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"And this is Beddy, My favorite! I take him everywhere and anywhere!" Alia proudly introduced her rundown dolls to Jeongin, letting him hold some as she showed more of her toys.

She had a bunch of ruined stuffed animals, which she seemed go love a lot. Jeongin couldn't help but to feel sad, knowing that here, in this town, any kid would kill to have what Alia had. While compared to other places, Alia would probably kill to have what other kids had. It was so weird thinking about how poorly vampires is treated. Hyunjin said that Chan is a high class vampire and therefore can afford this house and stuff to Alia, without any worry..it also made him a very respected man around town, helping other people out with their businesses or chores, was something Chan did by heart and not for a temporary title.

"You really cherish these dolls don't you?" Jeongin smiled, remembering his own past by simply looking at one of the muddy dolls.

"Mhm! My old friend once stole one from me, BUT I let her keep it! I've got so many anyways..but no one steals Beddy!" She loudly exclaimed, a big smile on her face.

Not only was she lucky to be born with what people considered a silver spoon here, but she was generous too.

"That's very nice of you. When I was little, I used to play all sorts of outdoor games with my family" Jeongin smiles, the memories pushing through.

"I'm gonna be as big as Dada one day! I'm gonna grow tall and strong!" Alia stated, showing her cute small arms, trying to show off muscles which has yet to show up yet.

"You're indeed are very strong" Jeongin smiled, hyping the younger child up, feeling a happy ecstasy by simply converting with the girl.

A knock was heard on the door, catching the attention of Jeongin who sat on the ground, standing up to get the door.

Behind stood Hyunjin and Chan who entered. Chan picked up his daughter and gave a big warm hug to her, laughing and smiling as he went on playing with her. Hyunjin stood smiling gently at them, holding a suitcase in his hands.

"What's that for?" Jeongin asked, looking at the suitcase in Hyunjin's hands, frown now evident on his face.

"Chan and Alia..Chan's wife had just gotten out of her room again, and Chan wasn't very happy since it's risking both his and Alia's life. But she didn't care and continued pushing Chan away. He got tired and eventually stood his distance from her..he decided he couldn't tolerate staying here much longer, with her acting so irresponsible and cheating..so he packed..their going to Felix's, he'll welcomed them in with warm arms" Hyunjin stated, looking past Hyunjin's shoulders to see Chan packing a few bags, most of them containing the rundown toys he had bought Alia.

"Isn't it going to be very hard for Alia? Confusing to not see her mother?" Jeongin questioned, looking at Hyunjin confused.

"There never a right way to handle such situations. Chan is doing his best with leaving his wife alone. He still love her, but he's spend the whole time crying about it..I think he finally realized that his wife has fucked up".

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