Uncle Nialler

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"Has the movie started?" I asked from the kitchen while grabbing two beers from the fridge. "It's just about to," Niall answered as he stretched out on the couch. There was a Halloween marathon on and, it being my my turn to pick what we do for date night, I chose to watch scary movies. I walked into the living room and handed Niall his beer. "Thanks, baby." "You're welcome," I said sitting next to my wonderful boyfriend. He sat up and put his arm around me, pulling me into his side. I smiled and rested my head on his shoulder. He took his free hand and put it down the hem of his sweat pants, resting it there. I looked up at him and scoffed, "Really?" "What?" "Way to ruin a nice moment." He laughed, "It wasn't like I was doing anything." "Well can we just sit here without you putting your hand down your pants?" "I guess so," he sighed. We laughed and continued to watch the movie.

As time went on, we began to get into the movie. I was snuggled into Niall's side, trying to hide my face. There was a silence and I knew something was about to pop out. Suddenly, Niall's phone began to ring. "JESUS CHRIST!" I yelled jumping out of my seat. Niall started laughing uncontrollably. He calmed himself before answering his phone. "Hello?" I tried to recover from my near heart attack as he talked to whoever was on the phone. "What? Wait. What? Mom. Calm down. When? Now?! Where?! We're on our way!" Niall jumped off the couch and hung the phone up. "What is it, Niall?! What happened?!" I started to panic. "Denise. She's going into labor. The baby's coming!" Niall ran over to the front door and grabbed his shoes. "Oh my God! Niall! You're gonna be an uncle!" I exclaimed as I put my shoes on. "I know! We've got to go! He's almost here!" Niall grabbed his keys and we sped off to the hospital.

Niall got to the hospital in record time. Maura met us in the lobby and leaded us to the rest of the family waiting to meet little baby Horan. I sat with Niall as we talked to Maura and Bobby. Moments later, Greg walked out and announced that Denise had given birth to a healthy baby boy. Bobby, Maura, and Denise's parents went in first to meet the little baby. The room was way too small for the whole family to fit inside. I waited with Niall in the waiting room until we could go in. He held my hand firmly. I looked at him and he looked nervous or something. "You okay, babe?" I asked leaning over to see his expression. "Yeah. I'm fine. I just can't believe I'm an uncle." He said in astonishment. "You're going to be a great uncle. That little boy is lucky to have such a loving family." He looked into my eyes and smiled, "You're apart of this family too, Y/N." I leaned over and gave him a peck on his lips. I rested my head on his shoulder as we continued to wait.

About 10 minutes later, Greg walked out and told us we could come and see the baby. Niall and I followed Greg into Denise's room. Niall and I walked in to see Denise laying in bed holding the little baby boy. Niall walked over to the side of the bed and ran his finger over his little hand. "He's beautiful," Niall whispering looking at his nephew. "What did you decide to name him?" I asked looking at Greg. "Theo," he replied. "Theo Horan. It's cute," I smiled at Denise. "You want to hold him?" She asked Niall. Niall smiled and nodded. Denise sat up and bit and gently handed Theo to Niall. "Here. Sit down on the couch," I suggested. Niall and I sat on the couch and stared at little Theo. "He's beautiful," I said looking at Greg and Denise. "Thank you," they replied. I looked at Niall and he was mesmerized. The look on his face when he looked at the small baby in his arms was a look I'd never seen on his face before. "Hey there, buddy," he whispered as he held Theo's little hand, "I'm your Uncle Niall." I smiled and rested my head on Niall's shoulder as we both admired Theo.

We stayed at the hospital for awhile. Holding Theo, talking to Theo, and spoiling Theo. We decided to head home to give Denise and Greg some time to rest. Niall and I were sitting in the car, leaving the hospital. I reached over and held Niall's hand that was resting on the gear shift. I looked at him and remembered the look on his face as he held Theo. It made me think of how he would react it being his own child. "Theo is a beautiful baby boy," I said looking out of the window. "He is. Looks just like me," he joked. I laughed and looked at him, "Do you ever think about having kids?" He glanced over at me, "Sometimes. Why?" "I don't know. Just seeing how you looked at Theo. How gentle you were with him. It made me think of how great of a daddy you would be." He smiled, "Well I've thought about settling down and having kids." "Have you thought about settling down with me?" "Of course. I think about that a lot. I think about us getting married, getting a huge house, and having about ten kids." "Ten?!" "Well maybe not ten. Three?" I laughed, "Three's better." I looked back out of window again and sighed. I thought I did it quiet enough so Niall wouldn't hear me but he did. "What are you thinking about?" He questioned. "Just how happy Greg and Denise are. They're married and they have a new baby. They just look perfect." He began to shift in his seat. "Don't worry, Niall. I don't want you to hurry and propose or anything." He let out a sigh of relief. "I'm not ready for babies yet," I reassured him, "I'm just excited for the future." He smiled and said, "Well that'll be us. You'll be Mrs. Horan. One day." He lifted my hand and kissed it. I smiled and looked at my perfect boyfriend. I knew then that it didn't matter when or how he proposed. I don't need a ring or a fancy wedding. All I need is Niall Horan and I'm the happiest girl in the world.

The End

Of course I had to write about baby Horan!!! Hahaha!!!

I just posted another Michael imagine! It'd mean the world to me if you guys checked it out and told me what you think! Thanks!

Love you!!!

- Beth xx

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