Can You Promise Me Something?

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Do you ever have those days where you just don't like the way you look? I'm pretty sure most girls do. Well that seems to happen to me a lot. It doesn't matter what I do, I'm just not comfortable with my appearance. I mean, Niall tries so hard to make me see that I'm beautiful to him but it's hard for me to see what he sees. Whenever I get a compliment, I just brush it aside. I don't know. I've always been like that.

Niall and I were having a lazy Sunday at home. It consisted nothing but us laying on the couch in our pajamas, eating junk food, and watching tv together. Niall was sitting on the couch in nothing but his sweatpants, watching a football game. I walked over in my oversized t shirt, (which belonged to Niall), pajama shorts, and my bunny house shoes. I was too lazy to even brush my hair or put my contacts in so I had my hair thrown up in a bun and my glasses resting on my nose. I walked over and sat down on the couch. I threw my legs into Niall's lap and grabbed the iPad off of the side table. Niall placed his hand on my knees and looked at me, "Well don't you look beautiful today." I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "Do you have your contacts in?" "I don't need them to see how beautiful you are." I laughed and turned my attention to Candy Crush on my iPad.

Two football matches and numerous levels of Candy Crush later, Niall and I were still sitting on the couch together. I had been on a certain level of Candy Crush for the past 20 minutes and I couldn't beat it. "I am about to throw this iPad out of the window!" I groaned. "I'd rather you didn't. I got you that for your birthday," Niall laughed. "Well I can't pass this level and it's pissing me off." I sat there and chewed on my thumb nail as I concentrated on the game. "You look cute when you're aggravated." I rolled my eyes, "Whatever." "Why do you always do that?" Niall asked, pausing the tv. "Do what?" "I tell you how beautiful or cute you are and you just brush it off." I looked at him and shrugged. "It's like you don't believe the things I tell you," he said rubbing my legs. "Maybe it's because I don't," I whispered. "What?", he asked turning his body to face me. "I said maybe its because I don't." Niall took the iPad out of my hands and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. "Please explain to me why you don't think you're beautiful," he said scooting closer to me.I looked down at my lap as I played with my nails. "It's just that I see all these girls who are so much prettier than I am. They have perfect skin, bodies, hair, everything. I just don't feel I'm good enough. I'm chubby. My skin is terrible. My flaws outweigh the good things about me. You have so many beautiful girls throwing themselves at you and I can't help like feeling you could do so much better than me. I'm still surprised that you actually love me," I said as tears rolled down my face. Niall grabbed both of my hands. "Look at me," he said sternly. I looked up into his eyes. "Y/N, you know that I love you with every fiber of my being. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever met, inside and out. Looks do not make the person. A person can be beautiful but have an ugly personality. You have a personality that anyone would be lucky to have. I can't believe you think that way of yourself. It actually hurts me. It hurts that I think you're the most amazing person that I've ever had the pleasure of knowing but you think you're a troll or something. Yes. You have flaws. You're human. Everyone has flaws. But I am in love with you and everything that you do. Like just a little bit ago, I don't know if you've noticed but whenever you're concentrating, you bite your nails and you look so cute doing it. Or when you get to laughing really hard and you snort. Or how you have the ability to look sexy without even trying, like right now. It's taking every power in me not to take you to the bedroom right now. And I know that girls can get out of hand but I want you to remember something. I love you and only you. I don't want anyone else. You're all I think about. When I'm away, the only thing I'm thinking of is when I'm going to see you again. If anything, I'm surprised you're still with me. You're too perfect. Can you promise me something?" I sniffled a little bit and nodded. "Can you promise me that you'll never put yourself down again? It hurts me to see you like this." "Okay," I replied, tears rolling off my face. Niall used both of his hands to wipe my cheeks. He pulled me into his lap and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "I love you so much, princess. More than anything," Niall whispered, running his hands up and down my back. "I love you too," I whispered back, resting my head into the crook of his neck. We spent the rest of the day on that couch, in each other's arms, Niall whispering to me how beautiful I was, and I was beginning to believe it more and more each time.

The end

A/N: Hey, muffins! Alright. Muffin is here to stay Hahahaha. I just wanted to say that I've already written one about y/n bein insecure and stuff but I thought of this story so I wrote it anyway. I hope you guys don't mind.

Also, thank you so much for the ideas!! They were very helpful! I've already got a couple of ideas thought out. I just have to write them down. I'll give you credit if I use them!

So I wanted to tell you guys that I love you and that you're all beautiful! But looks doesn't make the person. I'd rather have a outstanding, wonderful personality than just a pretty face. Just be comfortable with who you are! Embrace your flaws! Own them! Show everyone who fabulous you are!

"I know I'll never be perfect, but I'm going to work it." We Are Who We Are - Little Mix



- Beth xxxxx

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