Can We Keep Him?

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Niall and I was walking hand in hand down the streets of London. We decided to finally get out of the house and do a little shopping. We passed a small pet shop and Niall tried to pull me past it but the small teacup yorkie in the window caught my eye. I stopped dead in my tracks. "Awww!! Babe! Look at this puppy!" I shrieked. "No. Nope. Come on. Lets buy you some new shoes! You like shoes!" Niall said tugging my arm. "I don't want shoes. Lets go inside and pet the puppies!" "Y/N, we're not getting a dog." "Alright. We're just gonna look."

I dragged Niall into the pet store and looked at the puppies. The little yorkie had its little paws on the cage and started wagging its tail. I stuck my fingers through the cage and petted it. "Niall! Look at that face!" I said bending down in front of the cage. "I see it. Yeah it's cute. Now lets go." "Lets get him." "No, Y/N. We can't have a dog in the apartment." "Why not?" "Because we would have to get him fixed and we would have to pay a deposit to keep him." "Niall. You're in the biggest band in the world. I think you can afford it." "But we're rarely home. I'm on the road and you're either at work, at school, or with me." "I'll bring him with me when I'm with you. And when I'm at work or at school, I come home before 9. He'll be okay at home by hisself. We can buy a cage and we can just leave a puppy pad and some food and water out. It'll be fine." "I don't know, babe." Just then, a woman came by and asked, "Can I help you?" "No thanks. She just wanted to look." Niall told her. I stood up and asked, "Can I hold this puppy?" "Of course." She opened the cage and handed me the little guy. He wagged his tail and licked my cheek. "Niall!! Look at him! Please! Can we get him?" I pouted. I gave him my sad puppy dog look. "Not the puppy face." He said looking at me then the puppy. "Please. Look at him." I held the puppy up to my face. "Just hold him." I handed Niall the small puppy and it licked his chin. "How can you say no to that little face? He needs a home Niall. Think about how happy he'd be with us. We'd be parents. Puppy parents. Come on, babe." I said. I felt like a little girl begging her parents for something. "Alright. Fine. We'll take him." He sighed. "Thank you! Thank you! I love you!" I yelled jumping up and down.

Niall payed for the puppy and we made our way back home. "What are we going to name him?" Niall asked. "I don't know. Something cute." I replied. "Hmm. How about Nando's?" "What? No." "That's cute." He laughed. "No it isn't. What about Tate?" Niall looked at the small puppy and smiled at me. "I like it. Tate. I think it suits him." "You like that name, Tate?" I said in a high pitched baby voice. Tate wagged his tail and looked up at me. "Tate it is." I laughed. Niall and I walked hand in hand, walking Tate home on a leash. "You know, this makes us an official couple now." I told Niall. "I thought we were already official?" He laughed. "Yeah but this is another step." "Ah. So it's friends, dating, moving in together, getting a dog, then what? Marriage?" "Yeah but we can wait on that step." "Sounds good to me. Just as long as you're with me, I don't mind waiting." "Well I'm not going anywhere. You're stuck with me." "Good." Niall put his arm around my shoulder and kissed my temple. I'm lucky to have a guy that's so in love with me. I couldn't be happier.

The end.

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