Pinky Promise?

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A/N: Again, I highly doubt this would happen. It's just for this story.

If you have any requests, comment! I'd love to see what you have!



You were putting your daughter to bed and she was getting fussy. "Where's daddy? Why isn't he home?" She asked innocently. How were you suppose to explain to your 5 year old daughter that her father would rather be out with his friends drinking than be home with his family? You hoped it wasn't true but it sure seemed that way. You tucked her in and said, "He went to spend time with his friends. He'll be back when you wake up." "Will daddy play with me? He never plays with me anymore. Why does he not stay at home with us?" You couldn't take this anymore. Seeing how bad Cady misses her dad tears you up inside. "I don't known, sweetie. We'll see. Just go to sleep." "Okay. Goodnight mommy. Love you." "I love you too baby." You kissed her head and turned on her Barbie nightlight. You shut the door and went into the living room. You were going to have a talk with Niall tonight. You got out a book to read and waited for him to get home.

It was 1 a.m. when you heard his car pull up. He walked through the door and you could tell he had been drinking. He wasn't wasted, but he was buzzed. "What are you still doing up?" He said. He was surprised to see you waiting for him. "Waiting on my husband to get home. What were you doing? And why were you driving?!" He walked over and sat down on the recliner in front of you. "I told you I was going out and calm down. I'm not even tipsy." He said closing his eyes. "Niall. If you drink, do not get in your car. Call me or a cab or something." "Okay, y/n. God." "What happened to 'I'll be back later'. I thought you would be back before Cady went to bed. She would like it if her father would tuck her in every now and again." "Well I lost track of time. Sorry." "Don't apologize to me. Apologize to that little girl in there. You've been home from a 6 month tour for 2 weeks now and you've barely spent any time with her or me for that matter." "Well I'm home now." "Niall! Are you not seeing the problem here?!" "What?! Okay! You're pissed because I haven't spent time with you. I got it." "I could careless about me, Niall!! What I'm pissed off at is that you've been away from your daughter for 6 months and you've barely talked to her! Instead of staying home with her, you're going out drinking! I don't know if that's what you do on the road, but when you come home, I expect you to spend time with her! She asked me why you'd rather go out with the boys than stay at home. Do you know how terrible that made me feel?! I love the guys but she's your daughter, Niall! You've been with them constantly! I wish you'd show as much attention to Cady like you do those pints down at that stupid pub!!" Niall got up out of the recliner. He was getting more upset. "You're making me out to be horrible father, y/n!" You got up and stood in front of him. "You're doing that yourself!! Cady knows that something is up, Niall! She's not stupid! Don't you think she knows somethings wrong when her daddy comes home and he can't stand up by himself and has to have mommy to help him to bed. Or that daddy stinks when he comes home. I'm not going to have my daughter grow up without her father around because he'd rather go and drink with his buddies! If you don't change, I'll take Cady and we'll move in with my mother." This made Niall furious. He got in your face and screamed, "I'm not some alcoholic, y/n. Yes! I like to drink! And yes! I like to go out but you cannot take her away! She's my daughter, too! You saying that you're taking her away from her father is bulls***!!"

"Daddy?? Why are you screaming at mommy? And why is mommy crying?" You both looked over and saw Cady standing in the hallway. You never wanted her to see you and Niall fight. Niall backed away and sat on the couch. "Everything's fine Cady," you said trying to stop crying,"Go back to bed." "I can't. Are you okay, mommy?" "I'm fine sweetie. We're sorry we woke you. Just go to you're room. We'll be in there in a minute." Cady turned around and went back into her room. You sat down beside Niall. You both sat there and calmed down. "Y/n, I'm sorry. I screwed up." Niall said. You turned to face him. "Niall, I don't mind you going out. I really don't. But when it's every night and you've been gone 6 months, me and Cady want you to spend time at home. I don't want Cady to wonder why her dad isn't home. And I really don't want her to hear us arguing over it. She's the most important thing. She comes first before anything. She should stop all this for her." "I understand. I'm going to change. I'm going to cut back on the alcohol and stay at home." "I think that's a good idea." You both stood up and hugged each other. "I'm sorry I nag at you all the time. I just worry a lot." "I know, babe. Things are going to change. I promise." He kissed your head. "I think I should go and talk to Cady," Niall said looking down at you. "Yeah. She's been waiting on you. I'll wait for you in bed."

Niall's POV:

I walked down the hallway to my little Cady's room. I stopped and looked in and saw that she was playing with her barbies. I leaned against the door frame and just watched her. What was I thinking?! I should've have been yelling at y/n. I wish Cady would've seen that. I don't want my daughter to grow up and remember her dad yelling at her mom in the middle of the night. I don't want her to think I don't want to be here with her. I don't know why I go out. Actually I kinda do. I'm an Irishman. I like to drink, but I promised myself I would not drink in front of my daughter. But now my "need" for a drink caused problems inside my house. I have to change. I'm not losing the two best things in my life.

I walked in the room and sat on Cady's bed. "Cady, can you come here please?" Cady put her barbies in her toy chest and hopped on her bed beside me. I helped her under the covers and tucked her in. "Daddy, why was you yelling at mommy?" She asked. "Because daddy got mad. But mommy was just trying to help. I'm sorry we woke you up." "Why was mommy crying?" "I think I scared her. But I promise I will never yell at mommy again." "Daddy?" "Yeah princess?" "Why don't you want to stay home with me?" That's what y/n was talking about. That tore my heart apart. "Daddy does want to stay with you, Cady." "Then why do you go away all night. It makes mommy sad. She cries sometimes." "I know baby. I'm sorry. I promise that I'm going to stay home more." "Pinky promise?" She raised her little pinky up and looked into my eyes. "Pinky promise." I hooked my pinky around hers and she kissed her hand. I bend down and kissed mine. "Now get some sleep. Daddy might just take you and mommy to the zoo." Her face lit up. "Okay!!" I bent down and kissed her cheek. I went over and turned her light off. "Hey daddy." "Yeah?" "I'm happy when you're home. I love you." "I love you too, munchkin. So much."

The end.

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