Meeting Your Parents

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You and Niall were flying to your hometown so he could meet your family. Your mom had set up a get together the next day so your extended family could meet the love of your life. Niall was beyond nervous.

"Babe. What if they don't like me?" Niall asked as he was holding your hand waiting for the plane to land.

"Niall. Relax. They'll love you."

"What if they don't? What if they think I'm not right for you?"

"Then they can get over it. I know for a fact they'll love you. You know why?"


"Because I'm in love with you. They want me to be happy and that's exactly what I am when I'm with you. So just calm down."

Niall exhaled awfully loud,"Okay."

The plane landed and you and Niall exited. You both gathered your belongings. You walked hand in hand while you tried to find your parents, who came to pick you both up.

"Y/N!!! Over here!!" You hear your mom scream. You see her and run into her arms. "Oh I can't believe you're finally here!! I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you too!" You look at your dad standing next to your mom and hug him tightly. You backed away and looked at Niall. "Mom. Dad," you looked at them, pulling Niall next to you,"this is Niall."

Niall reached his hand out towards your mom. "Nice to meet you, Mrs. Y/L/N."

Your mom pushed his hand away and pulled him into a huge hug. "Call me Y/Moms/N. Y/N was right when she said you were handsome."

He looked at you and laughed. He looked at your dad. "Nice to finally meet you, sir," Niall said extending his hand.

Your dad shook his hand. "Pleasure is all mine. I'm glad to finally meet the wonderful Niall I've heard so much about. And call me Y/D/N."

"Where are the boys?" You asked your mom, referring to your two younger brothers.

"Oh they're at home. You'll see them later, Niall." your mom said.

"I can't wait." Niall responded.

Your dad helped Niall with the luggage and you all headed to the car. You and Niall got into the backseat.

You looked over at him, "Now if you were nervous about meeting my parents, my brothers are a whole other story."


"Oh yeah. I have no doubt that they'll try to embarrass me. They'll probably tell stories about me and ask you stupid questions."

"Well that sounds fun to me."

"Oh shut up," you said playfully slapping his arm.

Your parents got into the car. "Okay. We ready?" Your dad asked.

"Yep. Everything's good."

Your mom smiled, "Great. Lets go home. The boys are anxious to see their sister and her man," she then looked at Niall, "I hope you're ready for this."


I'm so happy people are liking these! This is definitely motivation to keep them coming! Again, I love feedback, so feel free to comment!! I love it!! I'll post the second part later on! <3

Niall ImaginesOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara