Baby, We're Having A Baby

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You're awaken from your deep sleep with the sudden urge to vomit. You run to the bathroom, careful not to run into anything. You barely make it to the toilet in time. Its not the first time you've woke up sick. Its happened for the past couple of days. You don't think anything of it.

While you're getting sick, feel your husband, Niall, rub your back. He reaches over and holds your hair back. "Baby, you okay?" Niall asks.

"I'm fine. I must be coming down with something. I'm sorry I woke you up."

"Don't be sorry." You finish puking your guts out and walk over to brush your teeth.

Niall walks over and hugs you. "Feel better?" He asks.

"Yeah. A little. Go back to bed. You still have a few hours before you have to be at the studio."

"Only if you come with me."

"Always do," you say with a smile. You both go back to sleep.

A few hours go by and you get sick again. After you get done, you walk back to lay down in bed and find a note. It's from Niall.

"Gone to work. Hope you get to feeling better princess. With all this morning sickness, you'd think you were pregnant. Hahaha See you when I get home. Love you. Nialler Xoxo"

You start to panic. "Pregnant?! Oh. My. God. I can't be. When was my last period? Crap. I cant even remember. Wait. Just calm down, Y/N." you think to yourself.

You find your phone and call Eleanor. You just need a girl's opinion and you know El will have your back. You call her up.

"Hello?" She answers.

"Hey, Eleanor."

"Oh hey, Y/N. What's up?"

"Umm. I might have a small issue."

"And what's that?"

"There's a chance that I may be pregnant."

"WHAT?! Oh my God!!! Y/N!!! How do you know?! Did you get sick?! When was your last period?! Have you told Niall?!"

"Okay whoa slow down, El. I've been getting sick for the past couple of mornings and I can't even remember when my last period was. And no. I haven't told Niall, yet."

"Okay so have you used protection? Are you on birth control?"

"Well there was that one night that it might've slipped our mind."


"I know!! Ugh! I didn't think anything of it! It was just that one time. What am I going to do with a baby?! We've only been married for a month!"

"Okay. Don't get ahead of yourself. You never know. Just go get a test to be sure. Calm down. You'll be fine. If it's positive, you'll work through it. Niall loves you. You'll be fine"

"Okay. Thank you, Eleanor. Seriously."

"Don't mention it. I'm here for you. Let me know ASAP."

"I'll call you later."

"Okay bye."

You hang up your phone and get ready to make a run for a pregnancy test. You get it and make it home awfully quick. You go to the bathroom, shaking. You're so nervous you can barely hold the test still. After you do your business, you set the test aside and wait. Waiting felt like it took a lifetime. You walk over to see if your life was going to change forever. You looked and and there it was. The little pink plus sign. You were pregnant. You didn't know what to do. You were frozen. You decide to go and sit on the couch and call Eleanor back.

"Hey! Did you take a test? What'd it say?"

"El, I'm pregnant."

"Oh my gosh."

"El, I'm so scared. I don't know what to do. What if he gets mad? What if he leaves me? What if he's not ready?! We talked about waiting."

"Y/N. Calm down. He's not going to get mad. He loves you too much. That's why he married you. He's not going to leave you. You're not a teenager, y/n. You're an adult. You just have a head start starting your family. You should be happy."

"But he's got his career. What if he's not ready?"

"Well then he should've wrapped it up! Enough with the 'what ifs'. Y/N, just sit him down and tell him."

"Crap. I think he's pulling up!"

"Just be honest! If you need me, don't hesitate to call me, okay."

"Okay. And thanks. I'll call you later. Bye."

You hang up. You had all these thoughts running through your head. "We're not ready. We've only been married a month. We can't be parents yet. What was I thinking?! He's got so much going for him. He's at the peak of his career. He's not going to want to raise a baby, yet."

Just then, the door opens. He walks in the living room and sees you sitting on the couch. "Hey, babe. Feeling better?" He says, placing a kiss on your forehead and sitting beside you.

"A little."

"Well that's good."

"Babe, I need to talk to you."

"Okay." Niall said curiously.

"You know when you mentioned how I've had this morning sickness and you said that you would've thought I was pregnant?"

"Well yeah. I was joking."

"Well that got me thinking. I cant remember the last time I had my period. So I went and got a test."


You looked at him and tried to hold back tears. "Niall. I'm pregnant."

Niall's expression was hard to read. You could tell he was shocked but you didn't know if that was good or bad.

"You're pregnant?" He asked.


He jumped off the couch, pacing with his hands tangled in his hair. "Oh my gosh. You're having a baby. We're having a baby! I'm going to be a dad!"

You looked at him confused. "You're not upset?"

"Upset?! No! I'm overjoyed!" He said pulling you up in a tight embrace.

"I didn't know if you would be mad. I mean you have your career and you're going to be on the road."

He pulled you chin up so he could look into your eyes. "Y/N. I'm not mad. You're my world. You come first. Okay, yeah it came sooner than expected and yeah I'm going to be on the road, but we'll figure something out. We always do. But, we made a baby, y/n. We're going to be parents."

Then it hit you. "I'm going to be a mom," you said looking up at him.

"And a great one. You're going to be a perfect mom. I can't believe it. I'm the luckiest man in the world. I love you, y/n. I cannot wait to start our family."

You looked at him with tears in your eyes. You stood on your tippy toes and placed a kiss on his lips. "I love you too, Niall."

The end.

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