Forgive Me?

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Imagine Continued....

It had been about two weeks since you'd broken up with Niall. He hasn't called, texted, tweeted, anything. You thought he'd try something but he didn't. That was until you checked twitter. You hadn't unfollowed Niall. Even though he wasn't your boyfriend anymore, your were still curious to see what he was up to.

@NiallOfficial I know I haven't did this in awhile but Im havin a twitcam in a bit. Need to talk. Tune in.

Hmm. Well you were home. You didn't have anything else to do so you started twitcam up. Was this weird? Maybe but you didn't care. He said he needs to talk. Usually he talks to either the guys or you when something is bothering him. You still loved him tremendously and you wanted to know what was bothering him. You started twitcam and noticed there were already thousands of people on. Wow. The twitcam started and Niall didn't look himself. He wasn't happy or smiling. He looked upset.

"Hey guys. It's just me here. I'm not sure where the other guys are. I haven't didn't this in a while and Im sorry. I just wanted to get on here and vent a little. I screwed up. Big time. I had been dating this girl for awhile here recently. An amazing girl. Perfect, really. But I'm an idiot and screwed it up. I know no one ever knew about her and that's my fault. I wanted to protect her. I wanted to protect her from the hate tweets and all the negative things that comes all with this sh**. She wanted me to tell you guys but I was scared. No offense, but some of you guys take it too far. She wanted me to be honest with the fans. When I said no, she thought I was ashamed of her. She thought I was embarrassed. That is not true. She is beautiful. She's my world. She's the one that should be ashamed of me for being a coward. I want to show her off to the world. I want to make everyone jealous because they know she's mine and they can't have her. Y/Full/N, if you're watching, I love you more than anything in the world. I'm sorry for being a prick and not taking your feelings into consideration. I'll spend my whole life making it up to you. Telling you how much I love you. Telling you how beautiful and perfect you are. I just want to be with you and only you. These past two weeks have been a living hell without you in my life. Just please. Forgive me? Thanks for listening everyone. I had to get that off my chest. I'm going to go now. Bye."

You ran to your phone and texted Niall. "I forgive you now get your butt here pronto." Literally 10 minutes later, there was a knock on your door. Your front door. You ran and opened it and saw Niall standing there with a huge smile on his face. You jumped in his arms and he carried you off the porch. "So you do forgive me?" He asked. "Yes. Yes. Yes. Definitely." "So are we back together?" You reached and pulled the spare house key out of your back pocket. You handed it to him and smiled. He leaned down and kissed you passionately. "You hear that?!?! This here is Niall Horan's girlfriend!! You can look but don't touch!!!" He yelled at the top of his lungs. "You're insane!" You joked. "I must've been if I let you get away. Now lets go get something to eat. I'm hungry and I want to show you off." You laughed and Niall lead you to his car. After that day, Niall brought you everywhere with him.

The end

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