Stupid Mother Nature Remastered

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Hey guys!!!! I know I usually put these at the end but I just wanted to say a couple of things before you read this imagine.

I saw that my Niall imagines hit 502K reads! That is freaking AMAZING! I never thought these would be any good. Like, at all. I though I'd be lucky to get 5 reads. I'm still surprised you guys still read these. But thank you guys so much! You guys are the most amazing readers and I couldn't ask for anything better! Your comments always put a smile on my face and they never fail to make my day! I know that I don't post a lot and I wish I could sit and write all day for you guys. I just want you guys to know how much I appreciate and love you!

So since I hit a half a million reads, I decided to rewrite the first imagine I ever wrote. I hope you guys like it!

Also, if you have a favorite imagine or want me to rewrite one, comment below and tell me the title. Time has passed and I have some new ideas for the old imagines I've written. Just let me know!

So I'm going to shut up and let you read this now.

I LOVE YOU ALL!!! xxxxxx Beth



"Hey, babe," Niall practically sang in the phone.

"I'm dying, Niall. Just know that I love you and these past 11 months have been amazing," I whined, throwing my arm over my forehead and collapsing on my bed.

I heard Niall laugh and I could basically see his huge grin on his face. "It's not funny. I'm in pain," I groaned.

"I'm sorry, Y/N, but I think you're being overdramatic," he chuckled.

"Well my uterus is shedding it's lining and the cramps are killing me. You have a penis so you have no idea what I'm feeling now do you?" I snapped.

"You got me there. So I'm guessing we won't be doing anything tonight?"

"The only thing I'm going to do is lay in bed and try not to bleed to death."

"That's too much information," he grumbled. I could only imagine the little disgusted frown he probably had on his face. He's always hated when I got into detail about my period.

"Sorry," I laughed. "I'll keep my period talk to a minimum."

"I would appreciate that. I don't talk about my man problems with you."

"Oh yeah because having a penis is so hard." I heard Niall burst out laughing followed by a "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID". "Oh my God, Niall!! You're nasty!" Niall's cackling almost made me go deaf. I wouldn't be surprised if he peed on himself.

"Oh man! That was hilarious. You walked right in that one, babe," he said, trying to catch his breath. The image of him wiping the tears off his cheeks ran through my head.

"You're a dirty minded freak and I'm going to bed. I'll leave you with your filthy mind and naughty thoughts," I sighed into the phone as I rolled on my side, resting the phone on the side of my head.

"I only think of you, my love," he proclaimed. I rolled my eyes and let out a sigh.

"Goodbye, Niall."

"Bye. I love you."

"I love you too."

I hung up my phone, put it on silent, and sat it on my nightstand. I was not gonna talk to anyone for the next 12 hours or until my cramps stopped. Before I knew it, my head was underneath my pillow and I was fast asleep.


I was awoken my the sound of my bedroom door open and something heavy being thrown on my bed. I slowly pulled the pillow off my head to find Niall digging through a tote bag. "Did I say you could come over?" I groaned, collapsing my head back on my pillow.

"You know you really should lock your front door. Any crazy person could just come in," he said, plopping down beside me.

"Obviously. You got in. And don't go jumping on my bed. I'm still menstruating here."

"That's why I'm here. I've brought you goodies," he said, pulling the tote in his lap.

I sat up and scooted closer to his side, watching him pull things out of, what it seemed to be, a bottomless Mary Poppins bag.

"What all did you bring me?" I smiled as I rested my head on his shoulder.

"Well, for starters, I got you some pads and tampons."

I shot my head up and looked at him puzzled. "You mean you actually bought me lady products?! What about your dignity?!" I exclaimed.

"Well when my girlfriend's' uterus is shedding it's lining, I'm gonna try to control the flow," he smirked. I laughed as he continued to pull items out of his bag.

"I got you some pain killers. I knew you were too cheap to buy name brands so I got some." I rolled my eyes and decided to let him slide on that one. "I googled 'how to help cramps' and it said that heat helps with cramps so I got this heating pad. It's really cool. Which is weird because it's a heating pad. You know?"

"Yes, Niall. Continue."

"Anyway, this has three levels of heat and it has an automatic shut off. The website also said warm water and ginger can help which is why I'm going to make you some ginger tea. Oh and you need to avoid fatty foods but that doesn't mean you can't eat a little chocolate so I got you a snickers."

"You're amazing," I awed, putting my arm through his.

"I just want to help make your next couple of days a little less crappy," he smiled before kissing my forehead. He sat up and plugged the heating pad up. "Now I need you to lay down," he instructed.

I sunk into my bed while Niall held the blankets up and pulled them to my chin. He lifted the blankets so he could slid the heating pad on my lower stomach. "How's that feel?" He asked, pushing my hair out of my face.

"Warm," I chuckled. He smiled and shook his head. He reached down and grabbed something out of his bag and walked to my tv.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I bought you the entire Grey's Anatomy box set. You always talked about how great the show is so I thought I'd check it out."

"You're just full of surprises today."

"I told you, I'm trying. I'm going to make you some tea." He walked out of my room and I heard the sink run shortly after.

I was about 10 minutes into the first episode of Grey's when Niall came back in with a steaming mug. He sat it on my nightstand and handed me two small pills. I popped them in my mouth and he handed me the mug. "Careful. It's pretty warm," he warned.

After I swallowed the pills, Niall carefully took the mug from my hands and sat it back down. I couldn't help but stare at him as he looked around to see if there was anything else he could do. "Niall. Relax. You are aware that I go through this every month. I'm not dying or anything."

"And I should be doing this every month. Just let me baby you."

"Well all this is very nice of you but you forgot something very important."

"What's that?"

"When I'm on my period, I am very clingy so get in this bed, cuddle, and watch Grey's with me."

Niall laughed and took off his shoes before he climbed in the bed beside me. He lifted his arm and I rested my head on his shoulder. He ran his hand up and down my back, tracing small patterns when he got to my lower back. I wrapped my arm around his waist, giving him a hug.

"You really are the most amazing boyfriend," I murmured, taking this moment in.

"You deserve one. You're pretty amazing yourself," he replied, kissing the top of my head.

I felt Niall lean over. When I looked up, he pulled his phone out of his pocket, turned it on silent, and tossed it on the nightstand. We spent the entire day in bed watching Grey's Anatomy in each other's arms. Periods may suck but I'd deal with it everyday if I could stay in bed with Niall.

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