Truth or Dare???

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I was hanging out around the house when my friend, Eleanor, called me up. She had been my best friend for as long as I could remember. We had one of those relationships where we could call each other names and neither one of us would get mad. I loved her to death. "Hey, ya wanker! What's up?!" "Why hello, Eleanor. It's marvelous to hear your beautiful voice." "Why thank you, y/n." "I was being sarcastic. What do you want?" "What are you doing right this second?" "Sitting here. Getting annoyed by you." "Shut up. You love me. So get off your lazy butt and come with me tonight." "Where?" "Louis' house. He's having a small party and you're coming." "What?! No! I'm not even friends with him." "And that needs to change! I want my best friend and my boyfriend to get be friends. And plus, the other boys are going to be there and you need a man." "I don't NEED a man, El." "Whatever. Just come on. You need to stop being a hermit and get out more." "Fine. I'll come but just to shut you up." "Great!! I'll be over to come get you in 30 minutes." "Fine. Bye." "BYEEE!!" I hung up the phone.

Ugh. I don't want to go! I feel like such a weirdo when I'm around Eleanor and Louis. They're so into one another and I'm left by myself. I'm like a third wheel. But whatever. I do need to get out of the house. I got up and changed into something comfortable. An Eagles concert tee, black skinny jeans, and black vans. I threw my hair in a messy braid and waited around for Eleanor.


El and I pulled in front of Louis' house. I looked over at Eleanor and scoffed, "I hate you." "Whatever. Stop being such a loner. Come on. It'll be fun." We got out of the car and made our way to the door. Eleanor knocked on the door. I don't know why. She could've just walked in but anyway. Louis opened the door and screamed, "BABE!" He hugged and kissed El. He looked at me and asked, "And y/n? Is it?" "Hey, Louis." He laughed. "Just kidding. Come on in. Make yourself at home." El and Louis backed into the house and continued with their make out session. I walked into the living room and saw the rest of the guys. Harry, Liam, and Zayn were playing a football game on Louis' playstation while Niall was sitting on the couch in the corner watching them. Niall noticed me standing and shouted, "Y/n! Long time no see!" "Hey, Niall." The other boys turned just to see me standing there, waved, and continued their game. Niall gestured me to sit by him. I walked over and sat down at the end of the couch. I felt kinda awkward. I'd met the other boys a couple of times but we'd never hung out before. Niall and I had talked before and I had a small crush on him but never acted on it. I couldn't see myself with someone like him. Someone so nice, sweet, attractive, talented, and I'm just gonna stop. I grew out of the crush later on. Sort of. "So you decided to come out this time?" Niall asked. "Not really. Eleanor made me." "Where is she?" "She's over there sucking Louis' face." "Ah. I see." There was an awkward silence so I watched the other boys play the game. Zayn was losing and he started to get mad so he quit. "Well it's great to see you out of the house, y/n." "Well thanks Zayn. I do like to get some sun from time to time." "Doesn't look like it with that complexion," he joked. "Hey! There's nothing wrong with being pale!" Niall protested. I laughed, "Yeah!" Zayn laughed and went back to watching the boys play. "I like your shirt. You like the Eagles?" Niall asked. "Yeah. My dad took me to one of their shows when I was smaller. I know every song." "That's amazing. I love them. They're my favorite band." "Mine too." Niall and I sat there for what seemed like hours talking about our interests. We had so much in common.

After awhile, everyone else was beginning to get bored. I had been so zoned into mine and Niall's conversation, I didn't even realize Harry and Liam had stopped playing the game or El and Louis and joined the rest of us. "Who wants to play a game?!" Eleanor screamed. "What kind of game?" Harry asked. "How about truth or dare?" She replied. I looked over at Eleanor, "What are we? 15?" She laughed, "Oh well hey there, y/n! Nice to see you take a break from flirting and joined the party!" I blushed. I wasn't flirting. I was just conversing with a friend. A cute one. I just rolled my eyes. "So who's in?!" El asked. Everyone agreed but I was a little hesitant. I reluctantly came around. We all sat in a circle in the middle of the living room. "Okay I'll go first," Eleanor suggested. "Hmm. Harry! Truth or dare?" Harry smiled, "Dare!" Eleanor laughed, "A brave lad I see. I dare you to do the cinnamon challenge!" Everyone started laughing except Harry. "The what?!" He exclaimed. "The cinnamon challenge. You know. When you take a tablespoon of cinnamon and try to eat it." Liam explained. "Well that sounds easy enough." Harry made his way to the kitchen and we all followed him. He got out a spoon and the cinnamon. Eleanor prepared it for him and handed it over. He looked at the spoon and without a second thought, shoved it in his mouth. All was well, until he tried to speak. A puff of cinnamon smoke came from his mouth and he began coughing. He ran to the sink and spat it out. Everyone was laughing except me. I felt bad for him. I walked over and grabbed a cup and filled it with water. I handed it to him and patted his back. I'd never seen anyone do the cinnamon challenge before, but I heard it was a doozy. Now I believed it. "Wow, El. What a great dare." I said sarcastically. "I thought it was." She replied.

