You Need Him At Home

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It was going on midnight and you were trying to get your daughter to go to sleep but she wasn't having it. She had been crying her eyes out. She missed her daddy. She was only 4 and she was the biggest daddy's girl you've ever seen. Whenever Niall was on tour, your angel turned into a nightmare. "I miss daddy! I want daddy!" She screamed. "Me too, Cady. He'll be home in a couple of weeks. Just please stop crying." She wouldn't stop. This had been going on for 3 hours and you couldn't take it anymore. You put her in her bed. "Cady stay here. Mommy will be right back." She kept crying. You went to your room and sat on your bed. You lost it and started crying. You felt like a horrible mom because you couldn't get your baby to stop crying. You reached for your phone and texted Niall: "I need you here so badly right now. Skype?" Few moments later, you got on your laptop and had a Skype call from Niall.

"Babe, what's wrong? Why are you crying?" He asked concerned. "Cady will not go to sleep. She's been crying every night since you left. She wants her daddy. I can't even get my own daughter to stop crying. She probably hates me." "Y/n, she does not hate you. She just misses me. Where is she?" "In her room. Crying." "Let me talk to her." You get up and walk into Cady's room. She was still in her bed bawling her eyes out. "Cady, someone wants to talk to you." She looked up and reached for you. You picked her up, walked back into your room, and sat in front of the laptop with her in your lap. She saw her daddy on the screen and immediately stopped crying. "Daddy!" "Hey sweetie! What are you doing?" "When you coming home?" "In a couple of more weeks. I'll be home soon." "No. Come home now." "I can't baby. I have to stay here." "Why?!" Cady asked starting to cry again. "Because I have to watch Uncle Louis, Harry, Liam, and Zayn. If I leave, they'll cry and be sad. You don't want them to be sad do you?" "No." "See I have to be here and take care of them and you have to take care of mommy." "Why?" "Because daddy's not there. And mommy misses daddy too. And you have to make sure mommy doesn't cry or gets sad." "Oh. How?" "You have to listen to what mommy tells you to do and be a big girl. You can't cry when you go to bed, okay?" "Okay." "So can you take care of mommy until daddy gets back home?" "Yeah." "Good girl. Why don't you try to go to sleep?" "Okay daddy. I love you." "I love you too, princess." Niall blew Cady a kiss and she bent down and kissed the screen. You and Niall laughed at how sweet your daughter was. She hopped out of you lap and headed out the door. "Cady, I'll be in there in a minute," you told her. "Okay mommy."

You looked back at your laptop to see your perfect husband's face. "You're the best daddy in the world," you said softly. "And you're the best mommy." "Thank you for doing that. Maybe now I can get some sleep." "You're welcome. If there's anything else, let me know." "Oh I will. I'm going to tuck her in and I'm going to bed." "Goodnight, Princess. I love you." "Goodnight. I love you too babe. Hurry home." "I'll try." You both signed off.

You walked down to your daughters room and she was waiting in her bed. You walked over and sat beside her. "Mommy?" She asked looking at you with her big blue eyes. "Yeah, sweetie?" "Do you miss daddy?" "I do. Very much." "Me too. Why does he have to leave?" "Because he has to sing for his fans all over the world. They love your daddy too." "Are you sad?" "Not really. I miss daddy but I've got you here with me." "Do I make you not sad?" "Yes you do. You make me very happy." "Can you read me the story daddy reads to me?" "Yes I can." You pulled Beauty and the Beast out of her bedside table and began reading. It didn't take long for you both the be fast asleep. You slept through the whole night laying in a tiny toddler bed with your sweet baby girl beside you.

The end

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