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The boy left the church, completely dazed and out of energy. Nothing seemed to bring his little mind at peace, especially not after listening to people sing for hours. Yes, he wasn't the saddest person alive, he was rather tired and annoyed after having to listen to a choir of people singing words he didn't understand. He was tired and exhausted after having to listen to his aunt and uncle comments on how he sat, looked, practically breathed.

So he was pretty much just done with everything. The town was old and looked like it could fall apart any second. Not to mention the people walking around, seeming like they belonged way back in the days.

They looked chill and cool, but he was honestly just pissed off. He lost track of time, and where he was in general. Not being able to find his way back to that stupid place of a church and a cemetery, not to mention that they purposely forgot him, so they could get rid of him.

He honestly didn't mind that at all, but it was raining and he had no jacket on, only a simple hoodie and some black skinny jeans. The worst was that it was starting to become fall, so the breeze was just extra cold and windy in general, causing the boy to sigh out in annoyance.

It seemed like this town went on forever, the sight of people dissapeared from what seemed like years ago. Only empty, crusty and old buildings getting smaller and smaller as they led into the woods.

And with his careless mind, he just stepped in, not giving any form of shit if he was going to be attacked by a disgusting wild animal, and become their meal. He just wanted to see how long his legs could manage to walk, hoping to find the end of this gigantic mountain. But he honestly didn't know which way was up nor which way was down.

So he continued to just walk, letting his shaky legs bring him inside a world of unknown, hoping that it'll atleast be a big city, with a grocery store and people.

The trees were everywhere, looking the same, he felt as if he walked in circles. His cheeks cold and flushed red, lips dry and eyes watery, nose running. He felt absolutely miserable.

He really hoped that if he were ever going to be abandoned, or just leave by himself in general. He would be left in the city, where he had a chance or two to actually survive.

What was he even going to survive on out here? Fruits growing from the ground and on trees? It was fucking fall. Rain water to detain his thirst? Are you absolutely stupid?

His shoes were covered in dirt and leaves, pants dirty with mud and dirt in general. And losing the senses in his fingers and toes long time ago.

He looked behind him, seeing endless spots of trees, all surrounding him like he was a prisoner behind bars. This was hell, a complete nightmare, and horrible in general.

Hisses and groans could be heard leaving his mouth, already feeling like passing out right there and then. But did he really have any other chance than to walk? Wouldn't walk purely save him? What if a city, or perhaps a town was just a few miles away. Maybe he would be embraced by warmth?

Those hopes seemed to go down, as he heard the sound of leaves rustling, his feet meeting branches beneath him. His legs heavy and tired of walking as they shook from the cold.

He felt like passing out right there and then.

But to his dislike, his legs simply gave up, twitching his angle on one of the bigger branches as he let out a whine in pain, trying to keep quiet to not attract any form of animals. He would kill himself if he was met with a wolf in front of him.

So he simply laid against the ground, bitting his dry and cold lips, his foot aching and pumping with pain, eyes teary from the cold wind, body shaky as he tried to keep his breathing regular, his body was just sore in general and he hated everything.

Fuck that stupid piece of a shitty family. They never did him any good, fuck their useless words and populated opinions about oneself. He hated them, despised them. And yet here he was curling up on the cold and wet ground, rain falling onto his body as he shivered.

Embracing his own sorrow for once.

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