After Harry had went back to breathing properly, we went back to continue our game. Everyone had got a turn but me and I was completely okay with that. That was until it was El's turn again. "Y/N! You haven't went yet! Truth or dare?" "Tr--" "Don't say truth. Just pick dare." "Um no. I've seen your dares!" I said pointed to Harry. "This won't be bad, I promise." "Fine. Dare." She looked at Niall then looked at me. "I dare you to play 7 minutes in heaven with Niall!" I knew this would happen! She'd find some way to embarrass me in front of one of the guys. I looked at Niall and blushed. "No!" I protested. "Come on! Don't be such a baby! Just 7 minutes in the closet! Go!" She insisted. I looked at Niall again. He smiled and said, "It's fine. Come on." He stood up and held his hand out. He helped me up and led me to the closet. As soon as we were in, Eleanor slammed the door and said, "7 minutes and counting." Niall and I awkwardly stood there. "Thanks for being cool with this. She did this on purpose." I said trying to break the silence. "Did what?" "Try to embarrass me." "Did it work?" "Yeah a little bit." I laughed. "Well you don't have to be. We won't do anything you don't want to do." "Thanks. I don't even know why she insisted. I didn't even want to come tonight." "Why not?" "I just don't think I fit in with you guys. I don't know." "Well I'm glad you came. I finally had someone normal to talk to. And you fit in fine." "Well I'm glad you were here. I don't think I would've stayed around otherwise. I like talking to you." "I like talking to you too. Umm are you busy tomorrow?" "Not that I know of. Why?" "I was thinking, if you wanted to, we could go out and see a movie? Maybe get some food?" "Sure. I'd like that." "Great!" "Wha---" "I hear talking! A little less talking and a little more kissing!!" Eleanor yelled while banging on the closet door. I scooted closer to Niall and whispered, "We should mess with them a little." "What do you mean?" "We should moan each others names and make them think something is definitely going on in here." "That's hilarious! Lets do it. I mean, let's trick them. I didn't mean anything by it. Like I didn't mean anything inappropriate." "I got it Niall." We started shuffling things around and moaning like crazy. We could here the others giggling like a bunch of school girls on the other side. "Niall take your shirt off and put it on inside out!" "Is this just an excuse for you to see me topless?" "Shut up and do it." Niall laughed and took his shirt off. I gotta admit, he looked great. That boy should never wear a shirt. He put it back on inside out and backwards. "Now lets mess up your hair." He said moving closer to me. "Alright. Same goes for you." I undid my braid and shook my hair out. He ran his hands through mine while I did the same to him. "One minute!" Eleanor shouted. "Okay how do I look?" I whispered. "Like you just did something naughty in a closet." "Great!" I laughed. "Before this is over, I want to do something." I didn't say anything. Niall moved closer and put his hands on my face. He leaned in and put his soft lips against mine. When he pulled away, he whispered, "I didn't want all of it to be a lie." Just then, Eleanor pulled open the door. Niall grabbed my hand and pulled me out. El looked at me in complete shock. "Oh my gosh, y/n!!" "What?!" "You didn't?!" "That's what was suppose to happen wasn't it?!" "Yeah but that's unlike you!" "Well El. I'm a changed person." Niall and I tried to keep a straight face. Niall walked back over to the couch and pulled me into his lap. Harry looked at us with a huge smile, "Niall. You cheeky devil." Liam looked down at his feet and shook his head. Zayn and Louis were laughing until they were red in the face. Niall and I just looked at each other and smiled. I looked up and everyone was staring at us. "Are you guys just going to stand there or are we going to finish this game. I believe it's my turn." Lets just say, Eleanor never dared me to do anything else.

Niall and I never told anyone that we tricked them that night. We just let them think we were sexual deviants. But we've been dating for about 3 months now and we couldn't be happier.

The end.


This was an idea from @niallsprincess2013

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