First Date

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"So you're saying that if Channing Tatum just walked up to you and asked you out, you'd say no?", Niall asked with his head leaned back against the couch. "That's exactly what I'm saying. I wouldn't just go out with someone I don't know. I have to get to know them. I'm not that kind of a person to go out with someone because they're hot," I explained while keeping my eyes glued to the tv.

This is how it always was when Niall and I got together. One of us thinks of scenarios while the other says whether we'd go along with it or not. It's been like this since the day we met back in grade school. We were practically best friends. We used to be inseparable but when Niall got so successful, we drifted apart. So every time he comes back home, we try hang out and goof off.

"Now I'm not gay or anything, but if Channing Tatum came up to me and asked me to dinner, I may have to take him up on it," Niall laughed. "I mean look at him!", he said pointing at the tv. We were watching Step Up and Mr. Tatum was showing off his sexy dance moves. "I mean, yeah! He's gorgeous but for all I know, he could be a total douche bag." "I don't think he is." "Well I just have to know someone before I go out with them." Niall looked at me and nodded. He had a slight smirk on his face. I turned my attention back to the tv. Commercials began to play and The Conjuring trailer came on. "I want to watch that so bad," I groaned. "I'll take you to go see it," Niall suggested. I turned to look at him,"Really?" "Yeah. We could go get something to eat and watch it." "Like a date?" He smiled and looked at me, "Well you did say you wouldn't go out with someone you didn't know. You know me." "Yeah but wouldn't it be weird?" "Only if we make it weird."

The thought of going on a date with Niall kinda scared me. I mean, when we were little he was like my brother. But since he's been busy with his music, he's hardly my brother anymore. And lets face it, puberty has served that boy well. He wasn't the lanky, pale, awkward boy I was used to. He's muscular, lean, tall, still pale but not Casper pale anymore and he's pretty attractive. Ah what the heck.

I smiled and nodded, "Alright." "Yesss," he said, doing the "cha-ching" motion with his arm and a smile on his face. "But I'm not getting all dressed up. You'll take me as I am." "I am perfectly fine with that." I rolled my eyes and turned my head to watch tv.

*the next night*

I looked in the mirror to fix my hair as I waited for Niall to show up for our "date". I looked at my reflection, satisfied with what I saw. I decided to go casual, wearing my white v neck shirt with my denim button up over it paired with some red skinny jeans and black vans. I wanted to look like I tried to dress up but I didn't really. As I was fixing my collar to my shirt, Niall knocked on my front door. I grabbed my purse and headed to the door to greet him. I opened it to see his adorable smile. He was looking incredibly sexy with his white t shirt, tight black pants, and his signature white Supras. "Wow. You look amazing," he said looking at me from head to toe. "Niall, I always look like this. I wear this all the time." "I know. You looked amazing then, too." I blushed, "Well thanks. Are we ready?" "Yeah. Lets go." I locked my front door and Niall led me to his car. He opened my door for me. "Thanks," I said, hopping in. He walked around and got into the drivers seat. We backed out of my driveway and began to drive down the road. "So where to first?," I asked. "Well I made reservations at this new place in town." "Reservations? I thought we were keeping this casual?" "Well this is a date. I wanted to make things special." "You didn't have to get reservations. I would've been perfectly happy getting McDonald's or something." "I don't know what kind of dates you've been on, but with me, you're going to be treated right. Have you really been on a McDonald's date?" I shifted a little in my seat and cleared my throat, "I've never ugh been on a date before." Niall glanced over at me, "What? So this is your first date?" "Yeah." "Why haven't you dated?" "I mean, I've dated guys before. They've just never taken me out." He shook his head. "Well they were obviously twats and not meant for you. I'd want to show you off to everyone." I felt my cheeks turn hot. "You're sweet. Well what about you Mr. Pop Sensation. How many dates have you been on?" "Not many. Since One Direction, I don't have a lot of time. And before, I wasn't too good with the ladies." "Yeah. I remember," I laughed. Niall chuckled, "Yeah. Well there was this one girl but I don't think she felt the same." I looked at his face. He looked serious. "How do you know?" I asked. "She was way too good for me. She didn't see me the same way I saw her." He turned to look at me and we made eye contact. Somehow, I knew he was talking about me. He turned back to look at the road. I didn't say anything for a second. I didn't know what to say. Finally, we reached the restaurant. "Welp, we're here," Niall sighed.

Thankfully, we were able to work pass the awkward car conversation. We joked around, Niall talked about the tour, I talked about school, and talked about old times. The meal was amazing. Niall payed, as much as I objected. We got back in the car and headed to the theatre. We were waiting in line to buy tickets and we were talking about the movie. "Now are you sure you want to watch The Conjuring? We can watch a funny movie or something," Niall suggested. "Niall, are you scared?" I laughed. "What? No. I'm just worried about you, love. I don't want you to get scared or anything." I rolled my eyes, "I assure you. I'll be fine." "Well you can hold my hand if you get scared." I laughed. Niall went up and got our tickets to the movie. He lead us into the theatre with his hand on my lower back. We found out seats and waited for the movie to start. I was fine until the movie actually started. I began to get into the plot and I was getting a little afraid. I snuggled a little closer to Niall. I heard him giggle as he leaned closer to me. "You scared?" He whispered. "Shhh. You're not suppose to talk during a movie." He held his hand out on the arm rest. I smiled and grabbed it. He began to rub the side of my hand. I hid my face behind his shoulder when the scary parts would pop up. He just laughed.

After the movie ended, we walked back to the car hand in hand. The ride home was nice. We talked about the movie and he joked about how scared I was. "I wasn't that scared," I reassured him. "Judging by the way you were holding my hand, you were pretty scared. Or were you just looking for a reason to hold my hand?" He asked with a cheeky grin. I nodded my head, "Man. I can't believe it. You figured it out." "No need for sarcasm, Y/N. You know, you don't need a reason to hold my hand. You can do it whenever you want." I smiled as I looked at him, his eyes glued to the road. I reached down and held his hand that was resting on the gear shifter. He smiled, keeping his head facing the road.

We pulled into my driveway and I sighed. I really didn't want this night to end. I went to open my door but Niall stopped me. "Let me," he said hopping out and running over to let me out. He walked me up to my front porch. "I had a really nice time. Thank you." I said before digging through my purse to find my keys. "I did too. And it's no problem. We should really do this again soon." "Definitely." "What about tomorrow night?" "That sounds great." "Great. I'll text you sometime tomorrow then." "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow." "Alright." I waited to see if he was going to try to make a move or anything. He moved closer but he pulled me into a hug. I was kinda let down. He pulled away and smiled, "Goodnight." "Goodnight." I unlocked my door and walked in. I watched Niall walk down my walkway and into his car. I sighed and turned off my porch light. I sat my keys down and took my shoes off. I was heading up my stairs when I heard someone knock on my door. I walked back down and looked through the peep hole. It was Niall. I thought he may have forgotten to tell me something or maybe I left something in his car. I opened the door and smiled, "Hello again." "Hey. I got into my car and I realized that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight without doing this first." He grabbed my hand and pulled me close. He placed one hand on my back and his other hand on my cheek. He placed a gentle kiss on my lips. I took me completely by surprise. I placed my hands on both side of his neck. We kissed for a few seconds before he pulled away. We both smiled and looked at each other. "Goodnight," he whispered. "Goodnight." He gave me another kiss before walking back to his car. I shut the door and leaned against it. If this is how he treats a girl on the first date, I was excited to see how the second date goes.

The end

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