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After quite a few days of staying in the house, they've gotten to know each other quite well. Jeongin couldn't really keep up with Hyunjin sometimes, he did and explained a lot of weird things to him.

Like one day he asked what the bottles with all sort of things containing them was for, and he eventually got a pretty long explanation on how they were made and what to use them for. And too say, Jeongin thought it was bullshit, but decided to not mention it loudly.

He was also told that the taller had people coming to him when they needed help, with both love and relationships, family, therapy, luck, and even sometimes revenge. And he did say it took a pretty long talk to figure out what would be the best option for the specific person asking for help, he stated that sometimes it was potions, other times spells, but most often advice.

He also explained how you can make a spell out of practically anything you own in a kitchen. And how some specific ingredients can be used to cover up anything if something was missing.

Again, he thought it was all bullshit. But after staying there for two days, he had learned to sometimes just keep his mouth shut, since he hated apologising so much for things that wasn't his intentions to say. So instead on actually trying to understand what Hyunjin was explaining to him, he just ignored it, accepting that this was hiw he was gonna live for a few days.

He was highly skeptical on what Hyunjin really could do, he doubted him cause everything he said, seemed to be bullshit.

Bullshit, bullshit and yet again, bullshit.

Was ir a toxic trait of his? Definitely. Was he aware of it? Yes. But was he planning on changing for the better anytime soon? Not really.

No one could hurt him in his ownite world, si he kept his guards up cause he rest didn't want to be neglected again.

"Hey Jeongin, I'm gonna be going for a little walk in the woods, so I won't be here for some time, I hope that's okay" He spoke.

In his hands were a wooden casket, probably to find different sorts of things. Like yesterday, where he came back with a bunch of herbs and flowers.

"4 in the fucking morning?" Jeongin groaned as he looked at the tall wooden clock stood against the wall, eyes half open as he shot a tired glare at the man.

"It's perfect weather conditions, plus, there's a lot of animals running around at this time, though they most likely run away" Hyunjin smiled, leaning against the open frame.

Jeongin just groaned again, really not feeling nor understanding why he was going out so early, and why he even was awake at this time. It annoyed him, since he couldn't see the logical point in it, but he decided to just ignore him.

"Fine, do whatever the fuck you want. I'm going back to sleep, and I swear if you wake me up again I'm gonna rip your cat's head off" Jeongin scoffed, clearly seeming annoyed by the way he just woke him up, 4'O'clock to practically announce the stupidest thing in the world.

So with a pissed expression he simply went back to sleep, not giving a single care to the world whether if he might had hurt the man's feelings. Cause right now, all he needed was sleep.

Hyunjin just watched in silence, making sure the boy was fully asleep while taking his leave. He couldn't understand the mindset of the smaller, nor why he acted so careless. It was like his mind was filled with insults ready to be spat out, but then yet again, he assumed it must be something the boy had been used to for a long while.

So he didn't want to judge off of that.

Sorry for the delayed update.

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