What Were You Thinking?!

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I was sleeping in bed when I felt someone lay down beside me. "Princess? Are you awake?" Niall asked. "I am now. What time is it?" "It's 2 in the morning. Sorry I woke you." "It's fine. I'm glad you're back. I'm going back to sleep. I'll see you in the morning." "Alright. Goodnight. Love you." "Love you too." He kissed my cheek and put his arm around my waist. We went right to sleep. Niall went out with the guys tonight. Probably went to some pup. Who knows what all they did.

I woke up the next morning to find Niall still in his clothes from the night before. He must've drank a little too much. He was sprawled out on his side of the bed. I didn't even bother waking him up. I got up and went into the living room to watch tv.

A couple of hours later, I heard some stirring behind me. I turned around on the couch and saw Niall stretching. "Good morning, sleeping beauty." I giggled. "Ugh." He groaned. "Did you have fun?" "Yeah. From what I can remember." He walked over in front of me. "Now Princess, I have to tell you something. Promise me you won't get mad." I looked up at him and began to worry. "I don't like the sound of this.. What is it?" "Now it's nothing bad or anything." "Okay. What is it?" "Just keep in mind, I was drunk." "Niall! What is it?!" "I might have kinda got a tattoo last night." I squinted my eyes at him. "What? What do you mean you kinda got a tattoo? Of what? Where?" He lifted the sleeve of his shirt and there was a bandage hiding the tattoo. He peeled it off and showed me. Niall had gotten my name tattooed on his arm. I was completely stunned. I jumped off the couch and grabbed his arm, looking closer at the tattoo. "Niall! You're not serious! That can't be real!" "Oh it's real. Believe me. You like it?" "Why did you get my name?! I thought you weren't getting any tattoos!" I yelled. "Why are you so upset? I thought you'd like it. It's for you." "Why couldn't have you got an airbrushed shirt with my name?! I don't want you getting my name tattooed on you! I mean, I know it shows how much you love me, but not a tattoo! What would you do if something happens and we break up? Then you'd have to live with that!" "Are you suggesting something?" "Niall, no. All I'm saying is that this is something you have to live with forever." "I know. I'm fine with that." "Oh my God, Niall. What compelled you to do this?" "Well Harry was getting one and he said I should get one. And I was drinking, so I got one." "You got a tattoo because Harry was getting one???" "Well yeah. He said I should get one and I told him I didn't know what to get and he's like 'Ermm you should.....like.... get something that means something to you' so I got your name." "Okay so you got tattoo advice from a boy who has a Packers logo and a butterfly tattoo? What sense does that make?" "It sounded good at the time. I thought you'd like it." I sat down on the couch and sighed. "Well I'm not the one who has to live with it. I can't believe you actually went and got a tattoo. Of my name. With Harry. Don't het me wrong, I am flattered. But a tattoo?" He sat down and laughed. "Why are you laughing? How is this funny?" I asked. "Because the tattoo's fake. I just wanted to see how you'd react." He said laughing loudly. "You idiot!!!" I yelled. I started punching him and laughing. "I can't believe you! Why?!" I asked. "It was Louis' idea! I thought it was funny!" "I hate you!" I said pouting. I moved to the other side if the couch. Niall crawled over and tried to hug me. "I love you, Y/N!" "No. Don't touch me." I tried to keep a straight face but I couldn't help smiling. "It was just a joke. It washes off in the shower." He laughed. "I'm going to kill Louis." I scoffed. "You forgive me?" Niall asked poking his bottom lip out. I rolled my eyes, "Yes." He pulled me into his lap and kissed my cheek, "You have to admit, I got you good." I smiled. "You did. But I want you to know that you don't have to go and prove that you love me. I know you do, Niall." I kissed him on his lips. "Same with you. And keep in mind, that was not my idea. It was all Louis." He laughed. "Believe me. I'll get him back." "Oh I know. He won't know what's coming." We both laughed and I made Niall wash that tattoo off.

The end

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