Meeting Your Brothers

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You, Niall, and your parents pull up in front of your childhood house. You knew your brothers, Chase(13) and Justin(18), were going to embarrass the crap out of you, so you were preparing yourself. Your mom and dad got out of the car.

Your dad says, "Go on inside and we'll get your luggage."

You take Niall's hand and lead him to the front door. "Okay. Brace yourself," you tell Niall before opening the door. He laughs and follows you inside.

Your house hasn't changed a bit. There's pictures of you and your brothers from school hanging all over the place. You expected your brothers to meet you at the door but they're no where to be found. All of the sudden you hear, "Ow! Justin! Get off of me! You weigh a ton!" They're probably wrestling.

You and Niall walk into the family room and see Chase and Justin wrestling on the floor. "Boys! Knock it off before you break something," you scream.

The boys stop what they're doing and look up at you. "Y/N!!!" They both scream. The jump up and hug you at the same time.

"Hey boys!" "Did you bring us anything?," Chase asked.

"Not this time."

"Well then..."

"Boys... This is Niall," you say introducing your boyfriend.

"Yeah. We know. We notice him from all those posters in your room," Justin says.

Niall couldn't help but laughs and says, "You didn't tell me you had posters in your room."

"That's because I don't! Shut up, Justin!"

"Like heck you do! Your room is covered in them! Come here, Niall. I'll show you."

"No!," you say trying to change the subject, "That's fine. How about we sit down and catch up." You and Niall sit on the couch while your brothers sit on the facing love seat.

"So Niall, what's your favorite movie?" Justin asks.

"I have a lot. But the Godfather is probably my favorite."

"Hmm. Good answer. You like sports?"

"I do. I play football and golf from time to time."

"You like college football."

"Justin, not American football. Football over there is soccer," you inform him.

"Ah yeah. I hate soccer," Justin replies. Niall laughs at his bluntness.

Chase decides it's his turn to ask questions. "Do you like wrestling?"

"It's okay. I used to wrestle with my older brother like you but I beat him up one time, now he won't wrestle me anymore," Niall says.

Chase busted out laughing, "See Justin! One of these days I'm gonna beat you up like Niall beat up his brother!"

Justin scoffs, "I highly doubt that." Justin must've have thought of a good question because he jumped and said, "Okay, I got one! Do you like video games?"

"I love video games. Your sister tells me your a huge gamer."

"Not to brag but yes. Has my sister told you the time she got her hair stuck in a comb the day before her school pictures and my mom had to cut it out of her hair? She had a really short piece of hair that stuck out all the time!"

Niall looked at you and laughed. You knew it was coming. "No but I did tell him the time you wore my pants to school and you didn't notice the whole day," you fired back.

"Touché," Justin said. You won that one.

"Hey, y/n! Can you help me in here?" You heard your mom ask. You leaned over and told Niall you'd be right back.

You looked over at Justin, giving him a warning not to say anything stupid without saying a word. You and your brother had that kind of relationship that you could communicate without saying with just the expression on your face. He looked at you and you could tell he received the message. You walked out of the room to help your mom. "Mom why didn't you take those posters down like I asked?" You pleaded.

Your mom was getting stuff ready to cook for dinner. "Oh I'm sorry, hun. I just got busy. After we're done, I'll help you take them down."

Niall's POV: 

"Okay. One last question. And this is a serious one." Justin asked, staring me down.

"Okay," I said.

"Why my sister? You're rich and famous. You could have anyone you want. Why her?" Justin asked me.

I could tell he was dead serious. "Your sister is special. She's beautiful, smart, funny, independent, strong, and she's everything I've looked for in a girl. I love her more than anything."

"Okay. You seem like a nice guy, but if you hurt her, I will be forced to beat the crap out of you."

"Yeah! Me too!" Chase added.

"I totally understand. I would never dream of hurting her." I told them.

Justin leaned in closer to me,"And don't tell her I said that. I'll jut deny it."


"Now quick, before she gets back, I wanna show you all her posters. It's going to embarrass the crap outta her."  

I followed Justin and Chase to y/n's bedroom. They opened the door and I was appalled. There were I don't know how many posters and cutouts of me and the boys."Oh yeah. I'm going to bug the heck out of her." I told the boys. We all started laughing.

Justin walked over to me and put his arm around my shoulder and said, "I can tell we're going to get along just fine."

The end.


I based this one on my own brothers and how they would act. I hope you liked it! I really liked writing this one!

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