Niall Imagines

bethcliffran द्वारा

1.9M 20.6K 2.8K

Here's some random Niall imagines I write when I'm bored. Got any suggestions? Send em my way! I hope you lik... अधिक

Stupid Mother Nature
Small Argument
Day Off
Meeting Your Parents
Meeting Your Brothers
Baby, We're Having A Baby
Great Game, Babe
He Defends You From "Fans"
How He Proposes
You Give Birth To Your First Baby
Daddy/Daughter Moment
Your Wedding Day
He Comes Home Drunk
You Need Him At Home
Just Leave That To Me
What?! Daddy Says It!!
She's Just A Baby
Pinky Promise?
I Just Need A Break
You Jealous, Nialler?
Summer Love
Day With Daddy
All The Little Things
You Take Care Of Him While He's Sick
I'm The Idiot
You Fight With One Of The Boys
Niall's Got Big News
You Surprise Niall
You Fight, You Break Up
Forgive Me?
It's Over???
Screw The Haters
Truth or Dare???
I Told You So
Love Story
Piece of Cake
Little Man's Coming
Niall Leaves For A Tour
You're Perfect To Me
You're Worth It
He Asks You To Move In
Can We Keep Him?
Second Chances
What Were You Thinking?!
Let Me Make It Up To You
If You're A Bird, I'm A Bird
Really? Sweat Socks?
You're Sick
Week With Daddy
I Love You, Princess
You Deserve Better
I Already Have A Boyfriend
Uncle Nialler
It Was Just A Joke
First Date
Meeting Maura
I Just Can't
I Am So Sorry
Please Read
No One Touches My Princess
Can You Promise Me Something?
I'm So Proud Of You
Big Brother
Don't Get Down On Yourself
I'll Be Right Here
Little Baby Nialler
I'm All Yours
Sorry I'm A Jealous Girlfriend
What Are You Talking About?
I Wish You Were Here
Just Hang In There
I'll Be Your Date
Babysitting Theo
So You Had A Bad Day
Half A Heart
Don't Forget Where You Belong
Little Black Dress
You and I
Little White Lies
Something Great
Stupid Mother Nature Remastered
My Boyfriend Does My Makeup
The Boyfriend Tag
The Couples Tag
Niall Takes You To See TFIOS
5 Seconds of Jealousy
What A Show
Connor's First Day of School
Cady Gets A Boyfriend
Cady Gets A Boyfriend Part 2
Truth or Dare Remastered
A Little Father/Daughter Time
"You come 'ere often?"
I've Been Having These Dreams
The Blind Date

Does (S)He Know

13.7K 182 33
bethcliffran द्वारा

I know I haven't updated in a while so here ya go! This isn't exactly how the song goes but just go with it! I hope you like it! Xx


"We need four more shots over here please," Niall called to the waiter, waving his arm in the air. He scooted closer to Kendra, putting his arm around her shoulder and nibbling on her earlobe. It made me sick, honestly. I rolled my eyes and looked over at Harry. He chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. Kendra laughed her obnoxious laugh and looked over at me, "He always does this!" Stupid slut. I could slap that grin right off her face. "Ole Niall. He's a tease," I faked smiled. Niall finally pulled away from the whore's neck to talk to us. "Where is the waiter at?" He asked, turning his head around to scope out the bar. "They're pretty busy. Why don't we just go up to the bar? That'll give Y/N and Kendra time to gossip and get to know each other better," Harry smirked. I shot him a glare. "That's okay. I can go up there myself," I suggested, raising from the booth. "Don't be silly. We'll get them. You girls stay here," Harry insisted. I sat back down to see Niall lean over and give Kendra a sloppy kiss. I came close to throwing up in my mouth but I kept it down. I looked over at Harry and he was laughing. I giggled sarcastically as I flipped him off. Niall and Harry walked away, leaving me with Niall's "lovely" girlfriend.

