Just Hang In There

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A/N: This imagine kinda goes along with my previous one. Enjoy!


"You're just not what we're looking for, sorry." "You have talent, but it's not our style." "It wouldn't work out." That's all I heard during my numerous job interviews. I went from studio to studio, trying to find someone to give me a job. I took my portfolio filled with some of my work I've done through the past five years but every studio shot me down. I'd fake a smile, say its okay, and politely leave. But when I got into my car, I let it all out. I gathered myself and headed home.

I walked through the front door and threw my things on the side table beside the doorway. Niall was sitting on the couch watching tv. He looked at me and muted the tv, "Hey, how'd it go?" I slouched as I took my heels off. "Not good. I'm still unemployed," I groaned. "Don't worry about it. You'll find something," Niall assured. I rolled my eyes and scoffed, "I'm not so sure about that anymore." I walked to the fridge and grabbed a beer. I turned to see Niall leaning in the doorway. "You can't give up yet. Something will come along," he said walking towards me. "Yeah well. It's not looking good. I've been to every studio in town and I've put an application in at every place imaginable." Niall took the beer out of my hands, put it on the counter, and put his arms around me. "What if I can't find a job?" I said resting my head on his chest. "Okay. Lets say you don't. It'll be okay. I'll take care of you." I pulled away and looked at him. "And I know you will but I didn't go to school and work my butt off for a degree to just let you take care of me." "Well let me make a call for you. I can pull some strings somewhere." I shook my head, "No. I have to do this on my own. I can't rely on you to pull your celebrity card whenever something doesn't go our way." Niall kissed me on the forehead. "Well then, keep looking. You're so talented and any studio that would turn you down is completely stupid." I smiled and kissed him. "Thanks babe." Niall handed me my beer and pushed me into the living room. "Now you watch tv and I'll fix dinner. You need something to brighten your day." I smiled as I sat on the couch and watched Niall scurry back to the kitchen to prepare dinner. He had a way of practically lifting the stress off of me.

*weeks later*

Numerous interviews and no job offer later, I was still at home. Unemployed. I called yet another studio to ask if they had looked at my application but they weren't hiring. I sat on the couch beside Niall as I hung my cell phone up. "Well?" Niall asked. I shook my head as tears welled up in my eyes. "Don't cry baby," Niall said rubbing my knee and patting my back. "I quit. I'll just get a job at McDonald's. I'll just throw my degree away and work in fast food." Niall patted my back and scooted closer to me. "Please stop crying, princess. I hate to see you upset." I wiped my face and sniffed. "I'm just fed up. I'm tired of trying. But if I stop trying then I'll get nowhere." "See. Just don't give up. Things will turn around," Niall leaned over and kissed my temple. I looked at him and have him a weak smile. "I know. I think I'm going to go take a bubble bath." Niall laughed and leaned back on the couch. "I think that'd help." I kissed him before getting up and going to take a bath. Niall had a point. Maybe things would turn around.

*the next morning*

I was sound asleep until I heard my cell phone blaring on my bedside table. I looked at the clock and saw that it was 8 o'clock. I groaned as I reached for my phone. "Hello?" I mumbled. "Hello. Is this Ms. Y/L/N?" A lady asked. "Yes. This is she." "Hello Y/L/N. This is Rachel from Marc-Michaels Interior Design and I was calling in regards to your application. Would you be interested in coming for an interview around noon?" I shot out of the bed and jumped up and down. I was so excited I forgot to answer her question. "Hello? Ms. Y/L/N? Are you there?" I composed myself and sat back down on the bed. "Yes. I'm here. I would love to come. Noon is great." "Great. I'll see you then." "Alright. Thank you so much." "No, thank you. Bye bye." "Bye." I hung up and practically jumped on Niall. "NIALL! You'll never guess who called!" Niall rolled over and rubbed his eyes, "What time is it?" "It doesn't matter! Guess who called!" He rested himself on his elbows and looked at the clock. "Y/N! It is 8 o'clock! You know I don't get up until at least noon!" He groaned and fell back on the bed. "Niall! I got an interview with Marc-Michaels!" I yelled. Niall sat up in the bed, "That's great babe!" "This is huge! this firm is even bigger than the last one! Maybe things are turning around!" I exclaimed. I was so excited that I began getting ready right then. I was determined to get this job.


I arrived at Marc-Michaels and met with Rachel. I sat at her desk as she looked over my application. I talked about my previous jobs and my works in college. "I brought my portfolio. Would you like to take a look?" I asked, getting my folder out of my bag. "That's alright. I think I've seen enough. I think you're exactly what we're looking for." She replied, smiling. I looked at her confused, "Really? You haven't even seen any of my work." "There's no need. I've seen that you worked with an impressive firm for multiple years. Can you start next week?" "Yes. Yes of course," I replied enthusiastically. She stood up and extended her hand, "Great. I'll see you next week." I stood up and shook her hand, "Thank you so much." I grabbed my bag and went to open the door. "Oh and Y/N." Rachel said, sitting back down at her desk. I turned around and replied, "Yes?" "Would you tell Niall that I'll call him to discuss our negotiation?" I stood in shock. "Wait. What? Niall?" I asked. "Yes. He told you he called us didn't he?" My heart dropped. I couldn't believe this. I told him I wanted to do this myself. I looked at her and nodded. "Oh yeah. Okay. I'll tell him." I turned around stormed out to my car. Niall Horan and I needed to talk.

I walked in the house to find Niall eating at the table. "Hey! How'd it go? Did you get it?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air. "Did you call and make them a deal or something?" I asked point blank. He lowered his arms and sat back in his seat. "What?" "Don't lie to me, Niall. Did you?" Niall exhaled and looked down at his food. "Niall!" I urged him to answer. "I might have called and suggested you," he mumbled. "And you mentioned your name, didn't you? What did you say to them?" "I said that I'd endorse their firm." "Niall! I told you I wanted to do this myself! I don't want handouts!" I yelled. "Well you got the job didn't you." "She didn't even look at my work, Niall! I could've went in there with stick men drawings and still got it! She only gave it to me because of you! I want to get a job because of my work that I love doing not because my boyfriend is Niall Horan and he'll promote the business!" Niall stood up and leaned against the counter. "Well I'm sorry that I tried to help you out. I'm sorry that I hate seeing my girlfriend cry. I'm sorry that I cared enough to call up an interior firm and try to get you a job. I'm sorry, Y/N. I will never help you again." I took a deep breath and ran my fingers through my hair. "I appreciate you trying to help. I really do. All I'm saying is that I want to get a job based on the work I do not the people I date. Just put yourself in my shoes. You want people to like you for you not how famous you are. I want people to hire me for my talents." Niall crossed his arms and nodded, "I understand. I just don't like seeing you upset. I'll try whatever I can to make it better for you." I sighed. "I know." I walked over and hugged him. "When it comes to our careers, lets just leave it to ourselves, okay?" He wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on my head. "Deal." I looked up at him and he smiled. "I really do appreciate how you care so much about me. I love you so much, Niall." "I love you too and I'd do anything for you." "I know," I laughed. He laughed and kissed me. We pulled away and Niall looked at me. "So I'm guessing you're not taking that job?" He asked. "No. I going to call and respectfully decline. I'm going out tomorrow and finding a job, even if I have to go out of town," I said, picking up my portfolio. "You can do it," Niall smiled.

The next day, I got a job using my work and not my man. The way is was suppose to be.

The end

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