Your Wedding Day

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Today was the day you've dreamed of ever since you were a little girl. You were marrying the love of your life. You and Niall had been engaged for about a year and a half. It's been a very stressful engagement but today was going to be worth all the headaches. You stood in front of the mirror, looking at yourself in your wedding gown. You couldn't believe this was actually happening. "Y/N, you ready? It's almost time," Perrie says, poking her head in the door. You chose Perrie to be your maid of honor. It was a difficult decision, but you have always been closer to Perrie. "Perrie, I think I might puke." Perrie walks over and rubs your back. "Y/N, just relax. This is your big day. It's all about you." You exhaled and shook all the nerves out of you. "Thank you for being here Perrie. I couldn't have planned all this without you. You're seriously my best friend. I love you." You started to tear up. "Don't you dare cry! You'll ruin your makeup. I'll always be here for you. I love you too!" You two hugged. Perrie looked at you and smiled, "Now. Lets get you married."

Niall's POV:

I was standing at the alter, waiting for things to start rolling. I was a complete mess. I was sweating, I felt like I was going to get sick, I felt dizzy, but most of all, I was nervous. Liam patted my shoulder, "You okay, mate?" "I'm fine. Just really nervous." "It's going to be okay. Once you see her in that dress, you'll be fine." Just Liam and the rest of the guys being up here with me, made me feel better. I couldn't choose a best man, so I had 4 best men. They'd all been there for me. Just then, music started playing and the girls came in one by one, followed by our little flower girl, Lux. Then the wedding march began to play. I looked down the aisle and there she was. I couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. Just when I thought she couldn't get any more gorgeous, here she is, taking my breath away. My mind went back to when I first saw her. I knew she was special and that I had to be with her. I started crying. I couldn't help it. I dreamed of marrying the perfect woman and today I was. Anyone who said no ones perfect, had obviously never met my Y/N.

Y/N's POV:

There he was. Waiting at the alter in his black tux. He was flawless. And he's all mine. I made in to the alter and he took my hand. We turned to face the minister. "We are joyfully gathered today to witness and celebrate the joining of two lives in marriage. Y/N and Niall have come together with the sincere desire that the love which brought them to this union may grow and go out beyond itself into the lives of others. Thus, we ask that the promises and desires of this union be realized. May you both be granted the patience to listen, the capacity to understand, the compassion to give comfort, and the joy to laugh and to just be yourselves. Let your marriage make a home where neither person is ever lonely. Let it offer illumination and the excitement of shared discoveries. Let it be large enough to endure the difficult times. May life's challenges bring you closer together and may you always be able to turn to one another. Please face each other." You turned to face the love of your life. "Do you, Y/N, have anything to say before we go on?" You looked into Niall's eyes. "Niall, today I take you to be my husband. Together we will create a home, becoming a part of one another. I vow to help create a life that we can cherish, inspiring your love for me and mine for you. I vow to be honest, caring and truthful, to love you as you are and not as I want you to be, and to grow old by your side as your love and best friend." You wiped the tears from your eyes. Niall mouthed "I love you." The minister looked at Niall and said, "And do you, Niall, have anything to say before we continue?" Niall pulled out a piece of paper out of his jacket pocket. "I, Niall Horan, love you, Y/N, with all my heart. You are my best friend, my one and only. Since the day I saw you, there has never been a doubt in my mind that one day I will make you my wife, and today here we stand.

Over the past 3 years we have grown together and learnt a lot about each other and I look forward to spending the rest of my life learning a lot more with you. I promise to always be there for you, support you, to always make your life fun and never boring, to show you love, to tell you everyday just how beautiful you are. I love you so much it is hard to put into words. When I hold you, it is not tight enough. When I kiss you, it is not passionate enough. Even my most passionate kisses don't come close to show you how much you mean to me. You are my Wonder Woman, my Little Mermaid, my Goddess and my Queen. When you run up and throw your arms around me, I know that you feel the same as I do and that is the best feeling in the world. I am completely happy and never want that feeling to end. So I stand here today in front of these witnesses, our friends and family, staring into your amazing big Y/E/C eyes, to ask you a very important question; Will you, Y/N, my best friend, my lover, my soulmate and my partner-in-crime be my lawful wedded wife?" He leaned over and wiped the tears off your cheek. You looked at him and said, "I will." Niall then turned to Liam and got his guitar. "I remember you saying how you wanted to be serenaded on your wedding day, so here you go." He started playing Little Things. He looked in your eyes the whole time. When he finished, he handed the guitar to Harry and joined you back at the alter. "Now it's time for the exchanging of the rings." You turned and Perrie handed you Niall's ring. Niall did the same with Liam. You looked at Niall and said, "Niall James Horan, I give you this ring, which to me is a symbol of my love and commitment to you." You slid the ring on his finger. "Y/Full/N, I give you this ring, which to me is a symbol of my love and commitment to you." He glided your ring on. "Do you, Y/N, take Niall Horan to be your lawful wedded husband? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "And do you, Niall Horan, take Y/N to be your lawful wedded wife? To have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?" "I do." "Then may you have many joys, and be the light of each other's days. May all that you are, always be in love; and may all that is love, always be in you. May you always see and encourage the best in each other. May the challenges that life brings your way make your marriage grow stronger. May you always be each other's best friend and greatest love.. Ladies and gentlemen may I present Mr. and Mrs. Niall and Y/N Horan! You may now kiss the bride!" Niall used one hand to grab your waist and the other to caress your cheek. You placed both hands on his face. He kissed you passionately. You never wanted it to stop. Everyone stood and clapped. The boys were cheering. You and Niall pulled away and rested your foreheads on each other. "I love you so much, Mrs. Horan." "And I love you so much, Mr. Horan."

The end.

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