Little Man's Coming

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"Y/N, I cannot get over how great you look 9 months pregnant." Perrie gushed. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "I'm the size of a whale, I eat everything in sight, I'm bloated, and my feet are swollen. I think I'm way passed looking great." "You are glowing, y/n. Shut up." She laughed.

Perrie helped me carry the snacks into the living room. Niall and the guys had just come home for a small break so Eleanor, Perrie, and I wanted to have a movie night. Liam and Harry decided to go home and stay with their family so it was only Perrie, Zayn, El, Louis, Niall, and myself. And Cady was already in bed. It was way passed her bedtime. We walked into the living room with the snacks in our hands. Niall jumped off the couch and took the food out of my hands. "Babe, I've told you to let me get this stuff." He said, placing the food on the coffee table. "Niall, I'm pregnant not helpless. Plus, Perrie helped." Perrie placed the rest of the food on the table. "I was just telling y/n how beautiful she looks all pregnant and stuff but she shut me down." Perrie joked. I waddled over and sat on the couch. "She does that to me all the time." Niall said, sitting down beside me and putting his arm around around my shoulder. "Eh. You do look kinda rough." Louis said with his eyes glued to the tv. "Thank you, Louis. You are too kind." I said sarcastically. That's what mine and Louis' relationship was. Sarcastic. Eleanor, being the kind person she was, politely slapped Louis' shoulder. "Have you been having any pains?" Eleanor asked. "Yeah some. Here and there. Being so close to my due date, it's expected." I replied. "Well I'm sure you guys are excited." Zayn said. "Yes. I'm ready for another guy to be in the house." Niall laughed. "Well I'm ready to get this little guy out of me." I said. "Well enough of this. Can we start the movie?" Louis asked. "Yes. Lets get this started." I replied. Zayn walked over and started the movie. Louis wanted to watch superhero movies so we started off with Thor.

Halfway through the movie, I started having pains. I squeezed Niall's hand and held my stomach. Niall leaned over and whispered, "You okay, babe?" "Ugh. I'm having pains." "Like contraction pains or what?" "I don't know. But it hurts. A lot." "Do we need to go to the hospital?" "Lets wait. I'll see if they continue." I tried to ignore the pains and continue to watch the movie but the pains intensified. I decided to get up and move around. Niall helped me up off the couch. When I stood up, I felt something wet on my leg. "Oh God, Niall! My water just broke!" Everyone jumped up, not sure what to do. Niall put his hand on my back. "Okay. Okay. We gotta go." Niall was panicking. "What about Cady? We can't leave her here." I said. "Zayn and I can stay here." Perrie suggested. "Are you sure?" I asked. "Yes. Positive. Go." She said. "And Lou and I will go with you." Eleanor said. "Okay. Niall go get my bag out of the closet and lets go." Eleanor and Louis helped me into the car while Niall dashed through the house. Louis and Eleanor helped me into the back seat of their car then got into the front. Niall ran into the car and we sped to the hospital. "How are you feeling, babe?" Niall asked, rubbing the top of my hand. "Not too good. This hurts. Why did we decide on having another baby?" I said trying to hold back my tears. Niall pushed my hair out of my face and kissed my forehead. "It's gonna be okay. Our little boy is coming." He whispered. "You know. I'd love for this to be a sweet moment but for right now, I want this baby out of me." Niall leaned up and told Louis to speed up.

We got to the hospital in no time. I was in a bed in a matter of minutes. Eleanor and Louis called our parents and the rest of the guys to tell them what was going on. The doctors gave me an epidural and it was just a matter of minutes before Conner would be here. Before I knew it, the doctors where telling me to push. Niall was by my side the whole time. Holding my hand, pushing the hair out of my face, telling me how great I was doing and how much he loves me. He was amazing. But him being so sweet and adorable didn't help the pain I was feeling. I was squeezing Niall's hand so hard, it's a surprise I didn't break it. "Alright, y/n. Just one more big push and he's here." The doctor told me. "Come on, babe. You're doing great. One more." Niall said. And with that, I gave his hand one last squeeze and a big push. I heard a faint cry. Conner was finally here. Niall cut his umbilical cord and the nurse cleaned him off some. She walked over and handed him to me. I sat up a bit so I could get a closer look at my baby boy. It was crazy how much he looked like Cady when she was born. He looked a lot like Niall too. He had his blue eyes like I'd hoped. Niall sat on the edge of the bed and rubbed Conner's little hand. Conner looked up at me and grabbed Niall's finger. "Hey, sweetie. You're just perfect. We love you so much." I whispered to him. We didn't have that long to hold him. The nurses had to run a couple tests to make sure he was healthy. Niall stayed by my side. I looked up at him and he kissed my lips. "You did great. I'm so proud of you." He said with that perfect grin. "I hope I didn't hurt your hand too bad." I giggled. "No it's fine. I'm just glad your not in pain anymore." "I'm glad you're here. I could've have did it without you." "Well no you couldn't have. It takes two to have a baby you see. When two people love eac-" "Shut up! You know what I meant." I laughed. "I know. You're a strong woman, y/n. And I love you so much." "I love you too. Now go call Perrie and tell her to get my other baby down here. I want my whole family with me." "Alright, princess." Niall kissed my head and stepped out of the room. I sat there and thought about everything that has happened. I fell in love and married my best friend, I've had two beautiful children, I have supportive and loving friends and a close knit family. There's nothing else I could ever ask for.

The end



I hope you guys aren't getting tired of these types of imagines. Like how I'm using Cady in the stories about the kids. I just like writing these for some reason. Let me know what you think!

Love y'all! Beth xoxo

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