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Jeongin had settled down quite a lot. It's been a month since the whole incident happened and he had slowly started to forget that event, and eventually moved on. Things were calm around here, it was quiet yet shiny and sunny, and he truly believed he had found his piece in life.

Of course there were disturbing thoughts telling him It's only temporarily, and that sooner or later he'd end up inside that stupid shit hole of a forest. Again, yes they were negative thoughts. But because of that he was indeed extra careful picking and choosing specific steps to follow.

Today was nothing special. The sun was shining, tulips and daisies have grown from the ground, and there seemed to be less stormy and heavy weathers accuring now, than previously. Perhaps it died down with his mind?

"There's a pretty good sight to the stars tonight, I've heard we should be able to see asteroids by the atmosphere tonight, wanna join later?" Hyunjin spoke as he held Jeongin's injured foot in his hand,.massaging it gentlt as he avoided touching the ankle to not cause pain.

"You really like astrology that much? Where I'm from, if someone ask you your birthday and time your born they would do a whole ass reading for you" Jeongin chuckled, shaking his head.

"Well astrology is fun, but this isn't exactly astrology..more astronomy, stuff like that is incredibly beautiful, I can prepare the balcony with some snack later tonight if you wanna tag along" Hyunjin spoke, still offering the boy the chance to tag along.

If Jeongin had to be a hundred percent honest, he knew nothing about space nor astrology. Not that he judged people who did, it just didn't make sense to him how a zodiac sign could reflect your personality, but then yet again, he had also never tried reading about his sign at all anyways..confusing right? Well Jeongin didn't mind, he was used to stay away from things he wasn't  certainly interested in.

"I don't see a problem with it, so why not? I have trouble sleeping anyways so staying up wouldn't be an issue" Jeongin shrugged, shrinking his shoulder down slightly as he felt the hell of a bandage being wrapped around his foot.

Hyunjin finished up, deciding to just rest his arms on Jeongin's legs sharing a tiny eyes contact with him before speaking with a smile decorating his face.

"That makes me happy. I'll be sure to plug strawberries for us to snack on" Hyunjin spoke, voice lowering a bit as he realized he had nothing planned for the day.

It wasn't exactly something he was used too, having days off to do nothing. Usually he had crafts to do all day, starting already at 4 in the morning. Usually it was planting plants, or potting plants. Sometimes baking or cooking dishes, washing laundry or simply cleaning. But he had non eof that for today, just sitting to stare at nothing, perhaps he could finally get a real deep conversation with the younger?

"Back..in the city where your from, how is life there?" Hyunjin asked, eyes dropping to his hands as he fidgeted a bit.

He was genuinely curious about the younger's home and how it was to grow up somewhere he had never been. So Hyunjin was all ears when Jeongin first started talking.

"Chaotic. There's cars honking everywhere, tall buildings covered with graffiti, teens smoking and drinking to forget about their lives. But it's also a place where you can be free..to enjoy life for a second. Running around at night with your friends in a cart from the supermarket, or burning liquor that runs down our throats..those are truly haply memory, where you kinda pretend the judgemental world around you doesn't exist, it's just me and them, having fun.." Jeongin spoke, excitement filling his voice as he talked about the feeling of being free for a few hours, but eventually trailed off as he did indeed remember everything.

Jeongin could remember the aftermath of all that. How tired he was the next morning, his parents complaining and yelling at him to get his life together.

Sure he may have been a tough kid to handle, but if he had just received the love and purity to begin with, maybe things would of being different.

"Do you miss your friends..I haven't heard you talk much about them..actually you never mentioned friends" Hyunjin asked, watching as Jeongin looked at him with a small smile.

"They were indeed nice people. I remember one of them, Seungmin, he was just a bit older than me, very nice and kindhearted. He had a calm and grounded persona, but would have a lot of adrenaline kick here and there. Then Joshua, his a foreigner, tall and well build with quite the temperament, he had a 'fuck everything and everyone' persona, but was incredibly nice and caring when you got on his good side" Jeongin explained the details about his two friends, letting his bangs drift over his face.

He desperately needed his hair cut, it had gotten long and was dropping beneath his eyes. Hyunjin had long nice hair, it was brown always sat up in a bun. Jeongin was convinced long hair like his wouldn't be hid thing, but it definitely suited Hyunjin a lot, and he did in face admire that.

"I'm glad you had such amazing people by your side".

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