Niall Takes You To See TFIOS

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"Oh my god! I am so bored!" Niall groaned, collapsing on the couch beside me. He laid his head in my lap and looked up at me with his big blue eyes.
I smiled down at him as I played with his hair and paused Stepbrothers. "Watch Stepbrothers with me," I suggested.
"Nooo. I've seen that movie a million times," he groaned, kicking his feet.
"Well what do you want to do, big baby?" I giggled.
"I don't know. I just wanna do something. Anything, really."
"You wanna go watch a movie?"
"Yeah, let's go!" Niall shouted, practically jumping off the couch and pulling me towards the door.
"Hold on, babe! Let me change out of my pajamas!" I laughed as he continued to pull me by my arm.
He let go of my arm and saw that I was still in my pjs. "Oh yeah. I guess people would stare at you if you wore your onesie," he chuckled.
"Exactly," I smiled, running up the stairs to change.
We drove to the movie theatre and parked the car. "We don't even know what's playing," I laughed, reaching for Niall's hand as we walked to the end of the line.
"I'm just glad to be out of the house with you," he smiled.
"Awe. I like you."
"I like you too," he chuckled.
As we neared the front of the line, we could see the list of movies playing. "Awe, babe! Let's watch The Fault in Our Stars!!!" I shrieked, yanking on Niall's arm.
"That's a chick movie! I wanna see X-Men," he said, pointing at the movie poster next to the entrance.
"But I've been waiting for this movie for months. Please, babe," I begged, trying to give him my best puppy dog eyes.
"But isn't that the book you read that made you bawl? You cried for days. Why would you want to watch the movie?"
"Because John Green is a genius and I know the movie will do the book justice. Just please sit with me for two hours and you can pick the next one. Please?"
Niall looked at me and sighed, "Fine but next time, we're watching a manly movie with explosions and fighting till the death."
"I will watch whatever you want," I promised, reaching my hand out with my pinky raised. He smiled and rolled his eyes, interlocking our pinkies.
We reached the front of the line and Niall payed for our tickets. "Two for The Fault in Our Stars," he mumbled. The guy behind the desk slid us two tickets and gave Niall his change. I smiled and thanked him before following Niall to the snack bar. "Did you see the way he looked at me when I told him what we were watching? He was questioning my manhood," Niall scoffed, putting his ticket in the pocket of his flannel.
"No he wasn't. He was probably thinking how you are such a good boyfriend for watching it with me. He's probably gonna do the same with his girlfriend."
"I highly doubt that."
"Would you stop complaining? I'm really excited to see this movie and you're ruining my vibe."
"Fine," he pouted. We bought our popcorn and drinks before walking into the theatre to find some good seats. "Let's sit in the back," Niall suggested.
"I wanna sit in the middle," I said, pointing to some empty seats right in the center of the theatre.
"Can I at least pick where we sit?" He smirked.
"Okay, fine," I laughed.
I followed him the the back of the theatre and sat on the last row. "Now people won't see us making out," he whispered, making sure the people in front of us didn't hear.
"Shut up," I laughed, slapping his leg.
"Alright fine," he sighed. "I was only half kidding."
The movie ended and the credits began to roll. I wiped my eyes with a wadded tissue I'd been using and let out a sigh. I looked over at Niall and saw that he was wiping his eyes too. "Are you crying?!" I smiled.
"What? No. A eyelash fell in my eye," he said, turning his head away from me.
"Admit it, you're crying."
"Fine. I'm crying. That was the saddest movie I've ever seen. Why did you wanna watch it, knowing that it would rip your heart out and stomp on it?"
"Because it's a great story!" The lights came on and Niall stood up and held his hand out. I intertwined our fingers and stood up and he lead us out of the theatre.
There were a line of people waiting outside for the next showing to start. "Don't go in there! It will ruin your life!" Niall shouted, causing everyone to look at him like he was crazy.
"Niall! Shut up!" I said, pulling him towards the car.
"They deserve to know!" He laughed.
"You're such an idiot!"
We drove home and we were completely exhausted. We went straight to our room and collapsed into bed.
I was resting my head on Niall's chest and thinking about everything that happened in the movie. "Niall?" I asked.
"Hmm?" He mumbled.
"You asleep?"
"Not yet."
"What if would you do if I got cancer and lost my sight?"
"What I got the cancer Isaac had and became blind? Would you stay with me?"
"Of course I would. You're still the girl I wanna spend the rest of my life with. 20/20 vision or blind as a bat."
"I promise."
"Okay," I sighed.
"Okay," he replied.
I laughed and looked up at him, "You really did like that movie, didn't you?"
"I really did. I'm glad you forced me to watch it."
"I'm glad you liked it." I smiled, yawning.
"Let's get some sleep."
"Alright. I love you," I said, nuzzling into Niall's side.
"Perhaps 'forever' will be our 'always'?"
"Okay," I smiled. Niall chuckled and kissed my head, holding me tighter in his arms.


Hey guys! I whipped this little chapter up to tell you that I made a new kik! It's bethcliffran. Kik me! Let's be friends! Let's fangirl over 1D and 5sos and Teen Wolf and whatever else you wanna fangirl over! I wanna talk to all of you!
I love you all!!! :)

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