No One Touches My Princess

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"I really don't wanna go, Niall," I groaned, walking down the stairs in my tight black dress and red high heels. "It's Louis' birthday. I already told him we were coming," he said, reaching for my hand. I grabbed it and he helped me down the rest of the stairs. "I just don't like the whole club scene. It's hot and smelly and drunk people grind all over you. I've had a really rough day. I just want to stay home and be with you," I whined. "Okay listen. We'll pop in, give Louis our gift, chat with our friends, and leave. We'll stay 30 minutes. Then, we'll come home and do whatever you want." "30 minutes?" "30 minutes." "Then, we'll leave?" "We will run out of there." "And you'll do whatever I want?" "Whatever your heart desires, princess." "You'll watch Lifetime movies with me?" Niall sighed and nodded his head. "You promise?" I asked, hugging his side. "I promise." "Okay. Lets go." "Alright. And might I add that you look incredibly sexy this evening." "Yeah, yeah. Come on," I laughed as I drug Niall out of the house.

Niall and I walked up to the doors of the club hand in hand. The bouncer in front noticed Niall so he let us in immediately. The smell of sweaty bodies and alcohol smacked me in the face, causing me to gag. Niall laughed and whispered, "30 minutes." We walked towards the back of the club and met up with Louis and the others. "You finally made it!" Louis yelled, as he walked over to us. "Told you we'd make it!" Niall practically jumped in Louis' arms, causing Louis to take a couple of steps back. "Happy birthday, mate!" Niall yelled. "Thank you!" I walked over and handed Lou his present. "Happy birthday, Lou," I said hugging his neck. "I'm glad you came. It's great to see you." "It's your birthday. I had to come." "Well everyone's here. Lets go." We followed Louis to the back room of the club to see everyone else. The rest of the boys were there along with their girlfriends. I walked over and greeted everyone. Eleanor and I began talking about makeup, clothes, Starbucks, you know, typical white girl things.

"I'm going to go get a drink. I'll be right back," I said before Eleanor had a chance to change the topic again. "Oh. Okay," she said before walking over to Louis and talking to him. I walked over to Niall and told him where I was going. "You want me to come with you?" He asked. "No. Stay here and talk. I'll be right back." He kissed me and I made my way to the bar. I walked up to the counter and took a seat in a stool as a waited for the bartender to take my order. He looked my way and raised his eyebrows. "Can I have a strawberry daiquiri please?" I asked. "Sure thing," he responded. I sat and waited for him to bring my drink to me when a man stumbled into the seat beside me. He slammed his fist into the counter, trying to get the bartender's attention. "I need two shots and quick!" He yelled. I could literally smell the alcohol on his breath. I turned my head, trying not to vomit. "Hello there." I heard him say. He nudged my shoulder. I turned to look at him and gave him a fake smile, "Hello." "What's your name?" "Y/N." "That's a cute name. Cute name for a cute girl." I ignored his comment as I tried to see if the bartender was coming with my drink. "What are you doing up here by yourself?" He slurred. "Just getting a drink." "By yourself?" "Seems like it." "Your boyfriend must be worried about you." "Not really. He's in the back. I'm just getting a drink. Not doing anything dangerous." "All I'm saying is that he'd better keep an eye on you." "Why is that?" "The way you're dressed would make a man go insane." I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh of relief when I saw the bartender come back with my drink. I payed for my drink and began to stand up until the guy grabbed my hand. "You wanna dance?" I jerked my hand away and shook my head, "No thanks." "Why not baby?" "Well because I have a boyfriend, I'm here for my friend, not to dance with random people, and you're drunk and you honestly creep me out." I said as I turned away. As soon as I turned away, the guy smacked me on the butt. I turned around in complete shock. I couldn't believe that it even happened. The jerk had a smile plastered on his face. Anger exploded within me and I poured my drink all over his head. He stood up and wiped the liquid out if his face. I threw the glass at his chest and it shattered against the floor. I turned around and practically ran back to the room. I heard the drunken idiot yell something but it wasn't in English because he was slurring his words so bad.

I walked into the room and went straight to Niall. "Can we leave now?" I whispered in his ear. "I thought we agreed on 30 minutes?" "Please? I just want to leave." I could feel tears welling up in my eyes. Niall looked at me and rubbed my hand. "What's wrong? Did something happen?" "I just want to go home. Please, Niall." I begged. "Alright. Alright, babe. Let me go say bye to everyone," he said rubbing my lower back. I nodded and waited for him in the corner. He said his goodbyes and took my hand as we made our way through the crowd. "What happened, Y/N?" He asked. "I'll tell you when we get home," I assured him. Just as we reached the door, someone grabbed my arm and pulled me back. "There you are sweetie!" It was the drunk pervert from the bar. Niall turned around and threw his arm off of mine. "What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Niall yelled. I grabbed Niall's arm and pulled him towards the door. "Niall, don't. Lets just leave." I urged him. "So this must be your boyfriend. Let me say, mate, you have a feisty one here," the dude told Niall, pointing to me. Niall turned to look at me, "Who is this?" "Some jerk that kept flirting with me at the bar." Niall glared at the guy. "Your girl here dumped her drink all over me." "After you slapped my a**!" I yelled. Niall looked at me and snapped back at him. "You put your hands on her?" He asked, glaring at him. "Niall, come on. Lets go," I said trying to pull him towards the door again. Niall being so much bigger than I am, he didn't budge. "Did you put your hands on her?" Niall asked again. The dude shrugged his shoulders and pointed to me, "I mean, look at her. The way she's dressed. It's like she's practically asking for it." Niall didn't say another word. Instead, he raised his fist and punched the guy right in the face. The guy collapsed on the ground and held his nose. "Niall!" I screamed. "Don't ever put your hands on any girl like that again. Especially my girl." Niall scoffed before leading me out of the club.

He was completely silent until we got into the car. He sat in the drivers seat, in a daze. I looked at his knuckles that were already starting to bruise. "Do they hurt?" I asked, trying to break the silence. "Don't worry about me. Are you okay?" "I'm fine." "Why didn't you just tell me when it happened?" "Because I didn't want this to happen. I didn't want you to get in a fight." "Well I wasn't going to let him get away with disrespecting you." "I know. And thanks." "No one touches my princess." I smiled as I leaned over and kissed him. He reached over and held my hand, rubbing the side with his thumb. "How about we go home and watch Lifetime?" He asked with a grin on his face. "Finally," I sighed. He kissed my hand before starting the car and heading home. I finally got a chance to relax with my wonderful boyfriend.

The end

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