I've Been Having These Dreams

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"I had a lot of fun tonight," I smiled, leaning against my front door watching the beautiful blue eyed boy in front of me.

"I did too," Niall nodded, looking down at the ground.

"Well, it's getting pretty late and I still have some homework to do," I said, reaching for the door knob.

"Oh, yeah, sure, yeah. Uh, thanks for coming tonight," he stammered, holding the screen door open for me.

"Thanks for inviting me. Maybe we could do it again?" I asked.

"Oh, sure! Definitely!" He smiled.

I smiled back and opened my door, setting my purse down on the floor. I watched Niall walk down the stairs of my porch but he suddenly turned around. "Uh, hey Y/N! Wait!" He quickly yelped, jumping back up on the porch.

"Yeah?" I said, opening the door wider.

"We've known each other for a while, yeah?"

I walked back on the porch and looked at Niall with a confused expression. "A couple of years, so I'd say yeah."

"Do you think tonight went okay? I mean, you didn't think it was awkward did you?"

"No, not really. I think it was a normal date."

"Alright, cool. Cool," he stammered, looking down at his feet.

"Is that all you wanted?" I laughed.

"I'm sorry if I'm being weird. I'm just- can I ask you a question? And if it's weird, you can tell me to piss off and I'll let you go in and I'll leave you alone."


"Would it be weird if I kissed you? Okay wow, that sounded more stupid out loud. Okay, never mind. I'll just-"

"Niall, just wait," I interrupted. "It's not weird. Yeah, you can kiss me," I smiled.

"Oh... Okay," he replied, stunned. He began to walk towards me slowly. "Uh, I just thought it was polite to ask, ya know? I mean, I could've just went for it but I didn't know where you stood on the whole thing and I didn't want to do anything to make you feel forced or anything because-"

"Niall, I get it," I laughed. I walked towards him and he reached for my hand. "It's really sweet that you put that much thought into a simple kiss."

"See, that's the thing. I really like you, Y/N. I have for a while. It took me months to actually build up the courage to ask you out. I constantly thought about how I was gonna do it. It's just that if this is actually going to work out, I want it to be perfect and I don't want to mess anything up."

My heart skipped a couple of beats while listening Niall talk about me in that way. That was the first time anyone has ever showed me that much consideration. I smiled and moved closer to him. He finally picked up on my signal for him to shut up. He leaned in closer until our lips finally touched.

I jolted awake by the sound of a very loud car commercial on my tv. I rubbed my eyes and turned the tv off. This was the third dream I've had about Niall this week. It could be because my feelings for him may have turned into something more. All I know is that it's causing me to lose sleep and I'm getting tired of it.

I reached over to check my phone to see that I had three missed calls from none other than Niall. I sighed and called him back.

"Y/N! Where have you been? I called you earlier," he spoke through the phone.

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