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All our lives we strive to find the 'one' which is said to be made for us, and left to be hunt for, or met by an accident, or bump into each other, and boom...here you go. But is that so easy, No......what follows is series of the cardiographic phases, to be moved on together, broken at times, to be mend further, to be loved and to love, to give your all to be blessed to get the same. The trust that is put in to be reciprocated with loyalty, and belief. Hold on tighter, when there is conspiracy to break you apart, not just be in celebration but be in the mourning too. Not just be in health but in the sickness too. The times might break you, and if you do, you loose but if you stand strong against it, it had to surrender to the love that was blossoming to blossom to the fullest. The forever and beyond, starts here.

"Are udhar nahi, maine bola tha yeh sab kitchen mein rakh dijiye" Maa exasperated tired of instructing the workers to do the things precisely, so that it does not cause any further issues and concern, getting things at place before hand.

It was 3rd April, the date finalized for Sidharth-Sana to be ringed, each other's together and for life, this time, learning the lesson taught to them. It was not a thing to doubt about how happy, how cheerful and how exhilarated the two were. The jitters and tingles, running up and down their bodies, shivering out of the weird nervousness, it was all the same as first time, but the untried feeling it got was enthralling. A constant smile played on their lips like the favorite melody not leaving the mind. Beautiful, was all that could be used to describe the glowing light, the serene stillness.

Reyansh's smile looked broader and much more beautiful today, though nothing changed. Everything was still the same, the curtains were the same, the vase with the white daffodils was on the same place, the room was still a little messy just like everyday, but even with the similarities everything looked in a different light to him, as Sidharth was getting primed for the event that was to be followed. Sana wanted an intimate event, with just the closed ones, who love them who are actually happy happy for them , who wished for their happiness, for their forever, for their togetherness, and not a lot of people who are just there for the sake of being there but with the one who carried the honesty and heartly bless them. Some might be envious too, and there was no denying to that, there are people who hate seeing others grow and prosper, professionally or personally. She wanted it to be a happy affair, enveloped in love and affection of their near and dear ones.

Sidharth wanted the big wedding with all its titbits, and hearing her point out, did make him wonder if the what he was planning for was even good. Not that she implied and insisted him for the same, but her point she put across left him thinking. Like her, he wanted just pure love and affection, the genuine one, not the one that is on the face and not in hearts. And not dropping his idea and also picking up her notion, he wished for a big wedding with the intimate and close people, who with all their hearts wished well for them.

Sana was being a tantrum queen, everything she saw, detested it, why. No reasons. Probably the anxiety that was kicking in, with every passing moment made her do so. It was not that she was not happy, she was, and she was overwhelmed with the loaded emotions. Seeing anything disarranged irked her, leaving her in tears. Her every action was unfathomable for her too. The tea which she liked to her heart, didn't feel refreshing, and she couldn't stop but yell at Ishika for the unpalatable beverage.

"Ishika, kitni bekar hai yeh, tu na bas sara time phone dekh....pata nahi kya daala hai isme", pushing away the cup, screaming at Ishika, for something she wasn't even guilty of she walked off in her room. It was still time for them to leave for the venue after the boutique, where her appointment was for. Though Sidharth has clearly mentioned to not cake her face with those cosmetics, which leaves her looking so unlike her, and he being true did not liked much of that look with the makeup on. Her in a t-shirt and pajama, with hair tied up in a bun, a few falling on her face, which had a sprinkle of freckles, making her look divine with nothing on her face, no coverings, left him gasping for air, for the enthralling beauty she is., and he would not mind a bit marrying her in that attire, just she did back then. Their wedding for the first time was simple with just them and Ishika and Maa, and no one more. Back then, Sana was a girl who wanted to experiment and break the monotony of this auspicious day, by being the most different bride, and indeed she was. But this time she wanted to enjoy the classic form of it.

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