Seeing them together makes me sick. I cannot stand her. She's the definition of gold digger. If you were to grab a Webster's dictionary and look up "gold digger," her nasty face caked with makeup would be right beside it. Everyone can see she's not right for Niall. Even a blind man could see she's using him. Everyone can see it except for Niall. I know Niall better than anyone. He's my best friend and has been since we were teenagers. He doesn't see that Kendra is only using him for his money and fame. She's always making him take her to parties, introducing her to his famous friends, buying her unnecessary gifts, and she is constantly flirting with every guy that walks in front of her. It infuriates me and I hate her.

"Hello? Earth to Y/N!" Kendra said, snapping her well manicured fingers in my face. "What?" I gasped, wondering how long I had been thinking about my disgust towards her. "I asked if you were having fun tonight," she smiled, tapping her nails on the table. "Oh. Uh yeah. So much fun," I replied, looking around for any sign of Harry or Niall. Nothing. "So Harry, huh?" She asked, leaning over the table. "What?" I questioned, leaning back against the booth. "Harry. He's pretty hot." "I mean, I guess." "How long have you two been together?" "What?! Oh God, no! We're not dating!" I laughed. "Really? I thought-" "We're just friends." "That's too bad." "Why's that?" I raised an eyebrow. "I think you two would be cute together. You need a man, Y/N." I choked a bit as I heard the words that had just come out if her mouth, "Excuse me?" "I just think you need a boyfriend. I mean, you're always hanging out with Niall but you know, he's mine." "Well he's not yours. He was my best friend way before he was your boyfriend." "I know but the way you look at him and stuff. If I didn't know any better, I'd say that you may have a little crush on my Nialler." It took every ounce of Will power in me not to leap across the table and knock this skank out. I rested my chin on my fist and stared at her, "Well good thing you don't know anything." She smirked and leaned back in the booth, "Oh my God. You do, don't you?" "I wouldn't get on my bad side, Kendra." "You don't scare me." "Does he know?" "Know about what?" She asked, narrowing her eyes at me. "Does he know about you giving out your number to guys?" "I don't know what you're talking about." "Really? Huh. Well as you know, Niall and I have been friends for awhile so we hang out with a lot of the same people. A buddy of mine texted me the other night and he sent me some screen shots of some messages between you and him. He said you slipped him your number after Niall went to the bathroom. Does Niall know that you've been flirting with his friends?" "He doesn't need to. It's not cheating." "But sending sexual messages with pictures makes you a back stabbing slut." Just as Kendra was about to insult me with one of her witty comebacks, Niall and Harry plopped down in the booth with our shots. "How are my girls getting along?" Niall beamed with his signature smile plastered on his face. "Great, babe! She's hilarious!" Kendra cheered, kissing Niall's cheek. "We're practically BFFs!" I mimicked, taking my shot out of Harry's hand. "That's what we should cheer to. To friends!" Niall yelled, lifting his shot glass in the air. The rest of us clinked our glasses together and took our shots. "I'm glad you two are getting along," Niall smiled, looking over at me. "Well she is something else," I mumbled. Kendra rested her head on his shoulder and began running her hand up and down his bicep. "I think I'm going to leave," I said, looking at Harry. He looked at me confused, I nodded, signaling Harry to get out of the booth. "Why? What's your hurry?" Niall asked, taking his arm away from Kendra. "I just have a lot of stuff to do. Are you still going to help me unpack tomorrow?" "Oh. I almost forgot about that. Yeah. Me and Kendra are going out tomorrow around noon so I'll be over afterwards." "Alright. I'll see you then. Bye, Harry," I said, before hugging Harry's torso. "Actually, I'll take you home. I've gonna head home too," Harry said before putting a few dollars on the table. "Oh okay then. We'll have to do this again sometime," Niall suggested. "No doubt. Just name the time and place. I'll be here," Harry smiled. "See you later," Niall waved. "Bye, Y/N," Kendra smirked. I ignored her as I walked towards the door with Harry right behind me.

