If You're A Bird, I'm A Bird

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Niall and I were watching the Notebook together one night. I was sobbing, as expecting when watching the Notebook, and Niall was giggling. "It's not funny." I said through my sobs. "It kinda is, Y/N. This movie's not even real." "It doesn't matter. The point is Noah loves Allie so much that he wrote down everything throughout their life and is reading it to her to try to get her to remember." "Yeah that's nice and all but I don't see how you're crying over it. I guess it's a girl thing." "It's not a girl thing Niall. It's called being able to express emotion." "Are you saying I can't express emotion?" "Did you hear me say that?" "You implied it." "Don't think I did, babe." "I believe you did, love." "Believe what you will, darling. I didn't say or imply anything." "Whatever." Niall finally quit talking so I could finish watching the movie.

*a couple of weeks later*

I hate when Niall goes on tour. I'm left all alone in our flat surrounded by things that remind me of him. It's only been one day, but I still miss him and his strange Irish charm.

I walked out to check the mail and I noticed a letter sticking out of the mail box. I pulled it out and saw it had my name on it. I opened our box and saw that we didn't have any other mail besides the letter to me. I walked back into the flat and sat on the couch to examine the letter more. There was no return address or anything. I opened it up and began to read.

"My dear, sweet Y/N,

I know this may be weird. Me writing you a letter and all, but I wanted to try something out. I remember you saying how you thought this was so romantic in the Notebook. Like how Noah wrote all those letters to Allie. A letter a day for a year. That's a lot of letters. But heck, he's Ryan Gosling. He can do anything. Anyway, I wanted to write this letter to tell you how much I really love you. I could not imagine my life without you. I can't even remember my life before you became apart of it and to be honest, I don't want to remember it. You make me a better person. You make me want to change the negative things about me. I know what you're thinking, 'Ah babe. There's nothing negative about you.' And usually, I'd agree with you but it's true. I'm not perfect. But when I'm with you, I feel like I can do anything. You're my better half. I've never loved anyone as much as I love you. I thank God every day that you're with me because you could do so much better. But for some reason, you chose to be with me. And I know how you think it's so sweet that Noah loves Allie so much, but you'll never know how much I love you, Y/N. There aren't enough words to express how much I truly love you. But I would write a letter for everyday I was alive to tell you how amazing you are and how much you mean to me. I want all of you, forever, everyday. You and me.... everyday. If you're a bird, I'm a bird. That sound familiar? It's true. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I want to spend little special moments with you. Like when you laugh at your own jokes and almost pee on yourself. Or when you laugh so hard, you snort a little. Or when you're sleeping and you put your arm around me and mumble words I can't understand then you smile a little bit. Or when you lay around the house in my old shirts and sweatpants on with your hair thrown up in a bun and you swear you look terrible but in reality you look incredibly sexy and I just want you right there. Or no matter how many times I compliment you, you blush and turn away. You will never know how special you are to me but I'm willing to spend the rest of my life showing you. Starting with this letter. You mentioned one time how you've never received a hand written letter from a boy, well here you go. I hope it lived up to your expectations. I love you, princess and I'm counting the days I get to hold you again.

Forever yours,

Niall xx"

I immediately picked up my phone and called Niall. "Hello, baby." He answered. "I love you so much, Niall. I can't even explain how amazing you are." I said through my sobs. "I take it that you read my letter?" "I did. I can't stop crying." "Was it that bad?" "It was perfect. I love you." "I'm glad you liked it, princess. I love you too and I meant every word in that letter."

The end.

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