You're Perfect To Me

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Niall and I was sitting down on the couch watching movies and cuddling. Niall had a couple of days off so we decided to stay at home as much as we could. We loved having our own privacy. I wanted to watch a scary movie so we rented House At the End of the Street. Jennifer Lawrence is my favorite actress. What's not to love? She's hilarious, a great actress, and gorgeous.

We sat on the couch, all snuggled up. Jennifer Lawrence appeared on the screen and I sighed. "What was that for?" Niall laughed. "Why can't I be Jennifer Lawrence?" I sighed. "Why would you wanna be?" "Look at her. She's gorgeous." "Eh. I've seen better." "What?!" I exclaimed. "You cannot get any better than Jennifer Lawrence! She's perfection. She's beautiful, talented, she has the perfect body, and she's hilarious." "I'm just saying that I've seen prettier girls than her." I rolled my eyes. "Oh yeah?" "Yeah. I happen to be dating a girl that cannot be compared to Miss Lawrence." "Whatever, Niall." "Y/N I'm dead serious. Look at me." I looked up at Niall and met his stare. "You're perfect. You should never compare yourself to any girl, ever. You're everything to me. You're beautiful and you don't even realize it." I smiled and said, "I swear, Niall. If you start singing What Makes You Beautiful, I'm going to punch you in the stomach." He laughed. "I won't do that but I mean it. You're perfect to me." "That goes for Little Things too." "It's gotta be you. You've got that one thing." "Niall. I'm serious." "So come on, come on and let me kiss you." "Those are two different songs you idiot." "Well then can we start it all over again?" "I hate you." We both bursted out laughing. I leaned up and kissed him. "But thank you, babe. You make me feel so comfortable. I love you." "I love you too, princess. Forever and always."

The end.


Sorry for it being so short. My mind went blank. Hahaha

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