He Asks You To Move In

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I was sitting on the couch watching tv when Niall collapsed beside me. He just got out of the shower and his head was soaked. He laid down and put his head in my lap. "Niall, you are soaked. You're getting my jeans wet." I told him. "Sorry, babe." He leaned over and got a pillow and placed it on my lap. He laid back down and I played with his wet locks. "You smell really good." I said sniffing him. "Yep. That's what usually happens when people bathe, Y/N." "It's just that you smell like coconuts." "Hmm. That's odd." "Did you use my shampoo?" Niall turned his head to watch tv. "Nah." "I think you did. You smell a lot like my shampoo." He looked up at me and smiled. "Alright I did. But I ran out of my stuff and the shower is filled with all your bath stuff so. Yeah. I smell like a girl now." "That's fine, Niall." I laughed. "I used your conditioner too. I've got to get me some of that. My hair is so soft." Niall and I started laughing. Niall sat up and looked at him. "Babe, listen. I've been thinking." Niall told me. "Uh-oh" I said with a grin. "No. Seriously. So I've been thinking about us and I think we should take the next the next step and move in together." "You serious?" "Well yeah. I mean, if you want to. The majority of you stuff is a already here. Your clothes are in my closet and your stuff is in my shower. I would really love it if you would move in with me." "Aw Niall! That's so sweet! Of course I'll move in." I leaned in and gave Niall a kiss. "Oh and I used your razor too." He laughed. "Alright. That's where I draw the line. We have to go buy you some shampoo and a razor when we go get my stuff." "Fine." We both laughed and went to get the rest of my things.

The end

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