I Love You, Princess

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"So what do you want to do tonight?" Niall asked. I held my phone between my shoulder and cheek as I folded some of my laundry, "Niall. I've told you it doesn't matter to me." "I know what you said. Why don't you ever come up with ideas for our dates?" "Because I'm not one of those girls who has to go out all the time. I am perfectly happy getting some McDonald's and sitting at home with you in my pajamas." "So do you want to do that? Get some McDonald's and relax?" "That sounds fine to me." "Okay. I'll come by around 5 and bring some food. That sound alright?" "That sounds perfect." "Okay. I'm going to finish things up at the studio, go home and change, then head over." "Alright. See you then." "Alright. Bye, babe." "Bye." I smiled as I sat my phone down on the bedside table.

Niall and I has been dating around five months now. I had gotten a job as a hairstylist's assistant during the summer while I was out of school. I met Lou Teasdale in a beauty supply store when I asked for her opinion on which shampoo would be better for color treated hair. She told me how she has been a hairstylist for awhile now. I asked if she needed help, she took a chance, and hired me. Little did she mention, she was the hairstylist to One Direction. Now I know what you're thinking, "How could you not know that?!" Well, I wasn't really a fan of them. I mean, I knew who they were but I didn't know anything about them. I'd heard a couple of their songs but that's it. So when I began working, she introduced me to the boys. They were all really nice and polite. Especially Niall. He flirted with me from time to time and I thought he was really cute but I never thought anything else about him. It just blew his mind that I wasn't like any other of the girls her met before. Like he thought I was kidding when I told him I didn't know his name. He'd tell me how different I was. I wasn't sure if that was good or not. After a couple of months working and traveling with Lou, I began to hang out with her and the boys a little more and we became really good friends. One day, Lou told me how she thought that Niall had a thing for me. She told me how she would catch him looking at me and how he wouldn't stop talking about me to the boys. It caught me totally by surprise. Why me? He's a famous pop star. He could have any girl he wanted. What's so special about me? I showed up in sweats and a t shirt. I wore very little make up and always either had my hair up in a messy bun or a braid. I wasn't the classiest girl around. I enjoyed fast food a little too much. I liked to curse and make inappropriate jokes from time to time. I was far from desirable. But, apparently, that's exactly what he was looking for. Lou talked to Harry, Harry talked to Niall, and a couple of days later, me and Niall started to hang out by ourselves. Just to get to know one another without the boys or Lou around. We'd watch movies, play FIFA, watch football matches, and just talk about anything really. After a couple of weeks of that, Niall finally asked me to be his girlfriend. It is definitely the best relationship I've ever been in.

I finished putting my laundry away and looked at the clock hanging on my bedroom wall. 4:15. Niall was going to be here soon. I grabbed some of my pink sweatpants and a white tank top and hopped in the shower. I took a quick shower and blow dried my hair. I braided my hair and went into the living room to watch tv while I waited in Niall. I soon began to get lost in my thoughts.

These were the days I cherished with Niall. While we were on the road, we were always on the go. Going from one city to the next. Going from one interview to another. We didn't have time to actually lay around and relax without worrying about the events to come. After the tour ended, it was time for me to go back to school. I had to quit my job with Lou so I could focus on my studies. Niall helped me find a better apartment closer to Uni and to him. Although we were dating, I didn't want to rush into things, move in with him, and risk the chance of ruining something that could turn into so much more. We were taking things very slow. He waited a couple of days after we started dating to even kiss me. We haven't told each other we loved each other yet. It's not that I don't love him, it's just that it's a big leap in a relationship. I've wanted to say it but I wasn't sure how he felt. I decided to just wait and see what happens down the road.

