Connor's First Day of School

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Hey guys! A lot of people have been asking me to write more with the kids so I whipped this up. I don't know why I stopped! I forgot how fun it was! I hope you like it! If you have any requests to do with Connor and Cady, I'd be happy to hear them!

I love you!!!


"But I don't wanna go!!!" Connor yelled, his little arms clinging to the side of the stair railing. I pulled on his arm but he was not budging.

"You have to go, sweetie," I sighed, trying to fix the collar on Connor's shirt. He wiggled away, popped the collar back up, and sat on the stairs with his arms crossed across his chest.

"I don't wanna go! I wanna stay here with you and daddy!" He whined.

"But don't you wanna go and color and make new friends?" I asked, sitting next to Connor on the stairs. He shook his head vigorously. I'm surprised he didn't get whiplash. "And why not?" I asked, patting his knee.

"I don't wanna make new friends! You and daddy are my friends!" He yelled, clinging to the railing again.

"Cady is getting ready for school. Don't you wanna go to school with Cady?" I asked, pointing over to Cady putting her shoes on while sitting on the couch.

"No!" He yelled.

"Cady, why don't you tell him how fun school is?" I begged my oldest child. She rolled her eyes, something she definitely got from her mother.

"Come on, Connor. It's not so bad. The only thing you have to worry about are the mean kids. Sometimes, they take your lunch and give you wedgies," she taunted. Connor cried even harder and clung to the railing.

"That's enough, Cadence. You're no help. Go get your things," I ordered. She giggled and walked up the stairs to her room. I kneeled in front of Connor and wiped his face. "She's just teasing, sweetie. You have nothing to be afraid of."

"I'm not going!" He yelled, stomping his feet.

"Alright then," I sighed. I walked up the stairs, around the corner into mine and Niall's bathroom. Niall was standing in front of the sink brushing his teeth when I leaned against the wall. "He's throwing a fit down there," I sighed, crossing my arms.

"I'm not surprised," Niall laughed after he spit into the sink.

"Maybe we should hold him back a year. It's only pre-school. It's not mandatory that he go. Maybe he's not ready," I explained, sitting on the edge of the tub.

"No, Y/N. He's going. He's just nervous because it's the first day," he said, wiping his mouth with a hand towel.

"But he's too little to be going to school."

"He's the exact same age Cady was when she started. You're just being emotional again."

"How are you not emotional?! He's our baby!" I exclaimed, standing up from the tub.

Niall walked over to me and ran his hands up my arms. "Of course! He's our little man but he's going to pre-school, babe. We're not shipping him off somewhere. It's not like we're never going to see him again. It's only for a few hours," he chuckled.

"I know. It's just that it seems like yesterday we were finding out we were having another baby and now he's getting ready to go to school. You would think I'd be okay since we've already went through this with Cady."

"It's okay, babe. It's not easy letting go but this is only the start. We still have to get through graduation."

"Don't remind me," I frowned. He pulled me into his arms and kissed my forehead.

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