Small Argument

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You and Niall are attending Liam's party. It's not a big party, just a small get together. All the boys and their girlfriends were going the be there. And well, Harry was going to be there by himself. You and Niall get to Liam and Danielle's house and start mingling. You go up to Harry and start chatting. You notice that Harry's a bit tipsy. He's sorta touchy feely and he's flirting with you a bit. You push him away, knowing that this would upset Niall. Things have been going really good and a fight is the last thing you needed. You have no romantic feelings for Harry whatsoever, you just don't want to start anything with the boys. You walk away from Harry and begin talking to Perrie.

"Anyone up for a game of spin the bottle?", Eleanor screams.

"El, we are adults.... Of course I'm up for spin the bottle!" Louis shouts.

So everyone gathers in a circle. Eleanor puts the bottle in the center and says, "So who wants to go first?"

"I'll go." says Perrie. She bends over and, what do you know, it lands on Zayn.

"BORING!" Liam shouts.

Perrie crawls over to Zayn and plants a big one on his lips.

"I'm next!" Harry slurs. He bends over and spins the bottle. And just your luck, it lands on you.

"Now we're talking!" Louis whispers, nudging Liam's shoulder. Theres obviously an inside joke or something.

You look over and see Niall's expression. He did not look too happy. Zayn leans over and bumps Niall with his elbow. Niall brushes him off. You didn't want to be a party pooper so you thought one little kiss wouldn't hurt. Harry bends over in the center of the circle and you bend over to meet him. You lean in for what you think is a small kiss and Harry surprises you with a full on frencher. You push him away and wipe your face. You look at Niall and his expression is blank. He can't be mad over this. It's a harmless game.

The game goes on until everyone gets bored. It starts to get late and Niall is ready to go. He hasn't talked to you since the game. You two get in the car and head home.

"Niall, babe. Are you mad?"

"Well y/n. Seeing that you practically made out with Harry right in front of me, I'd say yes. I'm pretty upset with you right now."

"It was a game, Niall! It didn't mean anything!"

"It did to me! He's one of my best friends, y/n!"

"You knew it was going to happen. They're all your friends! You knew there was a chance I could kiss any of them! Harry knew it didn't mean anything!"

Right about the time he was going to say something, you pulled into your driveway. Niall went into the house and slammed the door. You got out of the car and ran after him. He went to the fridge an popped open a beer.

You stood in the doorway and shouted, "Niall! Come on! You kissed Eleanor and you don't see me flipping out on you! Because IT DIDN'T MEAN ANYTHING!!!"

He looked at you with a serious expression, "That's different, y/n! Eleanor doesn't like me like that! Harry likes you! He likes you! He always has!!! And when he kissed you, he wanted that to happen!! I saw him flirting with you! You have no idea how bad I wanted to scream at him but I didn't want to embarrass you!"

You looked at him, sorta shocked that Harry liked you like that. "Okay he likes me, but how is that my fault? I pushed him away! I don't want Harry! I want you, Niall! Don't you think if I wanted Harry, I wouldn't have spent all that time with you?! Flirting with you?! Hanging out with you?! He was drunk! Harry's always flirtatious when he's drunk! I pushed him away, Niall!! Im not interested in him!! What more do you want me to say?!"

He went over and sat at the kitchen table. "I know he was drunk. And when he drinks, that's when he says what he's truly thinking. That's what pissed me off. All the things he was saying to you was what he really thought. He's liked you for awhile. He's always been kinda upset that we started dating."

You went over and knelt in front of him. "Niall, look at me." He looked into your eyes. "I love you so much. I would never do anything that would make you upset. I shouldn't have kissed Harry. I should've asked you first. It was just a little game. I don't want to kiss anyone but you anyway."

"I guess it's not your fault. You didn't know how he felt. I just get jealous sometimes. Seeing you with another guy just gets to me. I should've have gotten so mad at you, princess. I'm sorry." He stood up and help you to your feet.

"It's okay, babe." You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him gently on the lips.

Niall smiled and said, "Next time, lets not play any kissing games. Especially if Harry's drinking."


The end.

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