I Told You So

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"Babe! Come on! I don't get many days off and I really want to do this!" Niall whined. "Niall. Anything but sports. I can't play anything." I responded. Niall came over and got on him knees in front of me while in was sitting on the couch. "You don't have to be good. Just play for a little bit. For me?" He poked his bottom lip out and looked at me with those big beautiful blue eyes. He knows that I can't say no to that face."Fine. I'll go." I sighed. "Yes! I love you!" "Whatever. Lets go." I laughed.

We pulled up to the football field and surprisingly it was completely deserted. We got out of the car and Niall practically dragged me onto the field. "Niall, I don't even know how to play." I whined. "That's fine. I'll show you." He got his soccer ball out and kicked it to me. He tried to explain it to me but nothing was sinking in. I never liked sports and never intended to play any but I'd do anything for Niall. "So you have to try to kick the ball into the goal and you have to keep me from getting the ball." "Okay." I took off running, kicking the ball towards the goal. I was actually getting into the game. What I wasn't paying attention to was the hole in the ground. My foot went into the hole and I twisted my ankle. I hit the ground. Hard. I sat up and grabbed my ankle. It hurt so bad. "Oh my God, baby! Are you okay?!" Niall said kneeling beside me. "Ow! My ankle hurts." I cried. "Can you move it?" "A little." "It looks like you just sprained it but lets get it looked at. It's starting to swell. It'll be okay, babe." Niall scooped me up in his arms and put me into the car. We drove to the hospital to get some x-rays done.

We arrived back home and I was in extreme pain. I didn't break anything but it was sprained and I had to be on crutches for a couple of weeks. I didn't like to use the crutches so I got Niall to carry me. "Now you know why I don't play sports." I sighed. "I should've taken your word for it. But I do appreciate you playing with me." "Well you really wanted to play and I wanted to make you happy." "You already do, babe. Now lets get you settled and I'm going to take care of you for the remainder of my days off." Niall carried me to our room and placed me gently in the bed. He put some pillows under my ankle. "I'm going to make you some tea. Do you need anything else?" He asked. "A painkiller and my boyfriend to snuggle with me." He smiled. "I can do that. I'll be right back." Niall walked out of the bedroom. I turned on the tv to try to find something to watch. I settled for Family Guy. Niall walked in with two cups of tea. He sat mine down and handed me a small pain pill. I popped in my mouth and chased it with some tea. "Ah Family Guy!" Niall laughed. "Yeah. Now get over here and snuggle with your crippled girlfriend." Niall laughed and laid beside me on our bed. I cuddled beside him and he wrapped his arm around my waist. I looked up at him and said, "Maybe this whole sprained ankle thing won't be so bad." "Why? Because I'm going to be waiting on you had and foot?" "No. Because this is what I want to do all the time. Just lay here with you. But you taking care of me might make it a little better." He laughed and kissed me. "You're adorable. I love you." "I love you too, Niall."

The end.


A/N: This was an idea I got from @niallsprincess2013.

I'm going to start writing personal imagines for ALL the boys. If you would like one, leave a comment stating your name, your boy of choice, and situation. Nothing inappropriate. I wanted to thank everyone for reading my imagines! It means so much to me! This is how I want to repay you guys!

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