Little White Lies

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Niall's POV

"It feels like we haven't hung out in ages, mate," Deo said, putting his arm around my shoulder. "I know! That's why we have to make this night count! Let's get crazy!" I yelled as we walked into a pub that was packed with people.

I finally had some down time after the tour and some album promotion so I came back home. I couldn't think of no better way to relax than getting some drinks with Deo at the popular pub in town.

Deo and I made our way through the crowded pub and met up with some friends in the back. "NIALL!!!" They yelled as soon as they saw me walk up to them. I greeted them all and we began to catch up. "Remember that party Ricky threw at his house and everyone trashed it?" My friend, Steven, laughed as he poured the remaining Guinness in his glass. "I do! Didn't you tell your parents that you got robbed, Rick?" I said, wiping the tears from my cheeks. I haven't laughed this hard in a long time. "They believed it, didn't they?! I didn't want to get grounded!" He exclaimed. "Oh yeah. Didn't want your precious brown, rusty Pinto taken away," Deo joked. "Hey! You wasn't complaining about Petunia when I was driving you around!" Rick stated. "I'll never understand why you named your car Petunia," Steven laughed. "How about all of you worry about yourselves and not worry about what I'm doing? That would be wonderful." We all laughed and changed the subject to make Rick happy.

"We need another pitcher of Guinness. Steven over there drinks like a fish," Deo said, holding the empty pitcher. "Here," I said getting the pitcher, "I'll go get some more." "You're a kind soul," Steven said, holding my free hand. I jerked it away and laughed as I walked up to the bar.

The bartender was pretty busy so I took a seat on a bar stool as I waited for my turn. I was looking at my phone until I saw someone sit next to me out of the corner of my eye. I looked over to see a Y/H/C girl in a short red dress with leopard print high heels. She was gorgeous. She leaned over and sighed when she saw the bartender taking orders at the other end of the bar. "I think it's going to be awhile," I told her, putting my phone back into my pocket. "I think so too," she said with a smile. "Is it always this crowded?" I asked, looking into her Y/E/C eyes. "Well it's happy hour on a Friday afternoon so it's pretty packed this time of day. Are you new in town?" "Nah. I've lived here all my life. I just haven't been around a lot for the past three years." "Really? Why's that? Wait. I'm being nosey. I apologize." She stammered, looking down at the counter. "No it's okay," I assured her. She looked up and smiled at me. "I have to travel a lot for my job so I haven't been able to hang out in town," I explained. "Oh, I see. Well this pub just opened up about a week ago so you haven't missed that much," she laughed. Her laugh was adorable. I would set it as my ringtone just so I could listen to it over and over. I laughed and extended my hand, "Well I'm Niall." "Oh yeah! You're Niall Horan. The towns hero, so to speak," she laughed. "Well I wouldn't say 'hero'." "Well it's a pleasure to meet you. I'm Y/N." She placed her hand in mine and shook it. "Nice to meet you," I smiled. We sat for a good fifteen minutes and she told me all about herself. She was in college, studying to be an architect and she was given a paid internship at a museum. She was so interesting. I could sit and talk to her for hours. The way she talked was mesmerizing.

"Hey, Y/N! What can I get you?" The bartender asked, interrupting Y/N's sentence. She ordered a pitcher of Guinness and paid her bill. "Is he a friend of yours?" I asked. "Well I spend some time in here so he knows my name," she laughed. She looked around and pulled her phone out of her purse. "My friends are probably wondering where I am," she said, looking at her phone. "Mine too," I added, looking over at our table to see Rick running his mouth. The bartender handedher the pitcher and took mine to get refilled. "So I'll see you around?" She asked, standing up from the stool. "Yeah. Um, would you like to go out sometime?" I asked before paying my bill. "Sure. Here," she pulled out a pen and wrote her number on a napkin, "text me sometime." "I will. I'll see you later," I said, standing up. "Can't wait," she smiled.

I grabbed the pitcher and walked back to the table. "Finally!" Steven shouted, taking the pitcher and filling our glasses. "Sorry. It was crazy up there," I explained, sitting down next to Deo. "What's that?" Deo asked, looking at the napkin in my hand. "It's a napkin that may or may not have a number on it," I smirked. "No matter where we go, you always find a girl," he shook his head. "Well duh. He's in the world's most successful boyband. Getting girls is in the job description," Rick laughed. I ignored them and chugged down my Guinness.

