Don't Forget Where You Belong

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Niall's POV

"Mr. Horan, we've arrived," the flight attendant whispered as she slightly nudged my shoulder. I stretch my arms out and yawn, looking around the empty jet. Getting on a private plane definitely has it's perks.

I grabbed my green Puma backpack and made my way through the terminal. I could already hear fans screaming. There'd better be huge security guards waiting for me and they'd better be on their game. I do not feel like being mobbed today.

I reach the end of the terminal and, like I said, there were five roided up men waiting on me. "Welcome home, Mr. Horan," the tallest and buffest one of them all greets me. "Yeah, well I'm not home yet. Where's my bags?" I asked, getting my phone out of my pocket. I texted Y/N and told her that I'd be home within the next hour. Hopefully. "We have someone getting them and putting them into the car. Are you ready?" "I've been ready since I got on that plane. Just get me to the car in one piece," I ordered, walking past the man. The other four walked around me as we rounded the corner. That's when the mobbing began.

Girls began to crowd around me. They were grabbing my clothes and pulling me every which way. I looked at the man I suppose was in charge, Mr. Juicehead, and yelled, "Would you do your job?! I'm not paying you to stand around while I get pummeled!" He instructed the men to step it up and they began to push more people away. "Niall! Can I get a picture?!" The girls would yell. I'd just kept moving. I wasn't in the mood.

We finally made it outside and the paps had the car surrounded. Mr. Juicehead had to call for backup into his walkie talkie that hung on his shoulder. They managed to get me in the backseat of the car but we never moved. The security stood by my window as more and more fans tried to push their way through. I rolled down my window and the screams were almost deafening. "What is taking so long?!" I yelled. "It seems the airline lost your luggage, sir. We have someone looking for it," he said hesitantly. "Are you kidding me?! This is unbelievable! Alright, forget the luggage and just get me home!" I rolled my window up and he yelled something into the walkie talkie. The police had to show up to clear a pathway so the driver could get through. After a hour or so, I was finally on my way home.

The driver pulled into my driveway and got out to open my door. "Welcome home, Mr. Horan," he smiled. I grabbed a hundred dollar bill from my wallet and threw it at him. I grabbed my backpack and walked up to the door. Y/N was waiting on me in the living room and as soon as I opened the door, her arms were around my neck, nearly choking me out. "I'm so glad you're home!" She cheered in my ear. I wrapped my arms around her waist and sighed into her neck, "Finally." I pulled away to look at her and I kissed her on her lips. She smiled and mumbled, "I missed you," against my lips. "Not as much as I missed you," I replied.

I took my backpack off and tossed it to the floor. She sighed and picked it up and put it into the hall closet. "So how was your flight?" She asked, sitting next to me on the couch. "Horrible," I said, kicking my shoes off. "How so?" "I didn't like the jet they put me on. The seats didn't lean back all the way." "You're complaining over the seats in a private jet?" She laughed. I didn't see what was funny. Those seats were lumpy. "Yeah. You'd think they'd give me the best," I remarked, leaning back into the sofa. She just rolled her eyes. "And the airport was insane. The girls were crazy and the security wasn't doing their job. Not to mention they lost my luggage. It was pathetic," I complained, reaching for the remote. "People lose their luggage all the time. I'm sure they were trying their best, Niall," Y/N reassured me. "Probably not," I sighed. "I don't have time for that. I expect people who are serious. People that actually know what they're doing. I'm not paying people to do a mediocre job. I'm a big deal, babe. I expect the best." She scoffed and I looked over at her. "What?" I asked. "What is wrong with you?" She asked, disgusted. "What are you talking about?" "You're talking like you're Obama or the queen or something. Expecting the best? What is your problem?" She snapped. "My problem? All I'm asking for is security that can do their job. I pay them to protect me. They could've did better." "Are you listening to yourself? You sound stupid. The security are people trying to do their job and they don't need some snobby popstar to criticize them. And you were complaining about the seats in a private jet? Are you kidding me? Most people can't even say they've stepped foot into a private jet and some people haven't even been on a regular plane before. Do you realize how stuck up you sound?" "I'm not stuck up. I'm just tired of getting mobbed by crazy little girls." "Oh my God!" She exclaimed. "Those 'crazy little girls' are your fans, Niall and without them, you'd be no where. You'd be back in Mullingar, sitting in a classroom, being a normal person. But no. Because of those 'crazy little girls', you're out living your dream and criticizing people because you think you're better than everyone. I don't know what's gotten into you but you better pull your head out of your a**. I think the fame has gotten to your head and you need to take some steps back and realize how lucky you are. Until then, don't bother talking to me because I don't like this Niall." Y/N stormed up the stairs and slammed the door to our bedroom. I sat there and thought of everything she just told me.

This was not the home coming I'd imagined. I've been home not even ten minutes and there's already been a fight. But was I wrong? I get mobbed on a daily basis. Is it a bad thing that I get fed up? I don't think so. Maybe I came about it the wrong way. Y/N is right. I do owe the fans a lot. If it wasn't for them, One Direction wouldn't be where we are today. We wouldn't have even got third place in the X-Factor. Who knows how long they waited for me to land? Couple of hours maybe? And I just walked by with without a word. And I should've been more patient with security. I can only imagine what they go through in a day and I only made it worse. Man, I'm an egotistical jerk.

I walked up the stairs and creaked our bedroom door open and saw Y/N putting clothes away. I walked in the room and sat on the edge of the bed. I made eye contact with her but she didn't say a word. She continued to hang clothes up in the closet. "You look nice today," I smiled at her. She ignored me and turned her back to me. "Is that a new top?" I asked. Again, silence. "Okay, Y/N. Are you going to talk to me?" She turned around and grabbed another shirt from the laundry basket, putting it on a hanger, "I don't know. Are you done being a jerk?" She scoffed, putting the shirt into the closet. "I'm sorry," I said, standing up and walking towards her. "I'm listening," she said, crossing her arms. "You were right about everything. I was a big-headed, egotistical jerk and I'm sorry." "I don't think I'm the one you should be apologizing to," she said. She grabbed the empty laundry basket and walked past me, into the hallway. I followed her into the living room and sat at the desk, in front of the computer. I looked up the number to the airport and called to apologize to Mr. Juicehead, who's real name was Jorge. He was more than happy to accept my apology and said it was very nice of me. Next, I called the taxi service I used and tracked down the driver and apologized to him. And finally, I had to apologize to the fans. I opened twitter and tweeted how sorry I was for being so distant. I read some comments saying how they understood and still loved me. I felt so much better.

"What are you doing?" Y/N asked, leaning against the back of the computer chair. I turned around and faced her. "Trying to be less of a douchebag," I laughed. "Were you successful?" She giggled. I put my hands on her hips and pulled her into my lap, "I think so." She put her arm around my shoulder and ran her fingers through my hair. "I'm glad," she sighed. "You know, I don't know how I'd make it without you. Thank you for keeping me grounded," I said, looking up at the girl that was honestly too good for me. "You don't have to thank me," she said before kissing my forehead. "Just don't forget where you belong."

The End


Thanks Megan for the suggestion! I hope you all liked it! Let me know of you want to do any more! Xx

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