You Give Birth To Your First Baby

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You were pregnant with your first child and you and Niall couldn't be happier. You were 9 months and about to burst. You were counting the days until little Cadence Marie Horan would finally join her mum and dad. Niall had left for the studio for the day, leaving you at home. He was worried leaving you at home alone so far into your pregnancy so he asked Perrie if she would sit with you until he got back. Little Mix was on a small break and Perrie, being your best friend, was more than happy to help out.

You and Perrie sat in the living room and watched movies. You loved hanging out with Perrie. You two were so much alike. You were getting hungry so you got up to go to the kitchen. "Oh y/n, you don't have to get up. I'll fix you something," Perrie said, trying to get you to rest. "Perrie, sit down. I've been on my butt all day. I need to stretch my legs," you say. Perrie sits down and pauses the movie. You walk to the fridge and start looking for something to eat. You suddenly feel a sharp pain in your lower stomach. "Ow!" You scream out. "What happened?!" Perrie shouts, running to your side. "I don't know. My stomach hurts." "Oh my God, y/n! Your water broke!" You look down and see a puddle beginning to form on the tile floor. "Holy crap!! She's coming!" You scream. "Come on! We need to go to the hospital!" "Go and get my bag out of my room! I need to call Niall!" You got your phone and called Niall. "Hey, Princess!" "Babe! She's coming!" "What?!" "Cadence is coming! Perrie's taking me to the hospital!" "Oh my God! Our baby's going to be here! We're going to be parents!" "Okay Niall shut up! Get your butt to the hospital!!!" You hang up and Perrie helps you in the car and she speeds you to the hospital.

Niall's POV:

"I'm on my way!" The line was dead. "Guys I gotta leave! Y/N's going into labor! Perrie is taking her to the hospital right now!" I said as I got up from my stool. I handed my guitar to Louis. "I'll come with you, Niall. We'll take my car," Zayn says. "Well I guess this seasion is over with then," Liam said. We all ran to Zayn's car. I got my phone and called Perrie. She answered immediately. "Niall you better hurry up. They already gave her the epidural. She's about 8cm dilated. She's hurting," Perrie informed me. I could hear y/n yelling in the background, "Tell him to get his a** here! NOW!!" "We're almost there!" "Hurry. She's on the second floor room 204." "Okay." I hung up the phone. "Zayn, ima need you to run these red lights." Zayn zoomed through traffic. You'd think we were in the Fast and the Furious.

We arrived at the hospital. I ran out of the car and into the building. I found the stairs got to the second floor. I saw Perrie standing in the hallway looking for me. "She's waiting. Cadence is almost here!" I walked into the room.

Your POV:

You looked over and saw Niall run to your side. He kissed your head and held your hand. "How are you doing, sweetie?" He asked. "Well besides the fact that I'm about to push an infant out of my vagina, I'm pretty good!" You yell. You were in so much pain. You started to cry. "Niall, I'm scared. It hurts so bad!" "I know, baby. But you can do this. Our baby girl is coming." Just then, the doctor walked in. He shook Niall's hand and checked to see how far you were dilated. "Okay. It's time to push," the doctor says. Niall looks at you and pushes your hair out of your face. "You can do this," he says. You breathe heavily. "Okay. On three," the doctor instructs,"One, two, thr-" "AAAAAHHHHHHH," you scream at the top of your lungs. "You're doing great, princess." Niall saids, comforting you. "You did this to me!!!" You're in so much pain, you're not even aware what you're saying. After all the pushing, you're relieved when you hear the most beautiful sound you've ever heard. You finally hear your baby girl cry. Niall goes over and cuts her cord. He has tears falling down his face. The doctor hands little Cadence over to you. You look down at your beautiful baby girl. You can't believe it. You can't believe how you and Niall could've made something so perfect. Niall sits by you on the bed and puts his arm around you. You both are sobbing. The doctor comes over and takes Cadence to get washed up and to make sure she's healthy. Niall pulls you to his chest. "She's so beautiful, Niall." "Just like her mom. She's perfect." "I can't believe we made something so perfect." "Me either. My life couldn't get any more perfect. I've got you and Cadence. I don't need anything else. I love you, y/n." "I love you too, Niall."

The end



I was thinking about writing one about Niall introducing the baby to the boys and his 'father/daughter moment'. Would you guys be interested? Let me know.

Do you guys have any requests? I plan on writing one about y/n and Niall's wedding day. Idk when but its on my to-do list. If you have any requests, comment and I'll write it. Please no dirty requests though. I don't write hose. I just feel weird and I'm not too good at writing about it. But anything else is fine!

I really want to know what you guys think! Leave questions/comments!

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