Day Off

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You're laying in bed with your boyfriend, Niall. You've been together for about a year and a half and you couldn't be happier. You roll over and seen that its going on 10:30. You're usually up by now, but it's Niall's off day and you just want to spend as time with him as possible. He doesn't get many off days, but when he does, you make the most of it. You roll on your side and look at a passed out Niall. He was totally knocked out, sleeping on his stomach. You could hear him snoring and you just knew he was drooling on his pillow. You rub his back and he does nothing. You scoot closer and start to kiss his neck.

"Wake up, babe. It's going on 10:30," you whisper.

"Mmm. It's too early," Niall moans.

"You want me to make you some breakfast?"


"I will take that as a yes. You want some pancakes?"


"Pancakes it is." You climb out of bed and go to the kitchen to start the pancakes. You get all the ingredients out when you hear Niall stumble into the kitchen.

"Babe, you don't have to get up. I'll bring them to you," you tell him.

"No. I came to help. If anything, I should be serving you, princess," he said, coming to your side and mixing the ingredients.

"You are quite the romantic, Niall James."

"I try to be." You both make the pancakes and eat them together at the table.

"So. What do you want to do on your day off?", you ask him.

"Doesn't matter to me. As long as I'm with you, I'm happy."

"That's a good answer. You're pretty smooth," you joke.

Niall laughs,"What do you want to do?"

"How about we just relax today? Watch some scary movies and eat junk food," you reply.

"That sounds amazing. Now I know why I like you so much."

You stood up and picked up both of your dishes,"Like? You just lost points, Mr. Horan." You walked over to put the dishes in the sink when you felt Niall's strong arms around you.

He leaned down and kissed your cheek. "Love. I love you, y/n. More than anything. And I love how you're so down to earth. You're perfectly happy watching movies all day with me. That's one of the things about you that I'm crazy about."

You turned around and looked up at him. You placed a gentle kiss on his lips and said, "Okay. You earned those points back. Now go find a scary movie to watch."

"Whatever you wish, your majesty."

As he walked away, you said, "Oh and by the way, I love you too, Nialler." 

The end.

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