How He Proposes

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It was Valentines Day and you knew Niall was going to surprise you all day. You had tried to tell him he didn't have to go all out but, of course, he didn't listen. You were laying in bed asleep when you were awoken by your phone buzzing. You groan, reach over, and unlock your phone. 1 new message: My Love

You throw the blankets off of you and roll out of bed. You feel something beneath your feet. Niall had placed rose petals from your bed to your bedroom door. You went out to the hallway and the rose petals continued down the hall and the stairs. You walked down and they continued into the kitchen. You rounded the corner and saw Niall standing in front of the kitchen table. He had made you the perfect Valentines Day breakfast. He made heart shaped pancakes, French toast, and sunny side up eggs. You smiled from ear to ear. He walked over to you and kissed you gently on the lips. "Happy Valentines Day, Princess." "Happy Valentines Day to you too." He walked you to the table and pulled your chair out. You both sat and ate breakfast together.

The day went on and Niall kept surprising you. He'd bought you a pair of beautiful diamond earrings, a new MacBook, and a beautiful white sundress. "Babe, you don't have to keep buying me things. All I need is you," you explained to him. "I want to buy you these things. I love seeing your face when you open them." "Well I feel like poop." "Why is that?," he laughed. "Because you went out, bought me all these things, and made me a lovely breakfast. All I got you was a watch," you said in a monotone. "I love the watch. It's perfect," he said, making you feel better. "Why don't we get ready and go down to the beach and watch the sunset?" Niall asked. "Aw! That's be so romantic! Give me a few minutes." You ran up the stairs and went to the bathroom to get ready. Niall followed and changed clothes in the bedroom. You decided to put on the dress Niall bought you. "Babe, hurry up! The sun's gonna be already down if you don't come on!" Niall screamed from downstairs. You quickly fixed your hair and came downstairs. Niall was waiting by the door. He looked amazing. He was wearing a yellow button up, beige cargo shorts, and flip flops. He was breathe taking. He looked at you walking down the stairs. "Oh my gosh, babe. You. Look. Beautiful," Niall gasped. "Stop," you blush,"You look amazing." Niall kissed you. "Come on. Lets go."

You and Niall drove to the beach. He led you to the little place that was secluded. When you walked further up, you noticed there was a blanket lying on the sand, surrounded by candles. "Niall. No. You didn't," you said in amazement. "No I didn't. I may have had some help from Liam and Danielle. Well a lot actually. Danielle picked out the dress for you and when you were getting ready, I may have texted them and got them to come here and fix things up a little." "That is so sweet!" You squeal, kissing him on the lips. Niall led you over to the blanket and you both sit down and watch the sunset. You look over to admire the candles when you notice something poking up out of the sand. "Niall. What is that?" "What?" "That over there. It's sticking out." "I don't know." You get up and walk over to the object. You pick it up and look over to Niall. "Niall. It's a bottle and it has a note in it!" "No way! Let me see!" Niall walks over and takes the bottle. "Break it and get the note," you tell him. Niall finds a rock and breaks the bottle. He hands you the note and brushes his hands off. "Here. You read it." Niall says. You look at the note. It reads:

"Dear Princess,

I knew from the moment I saw you, I knew you were special. You're everything I've ever wanted. You're gorgeous, hilarious, caring, and modest. From the way you blush when I compliment you, to the way you laugh at my stupid jokes. You're perfect. You put up with all the hassles just to be with me. I want to make everyday with you better than the last. You're my everything. My world. I want to take care of you for the rest of my life and start a perfect family with you. That's why I want to know, Y/N, will you marry me?"

You're hands were shaking and you were crying your eyes out. You lowered the note and there was Niall on one knee with a little black box in his hand. He opened the box, revealing a beautiful diamond ring. He looked at you with tears in his eyes. "Y/N, will you make me the happiest guy in the world and marry me?" You couldn't say anything because you were crying so hard. All you could do was nod. "Is that a yes?" Niall asked. You nodded and managed to get a "yes" out. He took you left hand and slipped the ring on your finger. You helped him up and he hugged you, lifting you off the ground. "I love you, y/n. So much." "I love you too, Niall!" You and Niall sat back down on the blanket to finish watching the sunset. "You know why I chose this place to propose?" Niall asks. "Well I know that this was our first Valentines Day date we had together," you say. "Yes. And this is also the place where I first told you that I loved you." "Aw! I cant believe you remembered that." "Of course I remember. I was so nervous." "You couldn't have been more nervous than you were just then." You both laugh. "That's an understatement," Niall sighs. "Well I just can't wait to see how you top next Valentines Day," you joked. Niall laughed and kissed your head. He looked out at the ocean. You couldn't help but look down at your ring. You couldn't believe that you were actually engaged to the love of your life. You were seriously the luckiest girl in the entire world.

The end.

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