Just Leave That To Me

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You were sitting at the table trying to get through all the mountains of paperwork you had. Niall was sitting on the couch watching a football game. Cady was running through the house, playing with her Woody and Jessie dolls. "Cady, stop running through the house. You're going to fall and hurt yourself." "But mommy! Me, Jessie, and Woody have to get back to the house before Andy leaves for college so Woody can go with him!" She had obviously been spending a lot of time with Uncle Liam. "Well pardon me. Just be careful and watch what you're doing." "Okay." She ran off through the house again. Your 5 year old had a mind of her own. That was something she got from her dad. She ran through again and you could tell she was getting hot. Her face was getting red and she was sweating. Her long brown hair was sticking to the sides of her face. "Niall, can you put Cady's hair up?" "Babe, I'm watching the game. You do it." "I'm doing this paperwork. If I don't get this done, I won't be able to get that promotion. Just pause the stupid game." "Fine." Niall got up and led Cady to the bathroom. It was only a couple feet away and you could hear everything that was going on. "Ow! Daddy! You're doing it wrong!" "How do you use this hair tie? I don't even know how to do a ponytail thingy," Niall scoffed. "I don't want a ponytail. I want a braid!" "Cady, does it look like I know how to braid?" "Just try." "I can't." "You don't know if you don't try!" Your daughter had a smart mouth. That was definitely something she got from you. "Ow! Daddy! Stop! MOMMY! DADDY'S PULLING MY HAIR!" If you kept getting distracted, you were never going to get done. You sighed and got up to walk to the bathroom. You looked at your poor daughter's hair and laughed. "Hey! I tried!" Niall exclaimed. "Niall! Her hair looks like a rat's nest! Did you even brush it?" "Yes I did." "No you didn't, daddy. It's not nice to lie," Cady said, looking at her daddy with those big blue eyes. You laughed, "Yeah, daddy. Move aside." You grabbed a brush and some hair detangling spray. "You have to use this spray or else you'll yank out and damage her hair." Niall watched, "Ahh." You brushed through her hair and braided it. "From now on, just leave the hair styling to me and you just focus on football and guitar," you joked kissing him on the cheek. "Sounds good to me." Cady ran past you, trying to get Woody back to Andy. Niall went back and finished watching the game. You went back to the table and tried to finish all the paperwork. "Hey babe?" "What Niall?!" "Me and Cady are hungry." "Ugh! I'm never going to get this done!"

The end.

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