Deo and I said goodbye to Steven and Rick and walked to Deo's apartment he had in town. "So you gonna text that girl?" Deo asked, unlocking his front door. "Yeah but probably tomorrow. Don't wanna seem desperate, ya know?" I asked, getting a chuckle from Deo. We walked in and collapsed on his couch. He turned on ESPN so we could catch the last of the football match that was on. "Who is she anyway?" He asked, propping his feet up on his coffee table. "Her name is Y/N," I said, putting her number into my phone. "Y/N? Does she have Y/H/C hair?" He asked. "Yeah." "Big Y/E/C eyes?" "Yeah." I'm pretty sure I know who you're talking about." "How?" "She's a waitress at the pub." "No she's not. She goes to school and she works at a museum." "I'm positive we're talking about the same girl and she doesn't go to school. She has quite a reputation, Niall." "What kind of reputation are we talking about?" "Well lets just say that she gets around." "It can't be the same girl. She seems so nice and sweet." "Don't they all though? I'm pretty sure she has a boyfriend too." "Then why would she give me her number?" "Why wouldn't she? You're a famous member of a boyband. You're rich. You're nice to look at. She'd be an idiot not to flirt with you." "I can't believe it." "What are you going to do?" "I'm going to ask her out and get to the bottom of it." I pulled my phone out and texted her.

Hey, Y/N! It's Niall. Would you want to get something to eat tomorrow night?

I can't tomorrow. I have to do some homework. What about Sunday?

"She said she can't tomorrow because she has homework." I told Deo. I didn't know what to tell her. "She probably has to work tomorrow night. Why don't you just agree for Sunday night and then show up at the pub tomorrow night?" Deo suggested. "That's a good idea," I said, texting Y/N back.

Alright. See you then.

I can hardly wait! ;)

"I wonder how many guys she's told that to," Deo chuckled. "Shut it, Deo."

- The next night -

"Do you want me to come with you?" Deo asked through the phone. "No, I'd rather do this without anyone around. I don't want to make a scene," I said as I walked down the sidewalk to the pub. "Alright well good luck, I guess." "Thanks." I hung up the phone and put it in my coat pocket. It was getting time for the bar to close so I waited on the curb. It wasn't long before Y/N walked out, getting her keys out of her purse. "Hey, Y/N," I called, walking towards her. She jumped and dropped her keys on the ground. I bent over and picked them up. "Niall! You scared me!" She exclaimed, putting her hand on her chest. "Sorry. I didn't mean to," I said handing her keys to her. "What are you doing here?" She asked nervously. "I was just walking around ya know, cause I don't get the chance to get out much." "Oh yeah. Well that's nice." "Yeah so what are you doing here? I thought you had homework?" "Oh I did. I, uh, came to get a drink. I had to have a break." "And you wear an apron to get a drink?" I said, pointing to her apron she forgot to take off. The color drained from her face as soon as she looked down to see she was still wearing her green apron filled with napkins and receipts. "Oh, um, I had to, uh," she stuttered. "Never mind. Listen, Y/N. I have to talk to you." She took off her apron and threw it into the backseat of her car. "Alright," she said quietly. "Well I've been hearing some stuff about you and I need to know the truth." She didn't say a word. She just nodded. "Do you go to school?" I asked. She sighed and shook her head. "Do you even work at a museum?" She shook her head again. "So everything you told me was a lie?" "No not everything," she whipsered. "Why did you lie to me?" "I wanted to impress you. I didn't think you'd want to talk to me if you found out I was a waitress who lives paycheck to paycheck. I thought if I made myself a little more interesting, you'd actually like talking to me." "I did like talking to you. What I didn't like was finding out that you lied. I heard a lot of stuff I didn't like." "Like what?" "That you had a reputation with guys." "Okay. That's a lie. I'm a waitress so I make most of my money on tips. Sometimes, I have to flirt with people to get a tip. Besides that, I barely talk to guys. That's why I was so eager to talk to you. You wanted to talk to me without me having to bring you alcohol." I walked closer to her and she looked up at me. "Y/N, I don't care what you do for a living. I just want to get to know you for who you are. No more lies." "I'm sorry I lied to you. Want to start over?" "I'd love that." She smiled and extended her hand, "Hello. I'm Y/N." I laughed and shook her hand. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Niall." We laughed and I pulled her into a hug. "So what about that dinner?" I asked when we pulled away. "That sounds amazing," she smiled.

Since then, Y/N and I have been dating for almost two years and I couldn't be happier. There hasn't been any more little white lies and that's how it's going to stay.

The End


Okay so I got stumped writing this one. I want to thank Megan for helping me out! So thanks, Megan!! :)) I'd also like to thank my friend, Haley. I don't know if she reads so if you do read this Haley, thanks! Hahaha!!

Anyway, I hope you liked it guys!

Xx Beth

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