Sorry I'm A Jealous Girlfriend

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"How about this one?" I asked holding up a white sundress against my chest. "Yeah. That's lovely," Niall replied, his eyes glued on his phone. I rolled my eyes and put the dress back on the rack. "Lets just leave," I said, aggravated, walking past Niall. He grabbed my wrist and gently tugged me towards him, "What's wrong, babe?" "You're bored. I've asked your opinion on a couple of things and you've blown me off. So lets leave. I'll come back by myself." "I'm sorry. Show me the dress again." I sighed and picked the dress up again. "That would look great on you, baby. You should buy it. No. I'll buy it for you. And I'll buy you some shoes to go with it." "Are you trying to buy my love?" I asked walking towards him. "I don't know. Is it working?" "Maybe. I'm going to try this on," I smiled and kissed Niall before going into the dressing room.

I tried the dress on and it fit perfectly. I felt like prancing through a field of daisies. I walked out to show Niall what the dress looked like on me but I couldn't see him. I walked around and found him in the women's section talking to some girl. I figured she was a fan until I saw him kiss her on the cheek when he hugged her. Jealousy and anger hit me like a truck. I stormed over to him and tugged on his shirt. "What's going on here?!" I blurted out. Niall shot me an angry look and I could tell he knew exactly what I was thinking. "Y/N, let me introduce you to my cousin, Nicole. I haven't seen her in ages," he said trying to cover up the fact that he was mad. I felt like a complete idiot. "Oh! Your cousin, Nicole. It's great to meet you," I said extending my hand. "It's great to meet you, too. That's a lovely dress," she smiled. "Thank you. I'm just going to change and let you guys talk." Nicole nodded and Niall glared at me. I really screwed up.

I changed and put the dress back. I didn't want Niall to buy it after I had acted like a complete jealous psychopath. Niall was looking at some jeans in the men's section so I walked up to him. "Where'd Nicole go?" I asked. "She had to leave. Where's the dress?" "I decided not to get it." "Well lets leave." I didn't want to argue so I followed Niall to the car. He didn't say a word the whole way home. I could tell he was upset by his body language. Whenever Niall gets mad, he always nibbles on his bottom lip. It's extremely hot but he was in no mood for me to make a move on him.

We got home and he went straight to the fridge to get a beer. He sat on the couch and turned on the tv to a football game. I walked over and sat on the other side of the couch. "So who's playing?" I asked trying to break the tension. "Ireland and Brazil," he said, before taking a sip of his beer. He had such a monotone in his voice and I could tell he didn't want to talk. "Well I can guess who you're rooting for," I giggled. "Yeah." "Are we really going to do this, Niall?" I scoffed. "Do what?" "Act like little kids. Lets talk about it." "I'm not acting like a little kid, Y/N. And I can guarantee that if I would've pulled that little stunt like you did today, you would've flown off the handle and don't sit there and act like you wouldn't." "I'm sorry, Niall." "You just stormed over there like I was banging another person right in front of you. I can't believe you're that jealous." "I know. I should've gone about it differently. I feel like a complete jack***. I'm sorry. I know that I'm not the girlfriend you hoped I'd be. I'm too jealous, impatient, and clingy. Can you forgive me?" Niall grabbed my legs that were resting in the middle of the couch and pulled me closer to him. "You're right about one thing. You're not the girlfriend I hoped you'd be. You're better than that. Okay, you get jealous. It happens. You think I don't get a little jealous when guys look at you? But I know that you're my girl and that you're coming home with me. And that goes the same for you. I'm not looking or thinking about anyone else. It will always be you." I smiled and held his hands,"I'm sorry for being a crazy, jealous girlfriend." "It's okay, babe. I forgive you." He leaned over and kissed me. "Now that we're okay, can I get that dress and shoes?" I giggled. "Only if you watch this match with me," he said pulling me to his side. "Fine by me." I rested my head on his chest as we laid on the couch and watched his precious football match. Needless to say that I got my dress and shoes at the end of the day.

The end

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