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11th April

The sun was still peeking through the clouds wondering something, birds were still asleep, the trees stayed calm. A few of the stars sprinkled through the grey sky. Nor pitch black and neither basking in the orange hue. Sun and moon both present, visible to the eyes. And she was wide awake, tossing and turning in her bed, which had the remains of her dried off fallen henna. Looking her henna clad hands for a moment and then staring in the oblivion, frozen.

She should be happy, shouldn't she. She was. But not happy to the fullest, the core of her heart still bled to the unfortune she encountered. Was it her fate, that she lost him? Was it her ill-doings that gave her this? Wasn't she a good soul? Has she been that evil that her son was snatched away, leaving her bereaved, lifeless without her son, her child, her little boy who has just started to go to school, who was pure innocence personified, who knew only love and gave only love, who was the best son.
The tears that were suppressed until now, flew mercilessly like a broken dam, without a sniff, silent just like the morning.

It was her wedding in a few hours, she will be Sidharth's bride and she will have him beside her to hold her as she falls and gather her if she breaks, but now at this vulnerable moment what was she supposed to do, whom does she lean on to. It was suffocating her, the unbearable pain. She picked her phone and turned it on and opened the gallery, it was all his pictures. Seating up and leaning on the bedrest with the tear stricken face, her fingers ran on the screen of the phone tracing his chocolate smeared picture. He was a 2 years, in that picture. His smile so enchanting and captivating that her lips curled up too, tears flowing synchronously.

"Happy birthday, my love", she hiccupped kissing him, wishing him to be in her arms which would always engulf her in his warmth, which the photo on the screen failed to give. Her arms they pained to hold him, and to keep him close to her chest for the rest of the life, to stop the time. To shower him with innumerous kisses that always made him whine, to bake the best chocolate cake, to make the spicy pasta, and to do all he wishes for.

"Please come back...", she begged him, to the almighty, to the creator that made this happen, to give her son back and take whatever he wishes, even if it was her in his exchange, she wouldn't think twice. A heart of a mother, it have the strength to fight the world for a smile on her children face, but whom to fight when the child has left, to another world. No more words came further, her tears spoke all.


The blasting alarm woke him up. He opened his eyes, and looked at the sun shining not to the brightest but the one that just rose above the horizon. The birds around chirping welcoming the new beginning.

Stretching his hands, he sat on the bed, with a soft smile on his face. It was his wedding, his big day, and the next moment the smile died. It was Reyansh's birthday. Eyes brimmed, but the tears stayed at the brink obeying him, threatening to fall but bound by the promise, which he often broke when he broke down every night in front of him, pleading him to come back, begging him to just come back and he will do everything that he ask for. He will keep him happy, he will let him play, he will have a boxing match too, but all he needed was him, in those scary nights, in those bright sunny days, in those rains, in those chilled winters, in every moment and he wanted him now, in his arms, snuggled to him, sleeping beside him, mouth agape with soft snores, legs sprawled. He wanted that. The biggest cake to ever exist, he would get that for him, but he want him. And the tears rolled breaking the promise again. But then how can this promise be ever kept. Was it in his control to stop those tears, that screamed of the unbearable pain, because he can't do anything to lessen that except for crying. Had it been in his control he would never have let Reyansh go in the first place.

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