You're Sick

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The sun was streaming through the window and hit me right in the face. I groaned as I pulled the blanket over my head. My head was throbbing and my stomach was in knots. I felt terrible. My phone began to ring on the bedside table. I reached over for it and saw Niall's name light up on my screen. "Hello," I mumbled. "Y/N? You okay?" Niall asked worryingly. "No. I feel like crap." "What's wrong with you, babe?" "My head is killing me, my stomach is rolling and my throat is sore." "It sounds like you just have a cold." "I feel like I'm dying." "I think you may be exaggerating." "Nope. I see the light, Niall," I groaned. "You're insane. Get some rest, dear. I'll be home soon enough," he laughed. "Alright. I'll see you later, babe. I love you." "I love you, princess."

Niall's POV:

I hung up my phone and went to join the guys in the studio. "There you are. Where'd you go?" Liam asked. "I called Y/N. She's pretty sick. Do you think we could cut this session short?" "We've already cut two sessions this week. We can't do it again," Louis groaned. "Yeah and one of those times were for you to hang out with Eleanor so I think we can cut just one more session. Plus, she's sick and I need take care of her." I said putting my guitar in its case. "I think you're whipped there, Niall." Harry laughed. "I may be but she's worth it. I just want to help her feel better. Can I just skip this one session?" I asked looking at each of the guys. "Go on, mate. I understand." Zayn said. "Whatever. If you're leaving then so am I." Louis added. "Just tell Y/N we hope she gets to feeling better." Liam said. "Thanks. See you guys later." I grabbed my things before heading out the door. I hopped in the car and stared making a mental list of things I wanted to get Y/N before I went home.

I walked into the flat and it was silent. There was no television on, no music playing, nothing. I walked into mine and Y/N's bedroom and saw her bundled up in a blanket. The air conditioner and the ceiling fan was going full blast. I walked over and sat the grocery bags down by the bed. I felt Y/N's forehead and she was burning up. I gently sat down beside her and nudged her shoulder, "Princess. I'm home." She moaned. "How are you feeling?" She turned over on her back and faced me, "How do I look?" "Well you always look beautiful to me. What kind of question is that?" "Well I feel terrible." "Have you taken any medicine?" "Babe, I haven't even got out of bed today," she looked at the clock and looked up at me, "What are you doing back so early? I thought you were recording stuff." "We were but I cut it early. I wanted to come home." I noticed she had chill bumps on her arms so I covered her up. "Are you really that cold?" I asked. "I don't know what I am. First I'm freezing then I'm sweating." I felt her forehead again. "You're burning up." I bent over and picked up the grocery bags. "What'd you get?" She asked looking as I put the bags at the foot of the bed. "I stopped and got you some stuff to help you feel better." I began emptying the bags. "I got you some Tylenol for your head and it'll help reduce your fever. Some Pepto for your upset tummy. Some cough syrup and cough drops for your throat. Then I got some random things." "Like what?" She sat up in the bed. "Well I got your favorite tea, some candy, a stuffed panda bear, and I remember how you said you wanted to start a Disney movie collection so I got you Beauty and the Beast, The Lion King, Hercules, and The Little Mermaid to start you out. Oh and the cashier asked if someone was sick and she suggested to get some bath stuff so I went back and got you some lavender bubble bath and bath salts." She looked at me in amazement, "You are the sweetest boyfriend ever. You really didn't have to do all this." "I did. I want you to feel better, princess. Now here," I said opening the different medicines, "take these." I quickly went into the kitchen and got her a water from the fridge. I came back and handed her the water. She popped the pills in her mouth and swallowed them along with the water. She laid back down in the bed and pulled the blanket to her neck. "When you're ready, I'll go and run you a bubble bath. It'll help relax you and make you feel better," I said pushing the hair from her face. She was so beautiful even when she was ill. I don't know how she did it. She looked up at me and smiled, "I have been laying in bed all day, Niall. I'm relaxed. All I want is for you to put in The Lion King and come over here and cuddle with me." I laughed and kissed her forehead, "I can do that." I kicked my shoes off and put the DVD in. I quickly changed into some sweats and crawled beside my baby. I pulled her close to my side. She rested her head on my chest as I played with her hair. She always said how at ease she felt when I ran my fingers through her hair. I just want her to feel better. "How mad were the boys when you left?" She asked tracing small circles into my chest. "Louis was bothered by it but he'll get over it. The rest of the guys were okay. They know how much I love you. They said they hoped you got to feeling better." "You didn't have to do this, Niall. Seriously." "I wanted to. What kind of boyfriend would I be if I knew you were at home sick while I was out hanging with my friends?" "But you were working." "Doesn't matter. You come first. When you're sick, I want to be the one that's here to make you feel better. I love you, Y/N." "I love you too." I kissed the top of her head. If it was one thing I hated about Y/N being sick, well besides her feeling like crap, was that I couldn't kiss her properly. But the only thing I was focused on was making her feel comfortable and I think she was judging my the slight snores I heard coming from her soon after the movie started. I rested my head on hers and slowly drifted off to sleep.

The end


Hey guys! I know I said I'd update Friday but it didn't happen. I'm SO sorry! I wasn't feeling too well. I went to Nashville Wednesday to see 1D and 5SOS and I got sunburned really bad. My legs hurt so bad and I could barely walk. I was exhausted and I just slept all day. Whenever I get sunburnt, I feel awful and it just makes me sleepy and blahhhh. So I'm sorry again.

But yeah I saw 1D and 5SOS and THEY WERE AMAZING!!! As always. But I actually saw Luke, Michael, and Ashton walking around!! Some fans followed them and I got some pictures! There on IG if you wanna see them. But yeah. Hands down the best day of my life!

I'm not sure when I'm going to update yet. I've got an online speech class I'm doing and my pre calculus class starts Thursday so I'm going to be busy. I'll get to update when I can. If I get inspired, I'll post ASAP. Sorry to keep you guys waiting. Pleaser be patient.

I love you guys!


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