"She seems like a lovely girl," Harry said, trying to keep a straight face as he drove down the street. "She makes me wanna vomit," I bluntly stated. Harry bursted out laughing and playfully slapped my arm. "Y/N!" "What? I don't like her." "I think the only reason you don't like her is because she's with Niall. You never like any of his girlfriends." I shot Harry a glare, "That's bull crap and you know it. I admit that I didn't care much about his girlfriends but they're all wrong for him. He is blind to the bad in people." "Well what kind of girl do you think he needs?" "He needs someone who wants to be with him for him. Not the money or the fame. Someone who truly cares for him as a person. Someone who supports him. Someone that'll be front row to every show he has, cheering him on and is the first person to tell him how great he did. He needs someone to be there to tell him that it's okay to think about himself for a change. Someone that'll laugh at his stupid jokes. He just needs a good girl instead of all these gold digging whores!" I sighed and crossed my arms over my chest. "Are you aware that you just described yourself?" Harry asked. "What? No I didn't." "Yes you did. Everything you just said that Niall needed is exactly what you do, you idiot. Niall may be blind to the whores but you're blind too if you say that you're not in love with him. It's obvious, Y/N." I groaned and ran my fingers through my hair. "I know! I know I'm in love with the kid but what do I do?! I can't just tell him, 'Aye yo, we've been best friends for a while and I'd like to see you regularly in a romantic setting because I'm in love with you,' now can I?" "Well not like that!" Harry laughed, "You have to tell him otherwise you'll feel like this every time he gets a girlfriend. And who knows? Maybe you'll be his next girlfriend." I rolled my eyes and turned my head to look out the window so Harry couldn't see the smile on my face. I would love nothing more than to date Niall but I don't want to lose the one person I love the most in this world. I know if I were to tell him how I feel, it'd freak him out and it would never be the same. Harry pulled up to my house and looked over at me. "Can I be honest with you?" He asked. "Of course," I said as I gathered my belongings. "I think you should tell him." I sighed and leaned against the seat, "Harry, I don't wa-" "I know you're afraid of losing him as a friend but I highly doubt Niall would let anything come between you two. The worst thing that could happen is that he doesn't feel the same way you do." "And I get my heart broken." "Or he feels the same way and you two can be happy together. I see the way you look at him and I can tell how much you care about him. You're what's best for him. You're an amazing girl and friend. He'd be crazy to turn you down." I blushed and leaned over the center console of the car to hug him. "Thank you, Harry," I whispered, patting his back. "You're welcome." I kissed his cheek and got out to walk around the front of the car. Harry rolled the window down to tell me goodnight. "Well if Niall does decide to leave Kendra, you could have a go with her. She said you were really hot," I laughed, walking up my to my door. "I think I'll pass on that one," he chuckled. I opened my front door and turned to wave at Harry as he pulled away from the curb.


