I Am So Sorry

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This is the second part to my previous imagine. Enjoy!

"Hey. It's me. I really wish you would answer my calls. I want to talk to you. I've been so stupid and I'm sorry. Please call me when you get this. Please." I sighed as I deleted the hundredth message from Niall. "Him again?" Y/F/N asked. I nodded as a went through and deleted all of his texts. "Why won't you talk to him? He seems really sorry." "He cheated on me. I'm still hurt," I explained. "I know but I know for a fact that you still love him. You've been moping around for 3 weeks now." She was right. I did still love him. I love him more than anyone else in this world. But what he did really hurt. I don't know if I could trust him again. "I don't know. I'm scared I'm doing to get hurt again," I sighed as I looked at my best friend for guidance. "Look, Y/N. I know that he hurt you but you broke up 3 weeks ago. I think that if he wanted to be with that skank, he wouldn't be calling and texting you everyday. He'd be with her. Why don't you just talk to him? I'm not saying forget everything that's happened. Just give him a chance to talk." "Maybe you're right." "Of course I am. Now go get your man." She laughed. I walked over and hugged Y/F/N. I grabbed my keys and headed over to Niall's house.

All kinds of thoughts rushed into my head as I drove to Niall's. What if I give him a chance and he hurts me again? I don't know if I could deal with that again. But what if I don't give him a chance and I miss out on having a life with him? I really did miss him. His laugh, smile, corny jokes, the way he'd kiss me on the cheek to wake me up. I missed everything about him. Although, the last couple of months were complete crap, maybe we could pull through and make this time last.

I pulled into his driveway and tried to think of what I was going to say to him. I turned my car off and made my way up to his front door. I took a deep breath in and knocked on the door. I stood there, thinking if I was making the right decision or not. I heard footsteps followed by Niall opening the door. He looked surprised but he had his signature smile on his face. "Hey," he said, not sure how I was going to react. "Hi," I replied. "You wanna come in?" I nodded. He stepped aside and invited me in. "Listen. I came here so you could talk and so you would stop calling me," I said getting to the point. I followed Niall into the living room and he motioned for me to sit on the couch. I sat and watched as Niall worked up the nerve to start talking. He took a deep breath and looked at me as he sat on the other side of the couch. "I want to start off by saying I am so sorry. I am so sorry for hurting you, Y/N. I never ever wanted to hurt you. I was an idiot. I'm not going to give you a bunch of stupid excuses of why I did what it did. All I'm going to say is that I am an idiot. I'm an idiot to think that some random girl could ever compare to you. I don't even know what I was thinking. To say she was there for me? That's stupid. I was too stupid to see that I had the best girl in the entire world waiting for me at home. You were there through it all. Whenever I needed you, you were there instantly. And I can't say I was the same. I was a sh***y boyfriend. I don't deserve you. You deserve someone that will treat you like a queen and I didn't for awhile. I don't blame you if you didn't want to try again. I really don't. But I swear to you, Y/N, I would make it up to you everyday. These past few weeks have been complete hell without you here with me. I love you so much. Please believe me when I tell you that." I wiped the tears off of my face and looked into Niall's eyes. I have never seen him so upset. I could tell he meant every word he said. I looked down at my hands and twiddled my thumbs. "You really hurt me," I said looking back up at him. "I know. And I'm so sorry. I can't say that enough. I wish I could go back." "I have to say I missed you too. Believe it or not, you kinda grew on me." Niall laughed. I really did miss his laugh. "I want us to be together so I'm giving you another chance. But if you do this again, I swear Niall, I will be out of this house in a heartbeat." Niall took my hand and got on his knee. "Y/N I swear I will never ever hurt you in any way ever again." "Okay. I forgive you." Niall stood up and helped me off of the couch. He placed both hands on the sides of my face and kissed me passionately. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer. That boy's kisses were another thing I missed. We pulled away and rested our foreheads against each other. "I love you so much," he whispered. "I love you too." "Does that mean you'll take this back?" He asked, holding up the spare house key. "Definitely," I laughed, putting the key in my back pocket. "I am seriously the luckiest guy in the world," he said before kissing me again. "You really are," I replied laughing.

The End

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