Cady Gets A Boyfriend

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"I beat you again, dad! That makes the third time in a row!" Conner cheered, standing up from his spot on the sofa and doing a small victory dance.

I laughed to myself as I took our dinner out of the oven and sat it on the counter. I looked over to see Niall leaning back on the couch with a smirk on his face.

"Well that's because I let you win. What kind of a father would I be if I beat my son every time we played FIFA?" He grinned while watching Conner shimmy around the coffee table.

"Whatever! I keep beating you because my gaming skills are better than yours! You're losing your touch, old man!" Conner provoked, taking his spot back on the couch. I bursted out laughing at Connor's "old man" jab at Niall.

Niall snapped his head back and peered his eyes at me, "What are you laughing at? If I'm 'old man' then that makes you 'old woman', doesn't it?"

"Hey! Don't bring me into this! This is between you two," I giggled, placing the china and silverware on the table.

Niall looked back at Conner who was still taking in his victory. "Okay, boy. Right now. Best two out of three."

"You're on!" Conner snarled.

"Well your game is gonna have to wait. Dinner is ready," I called, sitting the food in the center of the table.

"Okay, boy. After dinner. You and me. Best two out of three," Niall said, pausing the game.

"It doesn't matter when we play, you're still going down!" Connor chuckled, popping up from the sofa and sprinting to his seat at the table.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Keep talking, buddy. You're pretty cocky for a 9 year old," Niall joked, walking behind him and ruffling his hair.

"Hmm. Remind you of someone?" I grinned.

"Yeah. You."

"Me? I was talking about you, rockstar."

"I'm not cocky, darling. I'm confident," he awed, sitting across from Connor.

"Right... Anyway, Conner where is Cady?" I asked, looking down the hallway and noticing her bedroom light was off.

"She's probably still out in the backyard on the phone," he said, helping himself to a helping of lasagna.

"On the phone? With who?" Niall asked, taking a sip of his water.

"Her boyfriend."

"Her what?!" Niall choked, slamming his glass down and wiping his mouth. "When did she get a boyfriend?! Who is this kid?!"

"What's his name, mom? Anthony or something like that?" Conner asked with his mouth full.

I sighed as I looked over to Niall who was already staring me down.

"You knew about this?! Why didn't you tell me?!" He exclaimed, getting up from the table.

"Because I knew you'd overreact. It's just a crush, Niall. It's not like she's getting married to the kid," I explained, following him into the living room.

"But she's my daughter, Y/N. I need to know what's going on, especially with boys."

"I understand that, Niall. She would've told you but she knew you'd get worked up. It's not even that serious. They only kissed."

"He kissed her?!" And with that, Niall was headed to the back door.

"No, Niall! What are you doing?! Stop!" I said, trying to pull him back to the living room.

"I just want to talk to this kid," he said, picking up his pace.

I quickly slipped in front of him, blocking the back door.

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