He Comes Home Drunk

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I'm not saying Niall would ever do this. It's just for this story. Just throwing that out there.




You were watching tv in your bedroom, waiting for Niall to come home. He went out to the pub with the boys and hadn't came home yet. It was going on 2:30 a.m. and you were beginning to get worried. He usually calls or texts you but you hadn't heard anything.

Just then, you heard the front door open and slam shut. You heard something smash, causing you to jump. You went in the living room to check it out. Niall had ran into the bookcase and knocked over a vase. "Ah, sh**," Niall yelled. "Niall! Where have you been? I tried to call you." "You know where I've been." "But you usually don't stay out this late and come home wasted." "I'm a grown man and last time I checked, I don't have to check in with you everywhere I go." You could smell the alcohol on his breath. "Well I was just worried. You don't have to be so rude." "Whatever y/n, I'm not in the mood to put up with your bulls***." You were not about to put up with Niall cursing at you. He was headed up the stairs. You went around and stopped him. "Where do you think you're going?," you asked. "I'm going to bed. Move." "Um no. You're not sleeping with me. You can sleep on the couch." You turned around to walk away but Niall grabbed your wrist. "You're not going to tell me what to do in my house!" "Ow! Niall! Let go of me!" Niall ignored you. "I pay the bills around here! All you do is sit on your lazy a** and spend MY money." You couldn't believe he was saying this to you. You jerked your wrist out of his grasp and ran to your bedroom. You went to your closet and grabbed a duffle bag. You were not going to put up with this crap.

Niall walked in and saw you stuffing the bag with clothes. "Y/n, what are you doing?" "I'm going to Eleanor's. I do NOT have to listen to this crap! If you think I'm going to sit around and let you talk to me like that and let you put your hands on me, your crazy." Niall walked over and sat on the bed. He looked at you with a pitiful expression. "I'm so sorry. I don't know what got into me." You looked at him and yelled, "Well maybe it was the freaking alcohol! If you would watch how much you drink, it wouldn't be a problem!" He dropped his head and said, "I know." "And you saying that I'm lazy and spend your money?! Correct me if I'm wrong but I wanted to get a job, but what did you say?! 'Oh Princess! You don't have to get a job! I'll take care of you!' Didn't you say that or did I imagine it?!" "You're right. You're right." He wouldn't look you in the eye. "Excuse me for worrying about my boyfriend. I didn't know it was a crime. But when I know you're out drinking and you haven't called me or anything, do you know what goes through my mind?! What if he got in a wreck? What if he passed out somewhere? You scared me. I didn't know if I was going to get a phone call telling me your were in an accident." Niall looked up at you with tears in his eyes. "You're right, y/n. Im so sorry. You're an excellent and caring girlfriend. I'm an idiot. Please forgive me. I'll sleep on the couch. I'll do whatever you want. Just please don't leave." Niall was on his knees pleading. You looked at him and threw your bag into your closet. "Get up," you said helping Niall to his feet,"you have one more chance, Niall. I am dead serious. If you EVER curse at me or lay a hand on me like that again, I will leave in a heartbeat." "You have my word. Can I have a kiss?" "No. You smell like alcohol and Nandos. You get a hug." "I'll take what I can." Niall pulled you in a tight hug. Your head was against his chest. He kissed the top of your head. "I really am sorry, princess." "I know. I'm still mad though." You pulled away. He looked down at you and said, "You have every right to be." You walked over to the bed and fixed the blankets. "Well I'm tired. There's a pillow and blanket in the hall closet. You'd better get to sleep on the couch. You have a lot of making up to do tomorrow." He laughed and walked to the door. You got into bed and Niall turned the light off. "Goodnight, y/n." "Goodnight, Niall." "I love you very very very very much." "I love you too. I guess."

The end

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