A knock at the door snapped me out of my thoughts. I hopped up and opened the door to be greeted by Niall's smiling face. "Hey!" I exclaimed. "Hey, babe! I brought you some food," he said lifting the bag and drinks he held in his hands. "Well come in. I'm starving!" I held the door open as he walked around and sat the food and drinks on the coffee table in front of the sofa. I shut the door and walked over to him as he began taking the food out of the bag. "So what did you get?" I asked. "I got you a 10 piece chicken nugget meal with a Dr. Pepper." "You know me so well, you know that?" I laughed. I noticed that he had bought a lot more food. It looked like he'd bought for at least two other people. "What all did you get, Niall?" "Well I got a 10 piece too and a Big Mac, chicken sandwich, and a cheeseburger." "My God, Niall! How are you not 500 pounds?!" "High metabolism," he joked standing up and coming towards me. I giggled and wrapped my arms around his neck. "You didn't greet me properly at the door," he mumbled. "Well you kinda had your hands full. You bought everything on the menu. Did they even have any food left?" "Yeah. They had a little left. I didn't completely wipe them out." I laughed and kissed him on his lips. We stood there and kissed for a little bit. I mean, we hadn't seen each other all day so we had to catch up on lost time. I heard him sigh in the kiss, causing me to smile. I pulled away, looked at him, and laughed, "What was that for?" "Why can't you just be by my side all the time?" "Why?" "So I can kiss you whenever I want." I blushed and kissed him again. "I don't know. Wouldn't you get tired of me?" I asked. "I could never get tired of you, Y/N," he leaned in and kissed my forehead, "but as much as I want to kiss you all day, I must eat." "Me too. I'm starving." We sat on the sofa and began to eat. "So what's on tonight?" Niall asked as he stuffed his face with food. I smiled looking at the mayo he had dropped on his chin. "The Walking Dead marathon is on." "Yes. Perfect." I reached over and wiped his face before turning the tv to The Walking Dead. We sat and talked about the show as we finished eating. I finished and sat back on the couch. Niall surprisingly ate every bite of his food. He leaned back against the couch and groaned, "I think I may have eaten too much." "May have? Niall, there's no telling how many calories you just inhaled." "Y/N, you eat fast food all the time. Since when do you care about calories?" "I don't eat the whole menu, piggy." "I would come over there and get you, but if I move I may vomit." I laughed and cleaned the table off. I walked back and cuddled to Niall's side.

We continued watching The Walking Dead and talking at the same time. "Did you know that it will be our six month anniversary in about two weeks?" He asked rubbing my legs that were in his lap. "I did," I said playing with his hair. Niall cleared his throat, "There's...um.....something I've been wanted to talk to you about." "Okay." "There's just some things I've wanted to tell you." "Go ahead." Niall turned on the couch to face me. "Y/N, these past five months have been the best months of my life. I remember exactly what I thought when I first saw you. I remember Harry walking up to me and saying how Lou got a young assistant and that she was wanting to introduce us. When I walked in and saw you there in those jeans and that sweatshirt, I was blown away. You are the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. I mean it. And when I got to know you more, I realized that you are an amazing person. You're funny, kind, caring, compassionate, everything that I could ever ask for. You're not like any other girl. You didn't scream in my face. Mainly because you didn't know who I was. You're not afraid to be yourself. You don't have to try to look beautiful. It comes natural to you. You're not afraid to cut loose and have fun. I can talk to you about anything. I am so lucky to call you not only my girlfriend, but my best friend too. I guess what I'm trying to tell you is," he reached over and held my hands in his and looked into my eyes, "Y/N, I love you. I'm in love with you." I knew exactly what to say but I couldn't get the words out. I never knew that this would be the way he would say he loved me. "Y/N? You're not saying anything. Can you say something? Anything really?" I looked into his eyes and I knew that I made the right choice when he asked me to be his girlfriend. I leaned over and kissed him passionately. When he pulled away, he looked at me with a puzzled expression, "So?" "I love you too, Niall. So much." He sighed with relief, "You scared me for a second." "I just have one question. How long have you felt like this?" "A while. Probably about our third month. I knew you were special from the moment I saw you. I knew that you'd make me happy and I wanted to treat you like the princess you are. I hope I've did a good job so far." I scooted closer to him. I was practically in his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I pulled away and hugged him, "You're the most amazing boyfriend I could ever ask for. I love you, Niall." "I love you too, princess. More than you could ever imagine."

The end

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