You Surprise Niall

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"Hey Princess. I know you're probably sleeping so you can call me when you wake up. I was just wanting to hear your voice and tell you how much I miss you. I wish I was home with you. My birthday isn't going to be the same without you. I love you so much, y/n. Talk to you soon. Bye babe."

You listened to the voicemail Niall had left the previous night. He was away on tour and you missed him terribly. On the bright side, his birthday was in a couple of days and you had something up your sleeve. You had bought a plane ticket and planned to surprise Niall when he was least expecting it.

You had all your bags packed and ready to go. You decided to call Niall before leaving your house just to check and see what he was doing.

"Princess! How are you?!" "Hey baby! I'm fine. How's the almost-birthday boy?" "Honestly, not too good. I miss you so much." "I miss you too, Niall. And I'm sorry I can't be with you on your birthday." "It's fine. But I'd give anything to have you here with me." "I know. But I'll make it up to you. I promise." "Don't worry about it. Really. So what are you doing?" "Oh. I'm just doing some cleaning. You?" "I'm getting ready to head to the gig. We gotta big show tonight." "I'm sure you'll rock it." "I always do. Ugh. I've gotta go. We're leaving." "Oh okay. I'll talk to you soon, okay?" "Okay, princess. I miss you soooooo much. I love you." "I love you too, sweetheart." The line went dead.

You grabbed your bags and headed for the airport.


You arrived at the hotel the guys were staying at. You texted Liam while you waited in the lobby.

"I'm here. Make sure Niall is in his room." Shortly after you sent it, Liam and the rest of the guys met you by the elevators. "Hey, y/n!!" They all yelled. They each hugged you and helped you with your luggage. "Hey, boys! Niall in his room?" You asked. "Yep. He's been so mopey lately. We know that you'll help cheer him up." Harry said leading you and the rest of the guys into the elevator. "I hope so." You replied. "Okay here's the plan," Louis explained, "We'll knock on the door, try to get him to go out, then when he declines, that's when you walk in." "Sounds good to me." You said. You reached in your purse and pulled out a huge red bow and put it on the top of your head. "I thought I'd be funny." You joked. "It's cheesy. But in a good way." Zayn laughed.

The elevator doors opened and you followed the boys to Niall's room. "Back up some so if he answers the door, he won't see you." Liam whispered. You took a couple of steps back and waited anxiously. Liam knocked on the door loudly. "Who is it?" You heard Niall ask. Just hearing his voice made you want to shriek. "It's us. Open up." Liam responded. "It's unlocked." Liam opened the door and the boys walked into the suite. You walked a little closer to the door so you could hear the conversation. "Niall, you can't just stay cooped up in your room all day" you heard Harry say. "Yeah. Lets go do something." Louis suggested. "I don't want to. I'm not in the mood." Niall whined. "Come on mate! Stop being a baby! It's your birthday. Well almost anyway." Liam insisted. "I'm not being a baby, Liam! I just miss her. I don't feel like doing anything. I just want to sit here by myself." Niall snapped back. "Fine. Well can we at least give you an early birthday present?" Zayn asked. "Whatever. I don't care." Niall scoffed. You took that as the signal to go in. You walked into the room to see Niall sitting on the small sofa in the middle of the room. He was distracted by his phone. He had been texting you because your phone had been vibrating nonstop. He didn't even realize another person had entered the room. "Happy early birthday, Niall." You uttered softly. Niall's face snapped up from his phone. He looked completely shocked. He dropped his phone and jumped up from the couch. You leaped into his arms, nearly knocking him down. "Oh my God! Y/n! You're here!" He exclaimed. "Well I wanted to surprise you! Did it work?" "Definitely!" Niall started kissing you passionately. You could hear the other boys talking amongst themselves. "Well we're just going to leave you kids alone. Let you catch up on things." Liam chuckled. You motioned him to leave without breaking the kiss. You heard the boys laugh followed by the door shutting. You pulled away from Niall, looking into his eyes. "I can't believe you did all this. This is hands down the best birthday ever." "Well it's not your birthday yet. You still have a day." "How long are you going to be able to stay with me?" "Two weeks. Two long weeks." "Perfect. How about we go out? Just me and you?" "As long as I'm with you, we can do whatever you want." Niall had a cheeky expression on his face. Boys. Always that one thing on their mind. You laughed, "Okay well lets get food first." "Fine." Niall took you to a nice restaurant and you two just enjoyed being in each others company.

The end.

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