Little Black Dress

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Niall's POV

"You're good," the huge bouncer said, lifting the rope, letting me into the club. The boys and I were having a night out before we head back home tomorrow. We flew to New York to tape SNL and we wanted to go out with a bang so here I am.

I made my way to the back to meet up with Harry and Liam. "Lads!" I yelled, throwing my arms into the air. "Oi!" Liam cheered, lifting his glass. "Where's Louis and Zayn?" I yelled over the loud music. "They haven't got here yet. They're on their way," Harry replied, handing me a shot off the tray a lady brought over to us. "To us," Harry yelled, handing me and Liam a shot glass, "For having a blast in New York and smashing SNL and just being alive!" I laughed and raised my glass, "To being alive!" "Here here!" Liam yelled. We clinked our glasses and threw our shots back. We all slammed them down at the same time and laughed as Harry choked on his. I thought he'd be used to them by now.

Louis and Zayn soon joined us and we stood around, talking about our plans for when we get home. I looked around and saw Gemma walk through the crowd. I threw my hand up to get her attention. She waved back and turned around to talk to someone behind her. My jaw dropped when a Y/H/C girl in a tight black dress walked beside her. That dress hugged her in all the right places. I felt my jeans suddenly get a little tighter. She was the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.

"Who is that?" Liam asked Harry before I could. "Y/N. She's a friend of Gemma's. She flew in with her for the weekend," Harry explained. At this point, all the boys, including me, were staring her down. Being the only single bloke out of the group, besides Harry, I was the only one who was obvious about how gorgeous she was. I'm sure Liam, Louis, and Zayn were thinking about her in that dress. Wow," I whispered. "Hot, isn't she?" Harry chuckled, taking another shot. "Very," I said, watching her get closer to us. Gemma and Y/N finally made their way to our circle. "Hey!" Gemma greeted us as Y/N stood awkwardly beside her. "Hey," we all said together. "Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N, this is Louis, Zayn, Liam, Niall, and you know Harry," Gemma said, introducing us. "Hello," Y/N smiled, waving to us. My god. Her voice was just as perfect as I imagined. "It's nice to meet you," I said, extending my hand. She slipped her small hand in mine and shook it. My eyes didn't leave her face. Her Y/E/C eyes sparkled as she smiled at me. I could honestly stare at that smile all day.

Everyone started to converse, except Y/N. She stood on the side and watched everyone dance. I walked over next to her and offered her a drink. She smiled and shook her head, looking back at the crowded club. "So how long have you and Gemma been friends?" I asked, trying to start a conversation. "About a year or so. We were lab partners," she replied, looking at me. When I looked I to her eyes and smiled, she blushed and turned away. She's a cutie. "What's your major?" "Sound engineering." "Really?!" I said surprised. "Yeah," she laughed. "That's what I was going to do. Then, things changed," I joked. "I can see," she giggled. "Are you a fan?" She smiled and shrugged, "A little. You guys aren't that bad." I laughed and her eyes lit up. "Thanks," I smiled. She giggled and fixed the hem of her dress. I tried the pay no attention but she caught me staring, causing her to blush again. "So are you flying home with Gemma tomorrow?" I asked, taking a sip of my drink. "Yeah. Our flight is at 9 in the morning," she replied. "Your boyfriend must miss you." She looked at me and snickered. "What?" I smirked. "I don't have a boyfriend." "Well that'll change in that dress," I said, pointing to her little black dress. She swatted my shoulder and bursted out laughing. "And I thought Harry was cheeky!" She exclaimed. Her nose crinkled as she held her stomach from laughing. If she didn't have a boyfriend, I'm more than happy to fill that position.

We stood and talk for what felt like hours. Despite being in a loud, crowded club, I almost forgot there were people around. I was focused solely on her. "Would you want to dance?" I asked. "Sure," she smiled. I took her hand in mine and led her to the dance floor. I didn't really want to dance. What I did want was to see her move in that dress. She turned around and began to sway her hips in front of me. I rested my hands on her hips and placed my head in the crook of her neck. Her hand reached around and she tangled her fingers in my hair. We danced until we were both out of breath. We decided to take a break and join the others. "Found them," Liam said pointing to is as we walked up. "Oh, seems as though Niall made a new friend," Louis joked. "It's almost two in the morning. We need to get some sleep before our flight tomorrow," Gemma told Y/N. Y/N sighed and looked over to me. I couldn't help but think she didn't want to leave just as much as I didn't want her to. "I've called us a cab," Gemma said, handing Y/N her purse. "I'll walk you out," I suggested. Gemma walked towards the door and Y/N and I followed her, hand in hand. There was a cab already waiting on then when we reached the side of the road. Gemma climbed in and Y/N looked at me with sad eyes. "When do you think I'll see you again," she asked, still holding my hand. "Maybe I'll make a detour in London before I head back to Ireland," I said, causing a her beautiful smile to appear on her face. "Hand me your phone," she instructed. I pulled it out of my back pocket and handed it to her. She took a picture of herself and typed her number in. "Call me sometime," she whispers as she slipped my phone in my back pocket. "Oh I will," I smiled watching her climb into the cab. She waved at me through the window as it pulled away from the curb. I quickly pulled my phone out and texted her.

"Miss you already. Can't wait to see you again. And hopefully, that little black dress ;) xx"

The End


Thanks, niallersprincess128 for the request! I hope you liked it!

Got any more suggestions?! Comment!

Love you!

Xx Beth

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