"You're late," I said, opening the door for Niall. I picked up a box off the floor and placed it on the kitchen counter. "I'm sorry. I took Kendra out and I just lost track of time," he explained, helping me pick up some boxes up off of the floor and putting them on the counter and table. "Did you and Kendra have a lovely day together?" I asked with a sarcastic tone. "It was nice," he began, oblivious to my sarcasm and to the fact that I didn't care because he went into detail about their day. "I think I bought her like ten outfits today," he said, taking pots and pans out of a box. "Why? She seems like the type of girl who already has enough clothes," I sneered, hanging some pictures on the wall. "I mean, I just like spoiling her." I rolled my eyes and picked up another box to unpack. Niall continued to talk about Kendra and I had finally had enough. "Niall! Please!" I groaned. He looked up from the box he was opening and raised his brow, "What?" "Can you please go five minutes without talking about her? Jesus." "What's wrong with you?" "Nothing! I'm fine! I just want to have a conversation with you that doesn't involve her." "I thought you two were friends?" "Niall..." I sighed, looking over at him. "I'm not her friend. I tolerate her because of you." "I just want you two to be friends." "Well I don't want to be her friend." "Why?" "Because she's just using you, Niall!" "What? No she's not," he said, walking around the island. "She is, Niall. She doesn't really care about you. She's been texting some of your friends. She slipped Stephen her number after you introduced her to him." The expression on his face proved to me that he knew nothing about this. "You're lying," he shot back. "I'm not lying! Why would I lie about something like this?!" "Because you're jealous! You're just jealous because I'm with Kendra and you're alone." Ouch. That hurt. "Wow, Niall. I'm actually not jealous of what you think you have. I thought I'd be a good friend and let you know what kind of a slut you're dating and how she's only using you for your money." "You don't know anything, Y/N." "I know you, Niall. I know what's best for you." "You obviously don't. You would know how I feel about Kendra and that you're only wasting your time. And what makes you think you know what's best for me?" "Because I'm in love with you!" I yelled without thinking it through. I quickly regretted it as soon as Niall's mouth dropped. "What did you just say?" He stammered. "Nothing! J-Just forget it," I stuttered, picking up another box. "No. You just said you were in love with me," he said, walking towards me. "Don't make this bigger than what it actually is," I said, walking away from him and going into the living room to sit on the couch. "I'm not. It just caught me off guard. Did you mean it?" He asked, sitting next to me. "It doesn't matter." "It does. How long have you felt this way?" "It doesn't matter. It's not going to change anything," I admitted. "Y/N, stop trying to push this aside and talk to me." "Why?! I know exactly how this ends!" I exclaimed, standing from the couch in front of him with tears forming in my eyes. "I sit here and pour my heart out to you, you tell me that you don't feel the same, and you go back to that gold digger who knows absolutely nothing about you! I mean, come on, Niall! Does she even know anything about you besides your credit card number?! Does she know your favorite movie?! Your favorite food!? I bet she doesn't notice the way your eyes crinkle when you start laughing really hard! Or the way they light up when you talk about your music because your so passionate about it! Do you even talk to her about your music or does she manage to turn it around and make it about herself? You deserve someone so much better than her and it kills me that you don't see it but what breaks my heart more is that I know that I could make you so incredibly happy but I've been too scared to tell you. And now I'm here bawling my eyes out and you're staring at me like I'm cr-" I was interrupted when Niall jumped up and cupped my jaw in his hands. "You talk way too much," he whispered as he stared into my eyes. "Okay. What's happening right now because you're sorta sending me mixed signals and I have no idea what to do," I stammered, alternating glances between Niall's eyes and lips, anticipating his next move. "I don't know. I really want to kiss you. Is that weird?" "Talking about it this close to my face is weird." He smiled and leaned closer to me, gently pressing his lips to mine. I ran my hands up his arms and pulled him closer to me. You would think kissing someone you've been friends with since you were 14 would be awkward but kissing Niall just felt..... right. Our lips moved in sync and I never wanted it to stop. When we pulled away from each other, smiles were on both of our faces. "Wow," he sighed. "That was ummm.." "Nice?" He laughed, sitting down on the couch. "Yeah. It was definitely nice," I smiled, sitting next to him. He held my hand and ran his thumb over my knuckles. "But this is really confusing," I admitted. "You have a girlfriend." Niall pulled his hand away and took his phone out of his pocket. I watched as he sent a text and tossed his phone on the coffee table. "Not anymore," he said, leaning back on the couch. "So just like that? We kiss and you break up with your girlfriend for me?" I quipped. "Well during your little rant when you were talking about how Kendra doesn't know anything about me and you're right. She has never been there for me. No one has, except you. You're the one that has always been there for me. Ever since we were kids. I have no idea what's taken me this long. You're the one constant in my life and I love you, Y/N." "I love you too," I smiled. He pulled me by my waist and kissed me again only this time, it was passionate. I never would've imagined being with Niall like this but now, I can't imagine being anywhere else.

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