the pits of his stomach, him in an empty bed with Hyunjin cooking breakfast for them. He felt betrayed by himself..but how desperate he was for second chances, how desperate he was to receive mercy..but he know knew why no one ever showed him that, and it was because he truly was the beast himself. A beast no one talks about loudly anymore.

Was he really considering leaving? Maybe..it's been another 2 months. 2 more months that their relationship has lasted. 2 more months to add onto the amount of time his spend on doing nothing, but complain, speak bullshit, happy moments he thought was peace..and pure failure. What of he confessed how he felt to Hyunjin? How would he react after all they've been through?

"Goodmorning my pretty prince" Hyunjin exclaimed, seeing his boyfriend all awake.

He was aware of how horrible he has seemed to feel recently, he is aware of how the boy has been off for a long while now..but he wanted to save the younger from his mind, and further mistakes he'd make.

"Hyunjin.." Jeongin looked up, spotting a black butterfly on the clock. 12 pm.

He had slept until 12 pm, is he that good at failing? He was so insecure and lost..should he ask for help? Should he keep quiet and let Hyunjin embrace him? He didn't know.

"Come get up, or I might attack with kisses" Hyunjin chuckled, pulling the boy up and seated him in his lap..pecking his sweet lips for a second before letting the boy relax against his chest. Sighing softly as he looked down at the exhausted boy.

"I'm tired..I don't know what I should do, I sleep so much yet..I can't help but be tired?" Jeongin mumbled beneath his breath, looking at the the butterfly resting on the clock, wings just as black as the rabbit hole in his stomach.

"Hm..you're quite down recently, quite depressed..people can get emotionally exhausted out of the blue, they start to doubt themselves, feel insecure and lost..maybe we should go out more, maybe that'll help?" Hyunjin spoke, concerned about the younger's saddened mood.

In Hyunjin's mind, getting to know Jeongin was the most important thing that happened to him. At first, months ago when they met, he didn't like his attitude. But later in he learned to understand what was actually living in his head, what was keeping a wall between letting himself loose, or tightening himself up. The trauma of having to live with his family had brought him to the point, where he felt lost and gone. He just needed to loosen up, but even so, loosening up was the last he seemed to do recently.

"Come get up, no time for a moody face when your with me" Hyunjin spoke, lifting the boy up in his arms, as he chose to forget abou the breakfast awaiting them. But he'd rather focus on Jeongin for now.

They spend the day distracting Jeongin's negative mindset. Replacing such boredom with books, baking, showering and sharing precious kisses. Hyunjin even let Jeongin wear his hoodie, and cuddle up close to him..finding it important to do so. Comfort was the only thing he could give in the given moment, and neither of them seemed to complain about it.

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